"Not bad!"

Tang Long was also quite satisfied with the battle with the wolves and beasts.

Of course, what he is looking forward to is the natural material and treasure that he will get soon.

Sitting on the back of the red flame lion, together with some of his beasts, flew carefully towards the dark cave half way up the cliff.

Seeing that in order to get to the entrance of the mountain, Tang long, in order to be cautious, condensed his own personality.

I jumped down and fell into the cave half way up the cliff.

The golden monkey also landed at the mouth of the mountain with sutras, and then several other magical beasts of Tang Long also fell on the dark cave entrance.

Tang long, riding a red flame lion, also fell down.

Looking into the cave, it was completely dark.

However, there was no dangerous smell in the cave at this time.

"It seems that all the wolves, ghosts and beasts in this cave have been killed. In this cave, it should be safe."

Tang Long made a careful exploration of the sea. He did not find any danger, but he still did not dare to be careless.

In such a place, if you are not careful, you may pay a great price.

He set his own self in the front of the road, followed by golden monkey, Golden Phoenix and long Xuan, followed by pig ganghya and longying, and then red flame lion and snow wolf king.

Tang Long is at the end.

Entering the cave, there is a long passage ahead.

The passage is more than 30 meters.

There is a corner at the end of the passage. Tang long just turned this corner. In front of him, there was a dazzling silver light. However, there was not any smell of Tiancai Dibao!

Even Tang Long didn't notice the energy fluctuation.

"What kind of material can this be?"

Tang Long is looking forward to it!

He continued to go along the passage, about forty or fifty meters away, and made another turn. In front of him, a cave appeared.

The cave is not big, but very high!

The cave is very open, with a small tree shining silver in the center.

The tree is more than 20 meters high!

There are many strange silver shining fruits on the tree. Each of these fruits is only the size of red jujube. The fruit looks completely transparent. There are small and strange runes on it.

"What a strange fruit

Tang Long walked over and carefully observed the fruits that glittered with silver!

There are so many fruits on the tree!

Tang Long probably counted it, but there are as many as three or four hundred!

After a careful exploration, Tang Long soon found that these fruits are not poisonous and contain no trace of energy, but they contain extremely strong strength of famine!

"There will be fruit, containing the power of the great famine!"

Tang Long is very curious.

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Red flame lion, with classics in looking at this one after another of the silver shining fruit, in the very expectant whine.

Golden monkey is also scratching the ears and scratching the cheek, it is very urgent!

Pig Gang hyena is more salivary!

Obviously, these animals want this fruit very much.

"Is this fruit useful to the beast?" When Tang long thought of it, he immediately felt that it was possible.

Although the martial arts can't absorb the power of the flood and famine at all, in some special circumstances, the force of the flood and famine can be retained on the divine beast for a period of time, and during this period, the divine beast can absorb the energy and grow rapidly with the help of this force!

"Don't worry, you can't take the fruit until you leave here!"

Tang Long looks at his own beast way.

He knew that these animals might fall into a deep sleep after taking these strange fruits.

The environment here is very dangerous. If the god beast sleeps, if he encounters a more powerful ghost beast, if he can't cope with it, it's not very bad!

He took a name for the unknown fruit: Honghuang silver fruit.

He took out a large jade box and picked up all the silver fruits from Honghuang and counted them. There were 357 of them!

These wild silver fruits were carefully preserved in the box, and then the box was put into the space ring.

Tang Long was very satisfied with the harvest.

Although the silver fruit can only improve the strength of Warcraft, it is also quite good. After all, if the fighting power of Tang Long's beast can be improved, it will be of great help to Tang long.

What's more, there are so many silver fruits!

With Tang Long's knowledge and understanding of all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, he knew that although Warcraft could not take a lot of these fruits at once, it would be no problem to take one such fruit every six months or a year.

He took all the gods and beasts into the Tianling garden, leaving only the red flame lion. Then, Tang Long sat on the back of the red flame lion again and went out from the cave to continue to search for the natural materials and earth treasures.With this harvest, Tang Long is more and more looking forward to this ghost land.

However, the next time, Tang long did not have any harvest, which made him a little disappointed.

Riding the red flame lion to fly forward.

I saw that there was no dim light between heaven and earth. Obviously, it was time for night. Because of the thick black clouds in the sky, there was no trace of starlight and moonlight at this time.

The sky and the earth became dark.

Tang Long takes out a Moonstone, lights up the surroundings, and smashes a cave nearby to rest.

In the cave outside the layout of the defense array, Tang Long cross knees sit down, and then through the huixinmen contact little leopard Xue Lingyue: "moon, what's your general situation there?"

"We're fine here." "What about you?" the little leopard said

"On my side, I met several ghost beasts, and they were all killed by me, but I also had some harvest. I got a kind of fruit that can enhance the fighting power of Warcraft."

"It's wonderful that you should have achieved so much!"

"You must be careful. If you are in danger, let Tang Kuo protect you and contact me immediately. I will go there directly."



they continued for a while, and Tang Long sat down with his knees crossed and practiced hard.

However, Tang was still searching for the earth's treasure in a hurry, and the next day, he found that he had nothing to do with it.

He was a little disappointed.

I thought that there were many natural materials and treasures in this ghost land, but he rode a red flame lion and flew in the air to look for it. After looking for it for so long, he didn't get much!

On the third day, he continued to search for natural materials and treasures.

However, seeing that the day had passed, Tang Long still had nothing to gain. He was feeling discouraged. Suddenly, he saw the black clouds rolling in front of him, and a mountain like heavy imposing momentum was coming towards this side through the rolling black clouds!

"What a mighty momentum

Tang long felt the momentum from the boom, and his heart was also a little shocked.

This is the strongest momentum he has encountered since he entered the ghost land. Even in this momentum, there is a very strong breath of destruction and death. It seems that there is a hell Shura hidden in the rolling black clouds ahead!


The roar of the sky, from this rolling black clouds ring!

The rolling black clouds, seeing the distance from Tang Long is less than 100 meters, in the dark clouds, dense dark figure, flying towards Tang Long!

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