Tang Long turned to look at Lei Jinhu beside him: "Lord Lei, please send some people to help me prepare some things!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Beans, pebbles, or pebbles can be used. In addition, soybeans, soybeans, etc. can be used, as long as they are particles like this!"

Lei Jinhu Leng Leng Leng: "what do you want these things to do?"

Tang Long has a mysterious smile: "sometimes, more ants can kill elephants. I have to arrange enough ants here, so that more elephants can be killed!"

"Ants bite the elephant?" Lei Jinhu did not understand Tang Long's words.

Is there a connection between beans and ants?

Does Tang long want to attract ants with beans? Do ants like beans very much?!

What's more, even if there are many ants, can they compete with the powerful one?!

Although he was very confused, he still did what Tang Long said. In any case, he had nothing to do these days. All the warriors in the city were ready to meet the enemy, and the rest was to wait.

Since Tang Long wants these things, he must have a purpose. In order to get a chance of one in ten thousand, he has to prepare carefully.

All these things are ready in half a day.

Small stones and beans are piled up like a hill. Tang Long asked people to bury all these things in the array outside the city, near the stone pillars.

"Now, it should be OK."

Tang Long secretly thought, but also prepared a lot of beans and stones, placed around the wall of Tianlei city.

All of these things are useful to him.

At this time, he even looked forward to it. After all, he had just learned the strange array, and the strange array he arranged was still a new array which was created after integrating the star studded array and the divine arts of heaven!

This array contains nine palaces and eight trigrams, Qimen dunjia, and Xuantian secret technique. It can open up the aura of heaven and earth, transform Yin and Yang into Xinggang, which is changeable and mysterious.

Turn a dead array into a live array.

Tang Long is also looking forward to this formation!

If this array is successful, he will study it more finely and more powerful, and then he will arrange it to Linghuang mountain and combine it with Archaean Star River array.

At that time, Linghuang mountain, a flower, a grass, a tree and a tree, will become a powerful fighting force!

At that time, Fengtian City, the defense will become very terrible!

Tianlei city is just a testing ground!

Time is in a hurry, in a twinkling of an eye, it has passed a full twenty days!

The people of Tianshui sect still haven't come!

At this time, even Tang Long was a little nervous. For such a long time, the people of Tianshui sect didn't come. Obviously, they had to prepare for a battle of the largest scale and attack only when they were fully prepared.

This wait lasted two months!

Two months later, the array outside Tianlei city has been expanded a lot, covering a kilometer around Tianlei city!

At this time, the people of Tianshui sect finally arrived!

This morning, Tang Longzheng ordered people to spray water on the grass just growing outside the city of Tianlei. Suddenly, a warrior came to report in a hurry: "no, the people of Tianshui sect are coming!"

Tang long heard this man's words, his heart, suddenly hit hard two times!

Time for verification!

At his side, Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian suddenly looked serious!

Lei Jinhu asked in a hurry: "how many people have come?"

"There are tens of thousands of people, and their strength is very strong. Judging by the momentum, there are no less than 15 people who are strong in Shengzong!"

"There are fifteen strong saints? Why are there so many? " Lei Jinhu is shocked!

you know, in Tianlei City, all the strong saints add up, and there are only five in total!

There are 15 strong saints!

Only these strong saints can raze the whole city of thunder to the ground!

The warrior said: "the people of Tianshui sect not only brought a large number of strong men, but also brought a lot of iron cages. In those iron cages, there are a lot of strange Warcraft. Although the highest level of Warcraft is just a monster, but the smell of their body is extremely strong!"

"Warcraft? Can they control Warcraft? " Lei Jinhu was shocked!

Huoyuntian was also shocked.

Tang Long frowned. He was not surprised.

He's seen people control Warcraft before.

It's easy for people to control blood. Before that day, there were so many mutated warriors in Tianguang city. It seems that it makes sense to make some variant Warcraft.

However, Tang Long believes that these variant Warcraft created by Tianshui sect can never be stronger than the blood temple.Otherwise, the Tianshui sect will not turn the sky!

"Come on, you'll have to face it sooner or later." Tang Long's eyes flashed sharp and turned to look at the Warrior: "those people, from what direction?"

"Simon, according to the return of the spies with hummingbirds, it should be only two hours before people arrive!"

"It seems that they have come with great fanfare, which shows that they are full of confidence!" Lei Jinhu is more and more nervous and worried.

At this time, it is also very nervous.

After all, before his fire god religion, not long ago was destroyed by Tianshui sect, and the Tianshui sect at that time obviously did not show the strongest strength.

Now the situation is obviously much more serious!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Lei Jinhu: "let all those who set up the array outside the city come back!"


Lei Jinhu nodded and ordered immediately!

The people who arranged the array outside the city all came back in a hurry. At this time, all the powerful warriors gathered together and all arrived at the west gate of Tianlei city.

Tang Kuo and them are all behind Tang long.

Yin hanlie and Huo Yingting of course also came, their internal injuries recovered, strength is also fast recovery.

At this time, Yin hanlie's strength was restored to the peak of the holy king.

Huo Yingting's strength is a little weaker, but she has also reached the primary level of Shengwu. In another month, her strength will be restored to the peak of the holy king.

Unfortunately, there is no time for her to recover.

Yin hanlie stood beside Tang long, above the city head of Tianlei city. Looking at the chaotic water pits and stone piles and scattered small trees outside, Yin asked Tang Long curiously, "these are your arrays?"

"Not bad." Tang Long faint smile, looking at Yin hanlie: "how do you feel?"

"I don't see the mystery." Yin hanlie laughed bitterly: "I can only see that this array contains the eight trigrams and the nine palaces of Heaven Gate."

"It's very good to see that." Tang Longdao.

Yin hanlie couldn't see the mystery of it. He was also affectionate. After all, how long has Tang long studied arrays? How can Yin hanlie compare with his accomplishments in array?!

The most important thing is that Tang Long got a lot of stars and tricks. Yin hanlie had never seen it!

Huoyuntian is here, too.

He looked at these messy arrangements outside the city, and his eyes flashed with disdain.

For these messy things arranged outside the city, his most polite evaluation, there are only four words: "play with things, lose ambition!"

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