Longying back body stopped, body, directly burst out extremely dazzling red flame!

In this red flame, but also contains the rolling black smoke, and, a green strength, there is a cold piercing strength, also swept out at the same time!

Longying is an Archean beast jiuying. Jiuying can attack with nine different energies at the same time!

Such an attack is extremely powerful!

At this time, although longying is still transformed into a human figure, or the form of a beautiful girl, she can also use all kinds of energy to attack, which is the strongest attack of longying!

With a flash of body shape, longying, in the rolling flames and smoke, is heading for the pig Gang hyena in front of her, and in a twinkling of an eye, she is next to the pig Gang hyena!

"Tear nine days!"

A Jiao reprimand rings, long Ying displays the magic power skill that oneself understands.

Before that, in the wild city, all the gods and beasts of Tang long had been to the animal spirit space.

Long Ying came out of the animal spirit space. At that time, although she didn't fully understand the magic skill of tearing the nine days apart, after growing up and practicing in the heavenly spirit garden, now she has fully understood the magic power!

Only see, dragon cherry body, all kinds of energy swept out, directly into nine strange energy giant hands!

Each energy giant hand, condenses with the different energy!

The energy giant hand soared rapidly, each giant hand was more than 10 meters long, directly through the rolling dark strong wind, and accurately grasped the wings of the giant ROC ghost beast in front of us!

Every wing of Dapeng ghost beast is grasped by four powerful hands!

Then the giant energy hand, directly toward both sides, tore and opened. At the same time, the giant energy hand was still soaring wildly. Suddenly, the wings of Dapeng ghost beast were stretched out by the giant energy hand!

Long Ying's eight energy giant hands firmly control the wings of Dapeng ghost beast, but there is still one energy giant hand left!

This powerful hand is full of piercing cold energy!

The giant hand turned into an energy giant fist. With the extremely powerful and icy strength, the giant fist smashed at the head of the Dapeng ghost beast!

The Dapeng ghost beast just had a fight with pig ganghya. A pair of wings were controlled by the huge energy hand. It was impossible to escape. In a hurry, they opened their mouth directly. A dark lightning with a diameter of more than one meter was sprayed out of the mouth!

Dark lightning, hard bombardment in the cold energy fist above!


The sound of roar is like thunder. In the roar of strength, the energy giant fist condensed by the ice cold energy of longying was shattered by the black lightning, turned into a cold energy wind and spread around!

At this time, pig Gang hyena's nine teeth harrow, with the sharp wind, from the high altitude toward the ROC ghost beast!

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the strength is more than a kilogram!

The rake was impartial and fell on the back of Mirs!


The huge body of Dapeng ghost beast fell down from the bottom by bombardment. However, because longying's other eight powerful hands grasped the wings, they could only bear the harrow of pig gang hyna!

When the rake fell, nine deep holes were raked out of the back of the Dapeng ghost beast!

At this time, long Ying's eight huge energy hands, tightly grasping the wings of the mires, are also mercilessly tearing at both sides!


The wild ROC ghost beast was pulled a shrill hiss!

A pair of wings of Dapeng ghost beast shrunk back, trying to get rid of the attack of longying's eight powerful hands. At the same time, it opened its big mouth and attacked longying with black lightning!

But longying once again condensed the ninth energy giant hand, turned into ice cold energy giant palm, and resisted the black lightning from the bombardment!

At the same time, pig Gang hyena's rake also attacked the dark lightning of Dapeng ghost beast.

The two beasts joined forces to smash the dark lightning of Dapeng ghost beast directly. Then, the rolling black light and cold strength converged at one place and fell on the head of Dapeng ghost beast again!


Dapeng ghost beast's head, actually has been bombarded to appear innumerable crack!

Long Ying and pig Gang hyena's attack is still continuous!

Wujin's rake whistles and dances, and the icy energy giant fist also blows out again and again, bombarding the cracked head of Dapeng ghost beast!

More than a dozen non-stop attacks!

Finally, the head of Dapeng ghost beast was smashed by bombardment!

At this time, longying's other eight big energy hands, holding the wings of the mires, tore at both sides!

The wings of the Dapeng ghost beast were torn apart directly. Then the mire ghost beast exploded in the air and turned into a dark energy and disappeared without trace!

Pig Gang hye and long Ying killed Dapeng ghost beast, and pig Gang hye is also a little proud.After receiving the magic skill of the golden body, he flew to Tang Long with a grin of pride: "boss, I'm fierce!"

"Not bad!" Tang Long smiles.

He knew that this pig liked to be praised by others, but he didn't mind praising him at this time!

when he got the praise from Tang long, Zhu ganghya turned to look at longying: "yingzi wife, our cooperation is the most tacit understanding in the world, and the two of us are also the best match in the world!"

"I know how to boast, and I'm not afraid of the boss laughing at you!"

Longying said a little helplessly. She grabbed pig ganghya's hand and went back to Tianling garden directly.

Tang Long rode the red flame lion and continued on his way.

In a twinkling of an eye, the distance of 20 kilometers is the past. Tang Long asked the red flame lion, "where is the Tiancai treasure you found?"

Red flame lion said: "should be in front of that dark mountain behind."

Tang long looked ahead. Not far ahead, there was the top of a dark mountain. After that, it was behind the dark mountain.

"I hope there will be a big harvest!"

Thinking secretly, I saw the red flame lion carrying him and flying over the top of the dark mountain.

From a distance, there is a cliff in front of us!

"It should be half way up that cliff." Red flame lion road.

"Go down and have a look!" Tang Longlian said


The red flame lion answered, and the flame of the eternal fire roared out directly.

It flies towards the cliff rapidly, but it has just flown a hundred meters. In the middle of the cliff, in a dark cave, dozens of powerful forces suddenly roar from the cliff!

the rolling black momentum swept out of the cave!

Then Tang Long saw that there were more than a dozen fierce wolves in the dark!

The whole body of the giant wolf is dark. It has dark wings, a pair of eyes and blood red color. It is roaring and flying towards Tang Long!

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