Tang Long said faintly: "the strong men of Tianshui sect and muyetang are all destroyed here. I will go to Tianshui sect, that is to say, take over their territory."

"Receiving territory?"

Lei Jinhu and Yin hanlie looked at each other again, but they still didn't dare to believe it!

Tang long stood up and said, "you take good care of yourself. There are many things out there. I have to go out and have a look."

For fun, he turned and walked out.

Lei Jinhu and Yin hanlie, as well as Huo Yingting, still feel a little incredible.

Before the Tianshui sect showed the strength, they are clear, it is extremely powerful, however, so strong comprehensive strength, can be defeated by the people of Tangmen?!

How could this be possible?!

"Difficult or not, Xiao Yihan's strength has soared?"

Lei Jinhu thought secretly, but he still felt that it was impossible. Although he knew that Xiao Yihan was a talent of cultivation, however, no matter how talented he was, his strength could not Soar so quickly. After all, he had known before that Xiao Yihan had only the seven strength of the emperor!

Just when Lei Jinhu and them are incredible, the door opens, and Lei Qianqian and Yin Tianfeng, as well as Shangguan qinger and shangguanming, come in together.

See Lei Qianqian they come in, Lei Jinhu is in a hurry to ask the situation.

Lei Qianqian also does not hide, will see the Tangmen thing, completely told Lei Jinhu.

When Lei Jinhu and Yin hanlie heard that there were more than 100 dragons in Tangmen, and there was an air fortress that could fly. They couldn't believe it!

Lei Jinhu couldn't help looking at Lei Qianqian: "Qianqian, you can't be joking!"

"How can I joke?" Lei Qianqian said: "Dad, Tangmen really have more than 100 dragons. If you don't believe it, when the injury is better, you can go out and have a look. Anyway, the people of Tangmen haven't left yet!"

"More than a hundred dragons, my God!"

Lei Jinhu took a cold breath and looked at Yin hanlie. Yin hanlie was shocked at the same time!


after Huo mengsha went out, she sat in Tang Xiaohu's Dragon and flew forward rapidly, at the same time, she also looked down carefully.

Soon, she saw many bodies on the ground!

"It's my God of fire. Get down!" She looked at Tang Xiaohu in a hurry.

Tang Xiaohu immediately ordered the dragon to land.

Soon, the Dragon fell back to the ground. Huomengsha jumped directly from the dragon's back. After a closer look, the people lying on the ground were indeed the people of the fire god cult. At this time, all of them were dead!

"I hope my father and dad are OK, and some of my masters!"

In her heart, with a very bad premonition, she rushed forward!

Along the way, she became more and more uneasy.

Finally, she found all her seven masters and her father Huo Yuntian. They were all dead, obviously on the way to escape!

Fire mengsha feel that the eyes are bursts of black, the heart is extremely sad!

Lei Xiaohu was beside her and didn't know what to say. He had never experienced this kind of thing and didn't know how to persuade huomengsha. Moreover, he was not familiar with huomengsha, and he didn't know what to say.

He could only follow her in silence, lest he lose her.

At this time, at the gate of the west gate of Tianlei City, the people of Tangmen are cleaning the battlefield!

Many people in Tianlei city know the news of victory in the battle outside. They all know that the danger has been lifted and they all come out to check the situation.

But some people came to Tang Kuo.

A warrior in his early 30s came to Tang que: "Hello, are you from Tangmen?"

"Yes." Don nodded.

The warrior immediately pleaded: "can you save my son? My son was poisoned before. It was the poison of the smoke, and he was still unconscious at this time."

"Smoke!" Tang Ku frowned.

But he ignored it. The people of Tianshui sect attacked and used poisonous smoke!

Many people were poisoned. Even outside the city lay many warriors of Tianlei city. They were all poisoned. They were lying on the ground, but they didn't really die.

"You have to go to the young master for this matter." Tang Kuo thought for a moment and called Tang Dian to come over and said to the warrior, "follow Tang Dian and go to my young master and see how my young master can solve it."

"Good, good!"

The warrior quickly nodded, with the poisoned man, followed Tang Dian to the thunder temple, and then saw Tang long.

Tang Long also ignored the poisonous smoke.

Seeing that the warrior brought the poisoned man, he immediately explored the poisoned man's pulse, but he was relieved.

This man's poison is not very serious. He can completely remove it, and it is easy to get rid of it.

"I remember that there is a kind of antidote herb in the medicine room of Leishen temple. In this case, I don't need my own one!" Tang long thought about it and looked at a warrior in the temple of thunder: "go and tell the Lord Lei that I want to go to his medicine storeroom.""Yes

The warrior of thunder Temple agreed and went in a hurry.

Soon, Lei Qianqian came out with the warrior. Lei Qianqian took Tang long to the medicine room of Lei temple.

In this medicine room, there are herbs that can relieve the poison of poisonous smoke. Tang Long takes out all the herbs, and then tells Lei Qianqian and several martial artists in the temple of thunder how to use the antidote to detoxify those who have been poisoned by the poisonous smoke.

Those people learned the method, all in a hurry to busy, Tang Long and snow leaf month, sitting in the living room chatting.

At this moment, Tang Long is nothing.

He is planning to hurry up and go to Tianshui sect and muyetang.

He felt that there were definitely good babies in the treasure rooms of these two big forces. He could never let go of the opportunity to get the treasure!

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the next day.

Lei Jinhu's injury was just a little better. Tang Long asked Lei Jinhu to lead the way and lead the Tang clan's Dragon guards, as well as Xiao Yihan to go directly to the location of Tianshui sect!

In order to speed up the pace, of course, Tang long used the air fortress.

At this moment, Lei Jinhu finally saw the so-called air fortress and the Tang Clan Dragon Guard. He was really shocked and incomparable!

With so many dragons and so many young heroes, the Tang clan will not turn the sky after a long time?!

After all, the strongmen of Tianshui sect and muyetang were basically eliminated. The people brought by Tang Long were powerful enough. Therefore, it was easy to rob the treasure room and herbal medicine room of Tianshui sect and muyetang!

This time, the harvest of Tang Long is terrible!

The collection of Tianshui sect for hundreds of years, and the collection of muyetang for hundreds of years, were all taken by him alone!

Lei Jinhu was watching, but he couldn't say anything more.

even at this time he was aware of this. The death island of fire is now the last thing I think is the Tang gate has the final say. After all, four of the five forces are gone, and who can fight against Tang gate?

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