At 11 o'clock the next morning, Tang Long took Xue linyue and Li Dahan, along with Lei Jinhu, to the central square of tianguangtai for a two-day exchange meeting.

After the exchange meeting, there will be a competition on the top of the list.

During the two-day exchange meeting, the five forces of the death flame island are all very important to see, because many of the problems accumulated in the two years of the death flame island will be solved at this time.

Moreover, some of the enmities accumulated among the five forces will also be here to seek solutions.

Tang Long is also very interested in the two-day exchange meeting.

He would like to see how the five forces of the death flame Island keep balance and how to solve the various enmities between each other.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, there were many outstanding disciples killed in tianyingbang!

The younger generation of Tianshui sect killed so many outstanding young disciples of other forces on the competition platform. There should be a saying.

Tang long wanted to see how the water clan explained it.

Of course, there is another important thing to be determined in the two-day exchange conference, that is, to determine the list of people going to the ghost land!

It's simple.

The top 100 people on the Tianying list can go to the ghost land after seven days. Even those who are injured can also attend as long as their injuries do not affect their actions.

If the injury is too serious to go, you can also leave the position to others.

Every exchange meeting should be presided over by someone.

The task of presiding over this year's exchange meeting is the turn of Tianshui sect.

When Tang Long and they arrived at the central square of tianguangtai, a huge tent was arranged here.

Tang Long walked into the tent and saw that it was extremely spacious.

There are 200 tables on each side of the tent. These tables are divided into four rows. Each row has 50 tables. In the whole tent, there are eight rows on the left and right sides. All of them add up to 400 tables.

The table is very big. There are two chairs behind each table.

In the middle of the tent, there is a very spacious corridor, which is more than three meters wide.

At the end of the corridor, directly in front of the tent, there was a row of twenty tables, and behind each table was a large and comfortable chair.

These 20 chairs are the positions of the martial arts in the realm of the holy sect among the five forces.

The positions on both sides of the aisle are for the rest of the five forces.

Lei Jinhu's position was naturally in the front. He took an elder of Lei temple and sat down at the third table in the left front row. Tang Long and Xue Lingyue sat in the row behind him.

Li Dahan and an elder of thunder temple are sitting in the row behind Tang long.

At this time, the martial arts of other major forces also came in succession, and the 20 powerful sages of the five major sects all arrived in succession. Naturally, they sat in the front position.

There were more than 800 chairs in the whole tent. At this time, all of them were full of people.

The leader of Tianshui sect, shuihanshan, presided over the conference.

Shuihanshan looks as old as Lei Jinhu. Of course, their real age can't be judged by their appearance.

The real age of shuihanshan mountain is over 300 years old!

His strength, even stronger than Lei Jinhu, is the strength of the ninth emperor!

Lei Jinhu is the seven strength of the emperor.

Shuihanshan stepped out of his seat and stood at the front of the corridor. He first bowed to the front row of twenty saints. Then he turned around and glanced at all the people sitting in the front row.

With a faint smile, he said: "this session of the star and martial arts exchange meeting is in charge of Tianshui sect. In order to make everyone happy in these two days, and to enhance the feelings between the five forces of my death flame Island, I also spent a lot of thought."

After a pause, he said, "first of all, it's the twenty-eight rites of Tianshui sect."

Sitting behind Lei Jinhu, Tang Long was a little curious when he heard the twenty-eight rites mentioned by shuihan mountain. He turned his head and looked at another table beside him. An elder of Lei temple asked, "what is twenty-eight rites?"

"This is a famous etiquette of Tianshui sect." The elder explained: "Tianshui sect has a secret method of raising animals. It uses 9981 kinds of rare medicinal materials to raise some rare Warcraft. Then the blood of these Warcraft animals will have a very special effect."

"As long as a drop of this blood, drop into the wine, people drink, it will be able to play a strong bone forging strange effect, very rare and rare!"

After listening to the elder's words, Tang Long couldn't help but think of those mutated martial artists of Tianshui sect during the contest.

In his mind, he suddenly guessed: "are those who have changed martial arts have something to do with the so-called twenty-eight rites? Otherwise, how can they become Warcraft when they compete? Even, the smell of Warcraft is coming out"The martial arts of Tianshui sect are so cruel in the previous competition. How can they be so polite and polite at this time? Is there any danger in these twenty-eight rites? "

Thinking of this, Tang Long's heart was suddenly alert.

At this time, twenty eight Tianshui martial artists came in one after another outside the tent.

Each of them had a big red wine jar in his hand. All the way, these people came to the table and poured the wine out of the big wine jar into the wine bowl on the table.

Each bowl, will pour into each big wine jar in a little wine!

When the 28th man passed the last bowl, the big wine jar was empty, and all the bowls on the table, each bowl, had been mixed with 28 kinds of wine!

In every wine, there is a special blood of Warcraft!

28 kinds of wine, mixed with the special blood of 28 kinds of Warcraft, suddenly, all of them have extremely mysterious medicinal power!

This is the twenty-eight rites of Tianshui sect!

Of course, it's not over!

After the wine was served, 28 martial artists began to serve dishes to each table from the space ring. Actually, there were 28 dishes on each table. Every dish was a kind of meat of Warcraft!

The meat of these Warcraft, all send out all sorts of strange medicine fragrance!

The medicine fragrance diffuses, suddenly in the entire tent, is the fragrance overflowing, lets the human smell, is relaxed and happy!

Xue linyue looked at the 28 small plates on the table with 28 dishes and smelled the extremely good smell. Her eyes suddenly showed a strong sense of curiosity and obvious joy.

This dish looks very beautiful.

What's more, the taste of every dish is so fragrant and delicious! , the fastest update of the webnovel!