"We have to seize the time to study the magic of heaven!" Tang long thought secretly.

Next, Tang Long returned to Fengtian City, and then went to Nanli Dynasty directly through the transmission array, and found Xiao Yihan and his five subordinates.

Xiao Yihan and his five subordinates are all at the level that the classics are the realm of the sage king. Even Xiao Yihan's strength is that the classics are the seven levels of the sage king, and are about to reach the eight level of the saint.

Seeing Tang Long's sudden arrival, Xiao Yihan didn't know what he was doing. He asked curiously, "why did you come here?"

"Let me see what happened to the Nanli Dynasty."

"Everything's going well here." Xiao Yihan said: "your system is well implemented here. More importantly, Madame Ziyi's auction house plays an important role in making Nanli Dynasty richer. Now Nanli Dynasty is developing in a good direction."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at Xiao Yihan and said with a smile: "it seems that the great Xia Xiao now is different from the past."

"Before, ah!" Xiao Yihan sighed: "before, my idea was too simple. I only wanted to use chivalry to eradicate evil as much as I could. However, the power of a person is too limited."

"Yes Tang Long nodded: "so, I have a plan next."

"What plan?"

"As you know, the fire island of death is a very chaotic place. I intend to unify it and make it a more ideal country. What do you think?"

"It's a good idea, but I'm afraid it's not enough with our current strength of Tangmen!"

"So I came to you."

"Looking for me?" Xiao Yi gave a cold smile: "although I am now, with Scripture is the seven strength of the emperor, but in the death flame Island, there are many more powerful people than me!"

"So I'm here to improve your strength." Tang Long said with a smile: "in this way, you are in the death of the flame Island, there are few opponents."

"Improve my strength?" Xiao Yi Leng Leng Leng: "how to improve?"

"You forget, I'm a dandy!" Tang Long said, and his eyes were filled with arrogance and arrogance: "I, the emperor, will always have some means that others can't do!"

"How much can you improve my strength?" Xiao Yihan asked.

"I don't know." Tang Long faint smile, way: "you also don't hold too big expectation, otherwise I may not let you be satisfied."

"My strength at this time, can enhance a heavy, I am very satisfied with the classics." Xiao Yihan said seriously.

He also knows that it is extremely difficult for a warrior with the level of emperor to improve his strength. Even if he can improve his strength by using Tiancai Dibao, it is very good.

Tang long no longer delay time: "call your five men together, we go to the training room."


Xiao Yihan nodded.

The chance to improve his strength is absolutely the most rare opportunity. How could he miss such a good opportunity at this time?!

He found his five subordinates and went to the training room with Tang long.

Although the strength of his five subordinates is much weaker than that of him, they are also the five strength of the holy king. Before Tang Long rescued them from tianwo sect and cured their internal injuries, at this time, they worked hard to improve their strength.

In fact, Xiao Yihan and they have always been very grateful to Tang long.

After all, if it was not for Tang long, they would not know how much torture they would have to endure in tianwozong, and in the end, they would surely die miserably!

What's more, they all feel very self reproach and think it's their fault for the perverse behavior of tianwozong.

However, all this was turned around by Tang long!

It is precisely because of this that they feel that Tang Long is a person worthy of their follow, so they will try their best to help Tang Long realize their plans and ambitions in this Nanli Dynasty.

Tang Long took out six magic spirit pills: "take these pills first."

Six people took the magic spirit pill, a simple exploration, one of the eyes, suddenly revealed a touch of ecstasy!

They can very clearly detect that the magic soul pill is pregnant with extremely terrible energy. Although the magic soul pill can not see what kind of elixir it is, they know that it can definitely enhance the strength.

In fact, even Tang Long doesn't know what kind of quality the magic spirit pill is!

This thing is dark and plain in appearance, but it is powerful against the sky!

I don't know where the king of the abyss got this thing.

After taking the magic spirit pill, the strength of the six people has soared. In just over three hours, they have absorbed the medicine of the magic spirit pill. The strength of each person has soared to three levels!

It makes them, it's a bit incredible!

At this time, Xiao Yihan's strength directly reached the realm of Shengzong!Although his five subordinates are weaker, they have all reached the level of eight saints. They are all very strong with their strength!

Tang Long is also very satisfied with the extent of their strength improvement.

Tangmen, finally have a strong sage of their own!

He didn't know that there were two powerful saints in Tangmen at that time, because the God Dan tangkui stayed in the pagoda every day, and now his strength has reached the level of Shengzong!

What's more, it's the double realm of Saint Zong!

Xiao Yihan didn't expect that a miraculous elixir would make their strength Soar so much.

Six people are a face of surprise, stand up, facing Tang Long deeply salute!

Tang Long faint smile: "you and I, you don't have to be polite, after all, we all by the classics is a family." Voice down, pause: "now, you sit cross knees, I officially began to help you improve strength!"

"Official start?" Six people froze.

Is it difficult for Tang long to help them improve their strength? This is too terrible!

Looking at Tang long, Xiao Yihan couldn't help but ask, "young master, do you have any elixir that can improve your strength?"

"Ha ha, I don't have so many elixirs!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "I just have some, my own special means just, you sit cross knee well."


The six looked at each other and sat down cross legged.

Tang Long said no more. He condensed huangquan needle and began to use the art of creation to help them improve their strength!

At this time, he gave six of them the power of the Scriptures to perform the art of creation together.

In a hurry, six hours passed.

The art of creation was completely performed. Tang Long himself recovered the consumed spiritual strength and vitality. After two hours, Tang Long's strength was completely recovered.

At this time, Xiao Yihan's strength has been improved completely.

Six people stop practicing, staring at Tang long, one by one, are slightly trembling, feeling everything in front of them is dreaming!

Their strength has been greatly improved!

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