Tang Long went to Yin hanlie to continue to study the array.

Yin hanlie's poison and internal injury have been relieved. However, it is not easy to recover his strength due to 300 years of poisoning and 300 years of internal injury.

After the recovery of this period of time, Yin hanlie's strength has also been improved a lot by classics, and has been restored to the realm of the holy king jiuzhong.

With this look, his strength can be restored to the realm of the emperor.

Because of the recovery of his body and the gradual recovery of his strength, Yin hanlie is more eager to rescue his wife Huo Yingting who is trapped in the array.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Yin hanlie immediately said, "Tang long, I know you have a deep knowledge of array, but now, we have not studied all the arrays. I'm afraid it is difficult for you to understand this array thoroughly."

Tang Long doesn't have to guess what Yin hanlie is thinking.

Obviously, Yin hanlie wants to go with him to save Yin hanlie's wife and take the risk to crack the array at that treasure location.

Of course, Tang Long is willing to go to the treasure land.

At present, the array they studied is not complete. It is really difficult to develop a complete array by virtue of this. Moreover, Tang Long also hopes to go to the place where the treasure is hidden.

Anyway, he has a heart of wisdom. Even though the array is mysterious, he will never die!

He looked at Yin hanlie and asked directly, "are you going to take me to the place where the treasure is hidden, to break the array and save your wife?"

"Yes." Yin hanlie nodded and looked at Tang long, with a touch of pleading in his eyes: "I know it's very dangerous to take you like this, but I really can't bear to let my wife continue to be trapped in the array."

"I promise you." Tang Long smiles: "when shall we start?"

Yin hanlie didn't expect that Tang long promised to be so straightforward. A surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes: "are you really willing to take risks with me?"

"Of course Tang Long said directly: "I want to study this array thoroughly, and I also hope to save your wife. Of course, I hope to know what the treasure land is like!"

"If you can save my wife, and also help her detoxify and heal, then everything in the treasure is yours. When I get to the treasure land, I won't get a cent of anything!"

"When shall we start?" Tang Long asked.



Tang Long nodded. In his heart, he was expecting something.

Let's not say what the treasure land will have. Just this array will make him very excited because it is too mysterious. If he studies it thoroughly, he can learn a very powerful way to arrange the array!

Tang Long doesn't just want to learn this kind of array, he wants to learn this kind of array!

If you can learn this kind of array, you can even make use of the five elements of heaven and earth, and use Qimen dunjia to make a tower of sand and become a soldier!

Next, Tang Long also made a simple preparation. Then he went to the little leopard xuelinyue and asked her to wait in Tianlei city. The next morning, he and Yin hanlie set out on a red flame lion!

Two days later!

On the third day, they reached the top of a big mountain!

The red flame lion fell from the sky.

Tang Long and Yin hanlie jumped down from the back of the red flame lion. Tang Long turned around and looked around on the top of the mountain. It was obviously the highest mountain around.

Turning his head and looking at Yin hanlie, he asked, "is this where the treasure map is located?"

"Not bad." Yin hanlie nodded, then took out an old treasure map and handed it to Tang Long: "this is the treasure map. You can see it."

Tang Long took the treasure map, took it and looked at it. Suddenly, a touch of curiosity appeared in his eyes: "it's so magical. It seems that there is a psychedelic array here, covering everything here!"

"Not bad." Yin hanlie nodded: "the array arranged here is really mysterious."

"Let's go first."

Tang Long said no more. According to the instructions on the treasure map, he went behind a rock and found a very strange Rune pattern on a huge stone.

Yin hanlie came over and said, "this is the pattern to open the array."

"You start the formation!" Tang Longdao.

Yin hanlie didn't say any more. He directly gathered his energy and released the array arranged on the top of the mountain according to the method of the treasure map.

After the array was removed, Tang long felt that everything he saw had suddenly changed in a very mysterious way. In a short time, the original mountain top disappeared.

Now, he is standing in a very flat and wide place!

Surrounded by mountains and clouds, you can't see the edge!

In addition, under the white clouds, mountains are surrounded by white clouds. The trees on the mountains are luxuriant, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is a hidden paradise!"This array is amazing!"

Tang Long looks at everything in front of him and feels like a dream!

He couldn't even tell whether it was a real environment or a dream environment. He couldn't help but wonder: "I didn't expect that there was such a wonderful array using the natural energy of heaven and earth in this world!"

At this time, Yin hanlie pointed to a path in front of him: "go, this is the entrance."


Tang Long nodded and went with Yin hanlie to this path.

Two people's feet, just stepped on the path, suddenly, the surrounding scene, again changed, and even, the surrounding mountains, and the lush trees, actually covered by white clouds, slowly moved up!

Even the ground under Tang Long's feet, even the path, is moving strangely!

"This array is really amazing!"

Tang Long was more and more surprised.

It doesn't matter whether the array has attack power, but the magic movement can make people lose touch of the direction immediately.

This array, can completely trap people in the array, never want to go out!

Yin hanlie said to the Tang Dragon: "this array is not only effective on the ground, but also completely covered in the air. Even if you fly into the air, all the scenes will change constantly. Every few steps, there will be a change immediately, and you will be completely lost!"

"We still follow the array changes we have developed." Tang Long said: "we'll talk about it in the array first."


Yin hanlie nodded.

Next, Tang Long and Yin hanlie, while walking along the path, began to observe the changes in the surrounding environment.

Soon, there was a three fork in the path under their feet, and then there was another three fork in the road not far ahead. When they reached the three forks, they could only walk on a road with one foot. Everything in front of them changed immediately.

In this constantly changing environment, they can not even be sure of the southeast and northwest!

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