Wang Tianjue is dead, Li Huihan is dead, Jiang Yuchen's influence in thunder temple is reduced by half at once!

At this time, Jiang Yuchen didn't dare to say a cruel word to Lei Jinhu. After all, Lei Jinhu, with the help of the powerful emperor of Shengzong and the people of Tangmen, was absolutely capable of killing him!

However, in front of so many warriors in the Raytheon hall, Lei Jinhu did not dare to rush out.

After all, Jiang Yuchen has been developing in the temple of thunder for many years, and has many diehards!

Once we do it now, the thunder temple will surely be flooded with blood. Even if Lei Jinhu can win in the end, the result will surely lead to a heavy loss of the strength of the thunder temple!

Moreover, at this time the situation is completely controlled by Lei Jinhu, why should he be in a hurry for a moment?!

Fortunately, Wang Tianjue and Li Huihan, who were killed, were both masked. At this time, Lei Jinhu and Jiang Yuchen simply came to a place where they didn't know who the dead were. They all planned to pass the test carelessly!

"Come on, take these two assassins and cremate them. No one is allowed to touch their fingers!" Lei Jinhu orders in a deep voice!


Several warriors came quickly, carrying the dead Wang Tianjue and Li Huihan away in a hurry!

Lei Jinhu looked at Jiang Yuchen whose face was extremely ugly and said, "elder, the matter is over. I think we'd better go and have a rest first." After that, he turned his head and looked at Tang Long: "this place has been destroyed. The head of Tangmen can't live here. Let's go to the thunder temple with me!"


Tang Long nodded.

Lei Jinhu was very happy in his heart, but he tried to suppress it.

After all, there will be the last day of martial arts competition tomorrow. He can't be here at this time. He will delay more time. I hope Tang Long and his wife can have a good rest!

You know, the matter of martial arts and marriage recruitment is not only related to Jiang Yuchen of Lei temple!

There's a Vulcan religion behind this!

Tang long, with all the people of Tang clan, followed Lei Jinhu, and soon left here, leaving behind Jiang Yuchen, who was iron faced, and several of Jiang Yuchen's subordinates who worked for him.

Jiang Yuchen, waiting for Lei Jinhu to walk away, turned to look at a warrior behind him: "kill Zhao Shouxin for me!"


The warrior promised to turn around and go quietly!

Jiang Yuchen clenched his teeth, and his eyes showed an extremely cold cold light: "Lei Jinhu, don't think so, you can win. As long as Lei Qianqian marries Huo Pengyang, the final winner still belongs to me!"


the third day of the contest is the last day of the contest.

Today's competition is very important!

Tang Long and his party arrived at the test stand at the bottom of Yuanyang building early in the morning. At this time, there was only the last one left, and the rest of them were almost demolished!

There are only 20 people in the contest today!

Lei Jinhu is the referee of today's competition!

People from Tianlei city gathered under the competition platform early in the morning.

They all want to know, the goddess Lei Qianqian in people's eyes of Tianlei City, who will be the flower in the end!

At this time, the voice of the highest, there are two people!

One is Huo Pengyang, the other is Zhao Tianba.

There are also two, also have a very high voice, one of them is Tang Lei, and the other is called shangguanming!

Shangguan Ming, who looks about 267 years old, is very handsome. Moreover, this Shangguan Ming is also listed in the Tianying list of death flame Island, which is the 68th place, and has the five strength of Shengwu.

None of the 20 people in the final is from the thunder temple!

however, there are three warriors belonging to the fire god sect.

In addition, there are also two warriors belonging to muyetang and Tianshui sect. However, there are seven people belonging to fengsha castle.

In addition to these people, the rest of them belong to the wandering warriors of the burning island of death.

Shangguanming is a vagrant warrior who does not belong to any force.

In the show Pavilion on the top floor of Yuanyang building, Lei Qianqian is still a little nervous at this time.

Although, she knows that Tang Lei's strength is very strong, but after all, Tang Lei only has the strength of Shengwu. Among the 20 people in today's competition, his strength is the weakest!

What's more, today's finals have a lot of luck!

This kind of luck, Lei Qianqian knows, certainly will not belong to Tang Lei, because today's last round of competition order is arranged by Jiang Yuchen. This is the agreement between Jiang Yuchen and Lei Jinhu before, and there is also the threat of Huoshen cult in the back!

"Tang Lei, you must support to the end!" Lei Qianqian stands in the window, looking at Tang Lei, who is ready to start the draw, with Jing on the test bench!

She knew that the draw was fake and controlled by Jiang Yuchen!

Behind her, two beautiful girls came together. Through the window, their eyes fell on Tang Lei on the competition platform. One of the girls in white looked at Lei Qianqian and said, "don't worry. If Tang Lei loses, my brother will support him to the end.""Your brother?" Lei Qianqian wryly smiles and shakes his head: "when do you think your brother will be on stage?"

"I don't know." The girl shook her head.

Lei Qianqian said: "if the first game, your brother's opponent is Tang Lei, what should we do?"


The girl stopped talking.

Her younger brother is shangguanming, and she is shangguanming's elder sister, shangguanqing'er.

Others think that she and her brother shangguanming are wandering warriors. However, only Lei Qianqian and some people know that they are Tianlei city people and Yin hanlie's disciples!

They are Lei Qianqian's elder martial sister and elder brother!

Although Shangguan qinger's strength is weaker than that of her brother shangguanming, she is also a triple realm of Shengwu, and she also has her own place in the hundred flowers list.

She is the fifth woman on the list of flowers.

Next to Shangguan qinger, a girl in a light red dress smiles: "I don't think you need to worry at all."


Lei Qianqian and Shangguan Qing'er, together, turn their eyes to the girl.

This girl is also very beautiful, but she is Yin Tianfeng, the only daughter of Yin hanlie, Lei Qianqian's master.

Yin Tianfeng is the youngest of them. However, her strength has reached the top of Shengwu, ranking 93rd in Tianying list and 7th in Baihua list!

In Yin Tianfeng's eyes, there was a flash of wisdom and a smile: "Qianqian, don't you have any awareness of what happened in the thunder Temple these two days?"

"What consciousness?"

"The Tang clan leader named Tang Long is not a simple man!"

"He is not simple indeed." Lei Qianqian nodded: "even my father didn't expect that he was a Dandi, and he had seven divine beasts, which is really shocking!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!