Today is the last day of the competition on tianyingtai.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Tang Long and Li Dahan went to the competition platform of tianguangtai. Now, except him, the only person in Tangmen who was not injured was Li Dahan!

Li Dahan didn't get hurt because he didn't meet the people of Tianshui sect!

naturally, Lei Jinhu also came.

Sitting next to Tang long, he gave Tang long a general account of the martial arts of Tianshui sect.

At present, there are more than 30 young strong men in Tianshui sect. Among them, there are only seven or eight of the most powerful ones. However, after the mutation, the others are very difficult to deal with.

These more than 30 people have one common feature, that is, they can all change their bodies!

Once they are transformed, their combat power will become extremely strong, and they will also become very cruel. If they do not seriously injure the enemy and vomit blood, they will never stop!

Even, without the referee to stop, they will directly kill the opponent!

Lei Jinhu protested against Tianshui sect with his ruthless methods.

Even, people from the other two major forces, Huoshen cult and fengshabao, protested, but the people of Tianshui sect were tough, and the people of muyetang were actually on the side of Tianshui sect!

These people even let out the words: "who has the ability, can also use such means to seriously injure the opponent, because, the competition of Tianying list has never stipulated that it is not allowed to seriously injure the opponent!"

Facing the tough attitude of Tianshui sect and muyetang, the other three forces are quite dissatisfied!

But on this day, we can only endure for a while.

After all, no matter how important the contest is, it is absolutely impossible for the five major forces to turn their backs here, because none of us is ready to turn the tables. Under mutual checks and balances, no one dares to act rashly!

But at this time, their own hearts, have a strong anger!

Today's competition begins with classics!

Tang Long glanced at the 14 competition platforms, looked at Lei Jinhu and asked, "which of these people is from Tianshui sect?"

"The champion of the No.5 competition arena is the man of Tianshui sect. He is now ranked No.58. He obviously has preserved his strength. After his transformation, his fighting power is extremely strong." Lei Jinhu looked at the man and said in a deep voice: "it was him yesterday who seriously injured Xue Lingyue. If it wasn't for the referee at that time who was from Lei temple, then the girl --"


Tang Long snorted and interrupted Lei Jinhu!

A touch of cold killing, from his body burst out.!

After listening to Lei Jinhu's words, he didn't have to guess. If it wasn't for the referee, yesterday's snow listening month might be extremely dangerous and even unexpected!

"I'll kill him first!"

With that, Tang Long walked toward the No. 5 test bench.

But Lei Jinhu stopped him: "be careful, that guy's combat power is very strong after his transformation, and his defense is stronger. Even compared with Li Kude yesterday, he is several times stronger."

"How strong is it?"

Tang Long's eyes, showing a sharp cold!

No matter how strong it is, can it reach the level of king? Even if it has reached the level of king, what should it be!

If you hurt a leopard, you can only die!

In a twinkling of an eye, he went to the bottom of the test bench.

In yesterday's challenge competition, after killing Li Kude, he did not come to power again, so his ranking in the Tianying list also dropped a lot, at this time, Yijing fell to 95th place.

However, because his strength is there, in this case, there is no special reason, his ranking in the Tianying list will not continue to fall.

After recording the basic information from the recorder, Tang Long directly jumped onto the competition platform.

At this point, the referee jumped off the competition platform and watched it on the edge of the competition table.

The name of Tang Long's opponent, named loredens, is a middle-aged man in his early 40s. He is about the same height as Tang long. With a fierce look on his face, he stares at Tang Long: "boy, you want to challenge me!"

Tang Long looks at lordons, Yingrui's resolute face becomes cold and cold!

The fierce murderous spirit on the body also broke out!

Naturally, he will not be merciful to the guy who hurt Xue linyue, let alone those people of Tianshui sect who seriously injured Tangmen people one after another. For these people, he must teach them a good lesson today!

On the body, domineering and powerful momentum, suddenly burst out, hands together, directly display the seal of the real dragon!

His strength, suddenly crazy soaring!

In a short time, it is from the extraordinary seven to the extraordinary nine peak!

Lorston felt the momentum of Tang Long's body, but in his eyes, there was a flash of disdain. He snorted coldly: "even if there is a way to improve the strength, how can he be my opponent?"Under the competition platform, Lei Jinhu is also a little worried.

Although he knows that Tang Long's strength is very strong, but Tang Long's opponent at this time is really too weird!

Next to Lei Jinhu, Lei Qianqian and Ren fei'er are also very nervous, and Yin Tianfeng and Shangguan qinger are also a little nervous!

They all gave up the competition after seeing Xue linyue was seriously injured yesterday, but they all watched the contest and knew that the guys of Tianshui sect were really powerful!

On the stage, lorston also broke out with great momentum.

His strength, in fact, is not very strong, but Shengwu five.

Of course, he did not change at this time.

Staring at Tang long, a fierce look in his eyes was revealed. A gray vigor burst out from his body, which immediately filled the whole competition platform!

There is a kind of extremely ferocious savage breath in this gray vigor, among which, there is a trace of the strength of famine!

"Death claw!"

A burst of drink sounded, lolston's hands, suddenly toward Tang long, lightning like grasp in the air.

All of a sudden, the gray energy swept out and turned into dense energy ghost claws. With the sound of whistling, it came towards Tang Long's overwhelming attack. It was like a hundred ghosts howling and extremely cruel!

In Tang Long's eyes, a cold and murderous air flickers out!

The fire of chaos and the force of nine you and cold weather are exerted at the same time!

Suddenly, the ice fire energy turned into a rolling energy torrent, which directly swept out from him.

Under the competition platform, Lei Jinhu saw that Tang long had exerted these two completely opposite energies. For a time, he was shocked and couldn't close his mouth: "well, what's the matter? This guy has cultivated the two opposite energies of ice and fire, and has actually used them at the same time

"Isn't he afraid to bite back?"

Lei Jinhu was shocked. Many people on the stage were also shocked.

Even in the middle of the 14 competition platforms, the eyes of the twenty sages were obviously shocked. Their eyes fell on Tang Long!

Tang Long's opponent, lorston attacked, and the dense energy ghost claws, watching, bombarded Tang Long's eyes!

"Fengnai Zi Jue, explosion!"

Tang long burst into a drink!

Suddenly, the power of the golden flame and the cold energy suddenly converged and turned into one by one, which was more than 20 meters high, just like a mountain! , the fastest update of the webnovel!