Tang Lei refuses to retreat!

He did not know how powerful the power of the stars was.

He beat the little boy before. Now, he feels that he can still beat the little boy.

In the eyes of the little boy, the colorful light becomes more and more bright!

Even, his right arm, also began to burst out dazzling colorful light.

The whole arm of his right hand began to expand gradually under the flicker of the colorful light, and the arm was gradually covered with a layer of strange scales of colorful light!

When Tang Long saw this scene, he suddenly breathed in his heart: "it's OK. It's just that one hand has been changed. The distance is completely changed. There is still a long time for me to completely control it, so I can rest assured."

He turned his head and looked at Lin Ximeng and said, "let's go together and surround the child. Don't hurt his life!"


Hearing Tang Long's order, Tang Kuo and them all surrounded the little boy. In a flash, they surrounded the little boy.

Tang long at this time, but also to let Lin Xi dream of them, a good exercise.

He knew that even though the little boy had only one hand changed, his attack power was definitely more than ten times higher than before.

Tang Long wants to see how powerful the little boy can be at this time. At the same time, he also wants to take this opportunity to try their joint attack and achieve what kind of power!

Tang Long didn't do it himself.

He has the strength of Dandi and the strength of a warrior. If he does it in person, he is confident that he can defeat the little boy even if he doesn't use the beast.

He's waiting!

Wait for the most critical time, will hand!

In the eyes of the little boy, the strange colorful light became more and more bright. The whole person also showed a kind of fierce breath of ancient times!

"Why, why can't you tolerate me? What's wrong with me?"

The roar of the sky, filled with endless resentment, the boy's right hand, in the dazzling colorful light, actually soared more and more long, and turned into a monster's giant claw!

The arms of this colorful light are full of endless strength, just like ancient rattan, covered with colorful scales!

The arm is more than two meters in length, which is much longer than the height of the little boy.

At the front of the arm, the palm became a very terrible dragon's palm!

The dragon's palm is surrounded by the power of the stars and emits colorful light. A fierce hurricane of energy swirls around the palm. It's like a whirlwind. It affects the surrounding air and spins wildly!


With a roar, the terror arm, which is more than two meters long, turns into a star light and shadow towards Tang Lei and them. The space around them is distorted, creating a fierce energy hurricane!

the energy hurricane is so fierce that it even sweeps Tang Lei and them back again and again!

"Since you won't let me live, I won't let you live either!"

The voice of infinite resentment, shaking the sky, the little boy's body, at this time, gradually emerged, strange colorful runes!

Colorful runes around the little boy's body, let him at this time, become a bit vicious and strange!

That terrible colorful arm, toward all directions crazy wave, suddenly, the fierce star power, began to attack Tang Lei and them, one after another!

At this time, Tang Lei's people disperse to attack the little boy with their own magic skills!

Of course, renfei'er is also besieging the little boy.

At this time, she has a new understanding of Tang Lei's strength!

In her heart, she was shocked to the extreme!

Because she found that every one of these young people brought by Tang Long has extremely strong strength. Although Li Dahan, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are much weaker than her, they all have their own most powerful side!

Li Dahan's power is incomparable, and the ability to fight is even more terrifying!

Tang Yang and Lin Xi dream of speed, is to let Ren Fei Er, completely can't believe!

The crowd besieged the little boy, but the little boy had no fear at all. The arms of colorful light were waving wildly, and the phantom of dragon claw with colorful light was attacking in all directions!

This colorful energy is full of powerful and incomparable power. Tang Yang and his followers dare not connect with each other. They can only use their body method and dodge quickly!

The battle is very anxious!

However, with the speed of Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, the little boy is also passive. Under the joint attack of Tang Kuo and Lin Ximeng, the little boy's fierce attack is completely suppressed.

The fighting continued. In a flash, fifteen minutes passed.

At this time, within hundreds of meters of this square, between the heaven and the earth, there is an extremely fierce energy hurricane, the energy of colorful light, sweeping all kinds of energy, whistling and tumbling between the heaven and the earth!Snow leaf month, also joined in the battle!

Although her strength is only superior to the four realms, what she cultivates is the vitality of the eternal fire. Her attack power is also extremely strong, and her moving speed is also very fast!

The crowd besieged the little boy, and the fight was hard to separate!

The voice of the little boy's roar is constantly ringing out. In the fierce and vigorous roar, there is infinite ferocity, with infinite resentment and anger!


Suddenly, in the distant jungle, the sky roars!

Hearing this roar, Tang Long's eyes immediately looked at the place where the voice came from!

He murmured to himself, "finally, when you show up!"

He had long guessed that the little boy would call Titan and great ape, and would surely help!

He asked Tang Lei and them to besiege the little boy here with only one purpose, that is, to attract the giant ape in the jungle, and completely control the little boy and the giant ape in the open land!

If you want to subdue this little boy, Titan and great ape, you can't ignore it!

because of this, Tang Long never participated in the war!

he has to deal with Titan and giant ape!

Tang Kuo and them are still besieging the little boy. They don't seem to have heard the thunderous roar in the distance.

Ren Feier is a little nervous.

While dodging the little boy's attack, he dodged to Tang Lei's side: "Hey, the Titan ape is coming, let's go quickly, otherwise, we will be attacked by the Titan giant ape, but it will be bad!"

Tang Lei takes a look at Ren fei'er. Seeing her eyes, there is a touch of tension and concern. Suddenly, some inexplicable emotions are surging in Tang Lei's heart.

Suddenly, he liked the girl in front of him!

"Don't worry, with the young master there, the Titan ape can deal with it!" He comforted Ren fei'er and attacked the little boy again!

Ren fei'er was stunned.

He turned his head and took another look at Tang long, who was standing not far away. He could not believe that he was a dandy boy who could deal with Titan and great ape

However, seeing Tang Lei and them, they all seem to care nothing about the giant ape. Ren fei'er can only believe that Tang long can deal with the giant ape!

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