Tang Long closed his eyes and felt the power of the stars in the sky. At the same time, he stepped into the realm of man and sword, so as to deeply understand the power of nature and integrate himself with nature.

Gradually, he felt that he and the power of the stars in the sky were fused together, as if he had come to a very strange world!

The world is vast and chaotic!

This seems to be an ocean, boundless ocean!

Tang Long feels that he seems to have become this chaotic ocean, as if the whole ocean has become himself.

Gradually, some strange runes of heaven and earth appeared in his mind. The runes were flying and circling in his mind. At this time, he also felt that his own and the chaotic ocean were more and more closely integrated!

The chaotic sea began to shrink gradually. In the process of contraction, Tang long felt that his whole person suddenly became extremely heavy!

A profound meaning of heaven and earth evolves in the mind.

"the essence of water, chaos heavy water!"

A few words come out of my mind.

More strange runes appeared in Tang Long's mind. The runes are undergoing very strange changes. These changes contain the truth derived from the universe and the meaning of the existence of all things.

In the end, these changes turned into the profound meaning of endless water!

the chaotic ocean is shrinking faster and faster. Finally, Tang Long feels that the original chaotic ocean seems to have completely integrated itself into a mass of water, the essence of a group of water.

At this time, the Tang Long Dan field, the cold force, suddenly between the crazy operation!

The terrible cold force converged into the heavy water. The heavy water suddenly became extremely cold. Then the chaotic heavy water suddenly condensed and turned into hard ice like dark iron!

It was a movement of mind. The ice melted in an instant and turned into a heavy chaotic heavy water again!

Tang Long's mind, all into this strange water.

this group of water is only two meters in diameter, but Tang Long knows that it is the essence of water that combines the meaning of heaven and earth with the meaning of infinite universe. It is the most mysterious mystery of water in this universe.

Chaos heavy water!

At this time, the profound meaning of the existence of this chaotic heavy water is the complete realm of Tang Long's scriptures.

In addition, chaos heavy water that infinite heaven and earth profound meaning of the rune, also deeply engraved in the mind of Tang long.

He knew that he had understood the magic power with Scripture!

Slowly opened his eyes, eyes fell on the palm of the black Yun Tian Jing.

It is black with Tianjing, and turns into a pile of gray powder. The vitality of Tang Dynasty dragon moves, and the breeze sweeps through. The powder disappears with the wind and falls everywhere.

"Chaos heavy water, it seems, is only a kind of the lowest, basic natural magic skill."

In Tang Long's eyes, there was a clear exhilaration.

Although it is only the lowest level of magic skill, it is not the general magic skill. It is the magic skill extracted from the cosmic law after understanding the profound meaning of heaven and earth.

There are weak laws of the universe in this magic art!

The law of water!

"Although this is only the lowest level of magic, but it is very powerful, and its speed is incomparable. At least for me, this is a very practical magic skill!"

Tang Long was very satisfied with the magic technique of chaotic heavy water.

The mind moved slightly.

All of a sudden, on his palm, there was a small group of strange, completely transparent energy!

This energy mass seems to be a mass of water, and even flows slowly all the time!

However, Tang long felt that his palm was suddenly heavy to sink. Such a small pool of water was only the size of quail eggs, and even weighed more than 500 kg. It was hard for him to hold his hands!

"Not bad!"

Tang longyingrui's face is covered with a smile of satisfaction.

The mind moved again, and suddenly, the little water suddenly burst out an extremely cold breath, which condensed the essence of his nine secluded cold power. The cold breath was sent out from the water drops. Suddenly, the temperature of the whole room was suddenly reduced!

Tang Long's mind, once again slightly rotating, the cold breath in the water drops, is actually very magical, wearing into the chaotic fire force!

"With this magic power of chaotic heavy water, my ice fire energy explosion power can achieve the strongest concentration, and it can increase the power by at least 10 times and burst out, and, haha!"

Tang long felt a little bit, and he was more and more satisfied with the magic skill he had realized.

In fact, the magic power of chaos heavy water has very low attack power, and even has little attack power.However, Tang Long is able to give powerful attack power in this chaotic heavy water!

This is a magic magic magic that can fuse all attacks!

"Dong Dong Dong Dong."

Tang Long is feeling the mystery of his own chaotic heavy water. Outside, there is a knock on the door. He realizes that now, with the light of the day, his previous understanding has spent a full night.


He asked casually.

"Good man, why don't you get up so late?" Outside is the sound of the night.

Tang Long went to open the door and looked at the young girl who was so tall and beautiful at the door that he secretly praised: "this ghost girl is really beautiful!"

He held the delicate jade hand of the quiet night and gently pulled her into his arms.

"The door, not suitable!"

Quiet night obedient, nestled in his arms, gently said.

Obviously, she has no objection at all. Tang Long's behavior towards her is just unwilling to be seen by others.

Tang Long lowered his head and nibbled at her pretty face: "goblin, you are so beautiful!"

"No serious!"

You ye left his arms, beautiful infinite horizontal him a look, gently coquettish a voice, with a charming face, with a very sweet smile.

Obviously, she enjoyed Tang Long's praise for her.

Tang Long took her hand: "where's Xianer?"

"I'm going to wait for you downstairs. Now, I should have ordered breakfast." Voice dropped, and jiaochen way: "how to get up so late, it's half a morning!"

Tang Long said triumphantly, "do you still remember the heiyun Tianjing I got yesterday?"

"Black sky crystal?" You night Leng Leng Leng, followed closely, surprised looking at Tang Long: "you mean, you have got a kind of magic power by classics?"

"How clever Tang Long raised his hand and pinched it gently on the jade cheek in the dark night. However, he said with a bit of regret: "unfortunately, this is a kind of magic power obtained only by fully understanding the profound meaning of heaven and earth. It is ethereal and mysterious. It can't be made into a transmission scroll to teach others."

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