The ice cold energy dragon, after smashing the flame shield condensed in huoyuntian, continues to bombard, and it is about to bombard huoyuntian!

But at this time, the fire cloud day side, a thunder explosion drink ring out!

Then, a big fist with black light flickering, bombarded the flame dragon, and hit the top of the ice cold dragon!

Ice cold dragon's head, dense cracks!

By the side of huoyuntian, a man appeared, but it was the thunder Jinhu who came quickly!

After Lei Jinhu, he still follows situ Bo!

Situ bonai is a strong saint!

Situ Bo also rushed to help huoyuntian, and his fist with a strong explosive force, severely hit the head of the ice cold energy dragon!


The ice cold energy dragon was smashed to pieces and turned into the cold and strong Qi!

At this time, situ Bo took another shot at it!

He directly and severely blows out a big fist with black light shining, which shows his fist. He passes through the icy strength and attacks shuihanshan fiercely. He wants to kill shuihanshan with one blow!


Water cold mountain snorted.

Beside him, a strong man of Wuzong also came quickly to help him block the domineering and fierce blow of situ Bo!

And closely followed, the two sides several strong, also concentrated over!

A scuffle starts instantly!

But in this scuffle, all of a sudden, rolling green smoke, with a pungent smell swept up, the rolling smoke, in the strong wind howling, directly swept the sky!

All of a sudden, between heaven and earth, are green and hazy!

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian are gathering magic power and fighting with the enemy. They suddenly smell the pungent smell and feel the blackness in front of them!

Both immediately realized that the situation was terrible!

"No, they use poison!"

"Get out of here

Lei Jinhu heart, immediately regret to the extreme!

He knew that he was too reckless this time. He knew that Tianshui sect was good at using poison, and even the lesson of tianguangtai was still in front of him. Today, he was so reckless and rushed with people!

If it's still on the top of the city, there's still that formation. How free it is now!

He sighed heavily in his heart!

Huoyuntian at this time, is also a face of tension, he is also smoking some poisonous smoke!

"Come on, hold your breath and get out of here!"

"Back to thunder city first!"

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian are all rushing to give orders out loud!

All of a sudden, the warriors of thunder temple and Tianlei city all turned back in a hurry!

however, the warriors of Tianshui sect were all furious, and only heard a roar from shuihan mountain: "kill me, kill them all, rush into Tianlei City, and none of them can be let go!"



The thunderous roar of the sky rang out. The warriors on the side of Tianshui sect were not affected by the poisonous smoke. They chased after the burning clouds in a fierce manner!

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian, with those warriors above the holy King's strength, flew directly up and quickly retreated to the sky!

At the bottom of the sky thunder city, the martial arts are not concerned about other things, hold your breath, just run back in a hurry!

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian fly into the area covered by the array in a flash. After a short while, they fly to the city with some strong men, but they see that although all the people of Tangmen are there, Tang Long is gone!

"Where is the master of Tang clan?" Lei Jinhu said in a hurry: "hurry, let the leader of Tangmen open the array!"

People of Tangmen have no choice but to smile bitterly!

Yin hanlie looked at Lei Jinhu and said helplessly: "you are too rash, and you are too reckless to rush out. The array arranged outside has long been trampled on by your own people, and the array has been broken by yourself!"


Hearing Yin hanlie's words, Lei Jinhu's eyes turn black immediately!

In the fire cloud sky eye, also reveals a touch of panic!

Two people lead people back, just want to rely on the array, to resist the attack of Tianshui Zongwu, but did not expect, the array was broken!


Yin hanlie sighed heavily!

At this time, Tang Kuo went to Lei Jinhu, took out two bottles and said, "this is the antidote given to you by my young master. For the time being, it should be able to suppress the poison of the poisonous smoke. Take the understanding poison pill!"

"Antidote pill!"

In the eyes of huoyuntian and Lei Jinhu, all of a sudden there was a surprise!

At this time, the voice of the sky shaking cry to kill came from afar. The martial artists of Tianshui sect pursued the array and stopped subconsciously for a moment. You can see that the array has not been opened, and suddenly they are chasing after it madly again!

Moreover, huoyuntian and Lei Jinhu run away fast, but the warriors they brought, because they covered them, many people were separated!They had been poisoned, and then were separated and besieged, and immediately suffered heavy losses!

Even, those who are in charge of the posthumous monarch and the strong king have lost seven or eight in a short period of time!

With several warriors of thunder temple, situ Bo finally fled back. Knowing that the array was destroyed by Sutra, his expression on his face also became somewhat dispirited!

In the eyes of the warriors who fled back from the Huoshen sect, there was a flurry in their eyes!

"Kill them, kill them all!"



the sound of roaring from the sky swept fiercely from the distance!

Shuihanshan led the soldiers of Tianshui sect. At this time, they did not rush to attack Tianlei city. They actually took people with them. They just attacked on the ground outside the city and bombarded all the arrays arranged outside the city!

Obviously, shuihanshan is extremely afraid of this array. For fear that it can still be used, he would rather stop attacking first and destroy the array completely!

The martial arts of Tianshui sect destroyed the array all the way and rushed to the front!

On the head of the city, seeing that the formation was destroyed, huoyuntian and Lei Jinhu all regret to the extreme!

However, at this time, what is the use of regret?!

Fortunately, they were the most powerful, and finally basically escaped back, and all took the poison to understand, at least for the time being, the poison of the smoke did not have much impact on them.

However, those warriors who fled back to the gate of the city gate were not so lucky. Most of them were poisoned and their heads were dizzy!

When they fled to the gate of Tianlei City, they were chased by the warriors of Tianshui sect and killed fiercely!

Tang Kuo looked at the situation at the gate of the city and sighed helplessly.

This is the price of recklessness!

Turn to look at Tang Lei and them: "we go to the gate of the city to defend!" The voice dropped, turned to look at Lei Jinhu, they said: "the enemy on the head of the city, we can't do anything, but the enemy at the gate of the city, give it to us!"

After saying that, regardless of Lei Jinhu's reaction, they rushed to the gate of the city with the people of Tangmen.

When Tang Long left, he told Tang Kuo to defend the city gate!

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian, looking at Tang Kuo who took people away, were helpless. After all, the situation in front of them was completely caused by themselves.

If I was not so reckless and always stood at the head of the city to watch the good play, how could the situation at this time become so bad?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!