The guy with eggplant head came towards the dark night with the beauty of the night. He was dazzled by the beauty of the night. His eyes were staring out of his eyes: "Brother Bear, let me help you to catch this girl!"

"Take it easy. Don't hurt me. I hurt a hair of her. I want your dog's life!" Brother Xiong said in a deep voice!


Eggplant head and busy agreed a, the body momentum burst out, unexpectedly has extraordinary seven heavy strength!

In jietiancheng, there is an extraordinary seven heavy martial arts man at random, which makes Tang long very surprised. Obviously, this sudden rise of the dark devil sect has extraordinary strength!

Eggplant head to go to Tang Long their table!

The body momentum is turbulent, the whole body sweeps the pitch black vigor, greedily looks at the dark night: "girl child, follow us, otherwise, don't blame us impoliteness!"

At this time, the people in the restaurant one by one, still bow their heads, even look at this side dare not!

Youye looked at the eggplant head with contempt: "it's easy for me to go with you, as long as you can beat my husband!"

She also glanced at Tang long, who was sitting opposite her.

Eggplant head heard the words of the night, his eyes immediately fell on Tang Long's body, his eyes showed a fierce light: "boy, how do you want to die?"

"I don't want to die!" Tang long light way, with classics stand up: "we go out to talk!"

Then he walked to the quiet night.

Youye stands up with great cooperation and delivers his delicate jade hand to Tang Long's hand. Then, he suddenly looks at the eggplant head and smiles with a goblin. Suddenly, the eggplant head is stupefied!


Quiet night is very disdainful snort, and Tang Long together, directly toward the restaurant outside.

The food in this restaurant is very delicious. She doesn't want to let such a good restaurant be destroyed because of these disgusting black devils. Maybe she will come here to eat in the future!

They walked forward and passed in front of the group of people in black.

This group of people, are greedy looking at the dark night, has been waiting for the dark night out of the restaurant door, these unprofitable things, then hurriedly followed out!

The manager of the restaurant gave a long breath.

He knew that if these people started their business here, his restaurant would be destroyed. After all, the destructive power possessed by the strong in the extraordinary realm is not a joke.

"I hope there is nothing wrong with these two young men and women."

The shopkeeper's low voice prayed, but he also knew that his prayer might not play a role. The two young men and women, who seem to be no more than 25 years old, can they be the opponents of these dark devils?!

Tang Long pulled the quiet night to the street outside the restaurant.

More than a dozen guys of the dark demon sect also came out and stopped at a distance of more than ten meters in front of Tang long.

Around the street, passers-by saw the black devil sect people appear, one by one seems to see the devil, actively turn around and run, for a short time, there is not even a pedestrian in the street!

eggplant head two steps forward, looking at Tang Long unscrupulously: "that little son, come out to die!"

With a faint smile, Tang Long released his delicate jade hand in the dark night. Then, he walked forward a few steps, looked at the eggplant head in front of him, and said faintly: "this place is very suitable. You can start now. Kill me!"

"Haha, it's very interesting. Do you want to die simply?" Eggplant head is very satisfied with Tang Long's reaction: "don't worry, I have a good sense of propriety, one punch can break you, even the pain has no time to produce!"

"That's what you said, but don't let me down!" Tang Long made a very uneasy look: "if you can't beat me, you will die!"

Eggplant first knew that Tang Long was making fun of himself!

In his eyes, immediately showed a ferocious light: "Stinky boy, you are looking for death!" The ferocious voice fell down, and he was swept out of his body like a black phantom. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Tang long!

"Black Death fist!"

A burst of drinking, his fist with dark energy, toward Tang long, hard Bang hit!

When the fist is smashed out, the air is howling. The fierce energy storm sweeps from the fist to all directions, sweeping up the dust on the ground!

In the blink of an eye, the fist is to hit Tang Long's chest!

Tang Long's body, a domineering momentum, suddenly burst out, all over the body burst out dazzling gold!

Feeling the momentum of Tang long, the warriors of the black devil sect were shocked one by one. They didn't expect that Tang long had the powerful strength of Shengwu!

Even, you didn't expect to see you for a while. Your strength as a good man has been greatly improved!

She was, of course, overjoyed!

Towards the eggplant head of Tang Long's attack, there is a touch of fear in his eyes at this time!Tang Long's fists are smashed out with their fists!

This fist did not show any magic power at all. It was just a common one. However, the power of this blow was incomparable. The fist hit the fist of eggplant head severely!



In the roar of the sky, the fist of eggplant head, directly came a crisp sound!

The fierce golden flame was swept out of Tang Long's fist and hit the eggplant head. The eggplant head was blown out and flew out for more than ten meters. It hit a black devil warrior behind him!


This black demon sect's warrior, was hit by eggplant head, actually also spurt a mouthful of blood, two people fell back together!

Eggplant head is directly hit by Tang Long!

Although the warrior who was knocked down by the eggplant head did not die, he also suffered serious internal injury and fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

Seeing Tang Long's fist, the power was extremely powerful. The guy named Xiong Ge also showed a touch of vigilance in his eyes. At this time, all the people around him took a step back subconsciously!

Tang Long gazed at brother Xiong, stood erect and said faintly, "don't you want to kill me? Come on

Brother Xiong stares at Tang long, hesitates for a moment, and says in a deep voice: "who are you? It's very strange. It seems that you're not the one who meets Tiancheng! "

"Where am I from? It has nothing to do with you!" Tang longyingrui's face was full of arrogance, and his voice was still very flat: "you just need to know that I am the one who comes to trouble with the dark devil sect. That's enough!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, brother Xiong's eyes twinkled slightly!

He stares at Tang Long: "your tone is not small. Do you think that with such strength, you can fight against me?"

"Try it and you'll see!" Tang long looked at brother Xiong. In his dark eyes, he suddenly showed a sharp cold light. He said coldly, "if you are not convinced, you can come to die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!