Tang Long and Xue Lingyue were in the realm of Jialan at this time. Their place, of course, belonged to the emperor's palace. This time, the students who took part in the competition lived in the same place.

Together, they went to the restaurant door.

There are more people coming and going here. Xuelingyue is pretty red, and he doesn't let Tang long take his hand any more.

Tang Long didn't care.

Two people one after another into the restaurant, Tang long waiting beside, snow leaf month past, played two hearty breakfast, two people eat in a hurry, go to see Gaoyang Ziyan.

Gaoyang Ziyan see Tang long, immediately know why snow leaf month up so late.

She didn't say anything.

The two young people in the family have a heart to heart relationship and haven't seen each other for a long time. Naturally, they will love each other when they meet!

Gao Yang Ziyan looked at Tang Long and asked, "is the development of Tangmen going smoothly now?"

"Not bad."

"That's good." Gaoyang Ziyan nodded and said, "if there is something wrong with Tangmen, you can tell yue'er that if I have time, I will go to help you in person."

"Thank you, master." Tang Long quickly thanks, and his heart is extremely happy.

With the words of Gaoyang Ziyan, Tangmen suddenly has a very strong backing!

After all, Gaoyang Ziyan but the identity of the temple master, strength that is also reached the level of the emperor. Even, the Scriptures are about to break through the level of the holy emperor and reach the existence of the divine realm.

This is a strong backing!

Gao Yang Ziyan sighed softly: "in fact, it is likely that one day, I will also go to your Tangmen, maybe!"

"You'll go too?" Tang Long was stunned.

Emperor's hall is an ancient sect gate, and Ziyan in Gaoyang is a very respectable person in the imperial palace. They are all the master of Shengying hall. How could they suddenly say such a sentence?!

Although the Tang clan is developing very fast, it can't be compared with the imperial palace.

Even if it is controlled by Gaoyang Ziyan, there is no way to compare it!

Tang long thought a little and asked, "master, what happened in the palace of the emperor?"

"This incident has not happened yet, but it will happen sooner or later. It is just a matter of time." Gao Yang Ziyan sighed and changed the topic: "don't say this, I want to ask you, what level of Dan Shi's strength have you reached now?"

"Jiupin Danhuang!"

"Oh, it has reached the level of Jiupin Danhuang!" In Gaoyang Ziyan's eyes, she immediately showed a touch of shock. After a pause, she said, "it seems that you can finally help me refine that kind of elixir, but it is also just needed."

Naturally, Tang long would not refuse to help Gaoyang Ziyan refine the elixir.

"Master, what kind of elixir do you want me to help you refine?" he asked

"This is a kind of elixir that is very difficult to refine. It took my master more than 2000 years to collect all the herbs for refining this kind of elixir. These herbs are extremely rare. Therefore, no suitable Dan master has been found to refine this elixir. I know that your success rate of refining elixir is relatively high. Besides, I have no other choice now, so try it. "


Tang Long nodded without hesitation.

Gao Yang Ziyan's hand, to the classics out of a box: "this box, is all refining this kind of elixir of medicinal materials, Dan Fang is also in it, the name of the pill, called the God of punishment pill!"


When Tang long heard the four words, he stood up in shock.

Gaoyang Ziyan see Tang Long's reaction, but also a little surprised: "you even know the God punishment pill?"

"I've heard of it." Tang Long's face was shocked and disappeared. Looking at Ziyan in Gaoyang, he said, "master, this Tianxun divine pill must not be used by yourself, right?"

"Remember the old man I asked you to treat once? I told you, that's my master. " Gao Yang Ziyan said: "this heaven punishing God pill is what he needs."

Tang Long asked: "so, Shizu's strength has reached the peak of Shenwu with his classics?"

The martial arts practice vitality, will experience nine times of punishment!

For the first time, it is the easiest to pass through the nine punishments, while the second is very difficult to pass.

The first punishment is when the strength reaches the peak of the holy emperor and is about to break through to the realm of Shenwu.

The second punishment is the time when the strength reaches the peak of Shenwu and is about to break through to the realm of divine king.

Generally speaking, the first natural punishment experienced by a warrior is not violent, so they can basically resist the past relatively safely.

When the warrior experienced the second punishment, the success rate was less than 20%. Even some people, after thousands of years, suffered dozens of times of punishment, and finally failed!

If you fail to bear the natural punishment, you will not only have a heavy internal injury, but also after the internal injury recovers, you will not be able to wait for the second chance of natural punishment if you do not devote yourself to practice for three or four years!Tianxun Shendan, which can help the martial arts and successfully resist the punishment of heaven!

A golden elixir can increase the success rate of the warrior's resistance to natural punishment by 40%!

If it is a divine elixir with the quality of holy elixir, it can increase the success rate of resisting the force of natural punishment by 60%!

It's extremely difficult to refine Tianxun pill. Even if it's Danzu, the probability of successfully refining Tianxun pill is less than 50%. If you want to refine Tianxun pill into gold pill or holy pill, it's even more difficult!

Tang Long is confident in his alchemy!

He took the box in Ziyan's hand: "master, I will try my best."

"Don't put too much pressure on you." Gao Yang Ziyan looked at Tang Long and said, "in this box, there are two herbs for refining Tianxun pill. As long as you can refine it into one, you can only see the chance!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Gaoyang Ziyan stood up and looked at the snow and listened to the moon and said, "moon, this training room, let's give it to Tang long. Let's go out and talk."


Snow leaf month agreed a, stood up, and Gaoyang Ziyan together, out of the training room.

Tang Long closed the door of the training room, opened the box, and checked the medicinal materials in the box. He knew that the medicinal materials were absolutely right. Although there were only a few herbs of each kind, they were enough to refine two Tianshen pills.

"Hope to succeed!"

Tang Long sat down on his knees, took out the heaven and earth tripod, put aside all his thoughts, and began to refine the heaven punishing God pill!

Gaoyang Ziyan and xuelinyue wait for Tang long in the hall outside the training room. Meanwhile, Gaoyang Ziyan also tells Xue linyue all the things she hears and her threatening opponents.

In a hurry, two and a half hours passed.

The door of the training room opened slowly, and Tang Long came out of the room.

When Gaoyang Ziyan saw Tang Long come out, she immediately stood up and looked at Tang long, with a touch of tension in her eyes, but with a very obvious expectation.

Xuelinyue is full of confidence in Tang long.

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