Lei Qianqian knows that Tang Lei is injured and worried that Tang Lei will suffer losses.

You know, Li Kude is not an ordinary person. This guy is the 41st guy in the Tianying list. Even compared with Zhao Tianba, he is very strong, and he has reached the strength of Shengwu eight!

Moreover, this is the strength of Li Kude two years ago!

Now how strong Li Kude is, she also has no idea!

She glared at Li Kude: "what do you want to do? I can tell you that Li Kude dares to be arrogant in front of Lei Qianqian, but you are not qualified! "

Li Kude bit his teeth hard.

He did not dare to do it to Lei Qianqian. After all, Lei Qianqian is a person from the temple of thunder, and is the apple of Lei Jinhu's eye. He is the treasure that Lei Jinhu holds in his hands every day!

How dare he offend such a man!

However, how can he let Tang Lei go like this?!

For Ren fei'er, he doesn't like a day or two. Since he met Ren fei'er in Xingwu two years ago, he has always been thinking about it. In recent years, he has gone to luoye city to find Ren fei'er.

At first, he thought that he would get Ren fei'er sooner or later with his own strength and a little coercion. However, he didn't expect that for this year's Tianying list competition, he closed his door to practice for only half a year, and Ren fei'er had a Tang Lei around him!

He glared at Tang Lei and said in a deep voice: "it's a man, fight with me!"

"Fight, fight!" Tang Lei glared at Li Wude: "you think I'm afraid you can't be!"

"Good!" Li Kude snorted coldly and was about to say something more. Lei Qianqian angrily rebuked him: "Li Wude, I count three times. If you don't go away, I will say you insult me. I think you should know the consequences of this!"

"One!" she said coldly

Li Kude stares at Tang Lei: "Tang Lei, don't shrink behind a woman and have a good match with me!"

Lei Qianqian said coldly: "two!"

Li Kude's face changed. "Tang Lei, we'll see."


Lei Qianqian this "three" just spit out, Li Kude to turn around quickly and go!

Obviously, he is afraid of Lei Qianqian!

Lei Qianqian saw this guy go away, and immediately he snorted with pride. He turned his head and looked at Tang Lei. He was about to say something. Tang Lei frowned and glared at her. He said, "Qianqian, do you really think I'm not his opponent?"

"Talent doesn't think so!" Lei Qianqian busy soft language explained: "people just worry about your injury!"

"I don't pay attention to him even though I'm hurt!"

"I know!" Lei Qianqian took Tang Lei's hand and sat down together. He was worried that he would be hurt because of his anger. He said in a soft voice: "sooner or later, you will have a competition on the stage sooner or later. When you meet him, you can teach him a good lesson. Why do you have to be angry with him now?"

Ren fei'er said deliberately: "Qianqian, we Tang Lei will not put Li Kude in the eye, you can not underestimate him!"

Lei Qianqian immediately stares at Ren fei'er: "all blame you, if it's not you, can Li Wude come to find Tang Lei?"

Ren fei'er said angrily, "how can I be blamed? I didn't ask him to come! "

Lei Qianqian was about to say something more. Tang Lei suddenly grabbed their hands and pulled them into their arms. He put them in his arms, and frowned: "don't you say that you two have a good relationship? What are you arguing about? "

"We didn't argue!" The two girls immediately blushed and argued gently!

There are so many people around. How nice it is to be held by Tang Lei. He is going to get up from Tang Lei's arms!

Tang Leihu's face, so do angry: "Darling let me hold a moment!"

They were speechless in their hearts!

I want to get rid of Tang Lei's arms, but I find that this guy's arm is so powerful that he holds himself tightly. For a while, he can't get rid of it. However, he has to be in his arms and let him hold him for a while.

Two hearts, but both thumping!

At this time, the competition of No. 5 platform has already started. One of the two people has super strength and reached the nine levels of Shengwu. The other has only the strength of Shengwu, but he is the only apprentice of Tang Long: Tang Xiaohu!

Tang Xiaohu's opponent, named Justin!

Justin was ranked 15th on the Tianying list two years ago!

Today, two years later, four of the top ten in the last year's Tianying list are over their age. If there is no accident, Justin may break into the top ten!

This is a strong guy!

Justin looked at Tang Xiaohu and saw that he was just a teenager. He couldn't help but feel shocked!

People under the stage were also surprised to see that Tang Xiaohu was so young!

When did such a genius appear on the island of fire of death? At such an age, you have the strength of Shengwu, which is too fast!

Justin looked at Tang Xiaohu and said: "Xiaowa, you are not my opponent. I think you should admit defeat and jump out of the stage!"He was absolutely kind.

However, Tang Xiaohu at this time, but want to defeat this opponent.

He wants to show his face in front of Tang Long!

"I'm not going to step down. I'm going to beat you!" Tang Xiaohu said with pride, the body, the dark flame suddenly swept out, directly turned into a, dark flame pagoda!

This is a powerful magic skill: the tower of fire!

This magic skill was taught by Tang long, which was never used by Tang Long himself. It was a powerful and powerful magic skill that Tang Long got when he accepted the inheritance of God King.

This is the only magic skill that Tang Long taught Tang Xiaohu.

After learning this magic skill, the boy always tried to cultivate it. At this time, he practiced the magic skill with Scripture!

Dark flame pagoda, only 20 cm high, burning black death flame, standing on top of Tang Xiaohu.

The dark pagoda is turning slowly.

On top of the pagoda, there is an extremely strong flavor of famine.

An extremely hot energy wind diffused from the pagoda, and the temperature of the whole test bench began to rise rapidly.

Seeing that Tang Xiaohu didn't want to surrender, Justin had to plan to take him off the competition platform.

"Boy, be careful!"

He gave a low voice, a cold to the extreme strength, swept out of the body madly, directly turned into a fierce energy bear, toward Tang Xiaohu, whistling attack in the past!

The energy ice bear is shining with ice and a cold wind of energy. In a twinkling of an eye, it rushes to the place less than five meters away from Tang Xiaohu!


A roar sounded, the ice bear suddenly stood up, a front leg turned into a bear's paw, and attacked Tang Xiaohu fiercely!

An extremely cold energy momentum, through the bear's paw of energy, turned into a dazzling cold light column, and in a twinkling of an eye, Tang Xiaohu was attacked!

Tang Xiaohu hands closed, suddenly rapid change of fingerprints!

Above his head, the dark Tianyan tower suddenly disappeared. The next moment, it appeared directly in front of him.

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