Tang Long knew that the development of the death flame island was smooth, and he was very satisfied.

Then he contacted Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao.

They were in the holy heart sect, and during this time they were also working hard to prepare for the battle of Zhongtian.

However, with their strength at this time, although they are qualified to participate in the battle of Zhongtian, it is really difficult to break into the top 100 in the battle of Zhongtian. After all, the people who participated in the battle of Zhongtian are the top talents in the field of Kalan!

The battle of Zhongtian is a collection of the strongest young people in the whole Kalan world. All the warriors in this battle are the treasures of the ancient clans!

Although Ye Qingling's strength has been improved fast enough, after all, they are still too young. It is still a little difficult for them to stand out in such a competition!

In the battle of Zhongtian, the age limit is 100 years old!

Within one hundred years of age, anyone who can become a disciple of the ancient sect can participate.

In each battle of Zhongtian, although the age of the participants was controlled within 100 years old, many of the participants exceeded the limits of the disciples who started the mountain.

With Beigong Xianer's strength at this time, if he takes part in the battle of Zhongtian, he will have a chance to break into the top 100. After all, after all, Beigong Xianer's strength has been greatly improved after integrating the spirit of destruction.

At this time, Beigong Xianer was already the strength of the Seven Realms of the holy king. With her powerful power of heaven and demons, she practiced several powerful magic arts and broke into the top 100 of the battle of Zhongtian.

Tang Long is confident about breaking into the top 100.

However, he still hoped that he could gain something in the holy land of tianxie sect.

After waiting for two days in the heart searching Pavilion, Tang Long finally heard the voice of the night again in the heart of Tang Long: "good man, I have come to the holy land of tianxie sect. There is no one here. Come here now."


Tang Long agreed and called out the gate of wisdom between the night and the night. In a twinkling of an eye, he appeared in front of the dark night.

Here is a vast and boundless continent!

If you look at it, it's very open in all directions. There are white clouds flying overhead. The sun is bright and the environment is very good.

"I didn't expect that the holy land of your tianxie sect is so big!" Tang Long turned his head and looked around curiously: "this should be a strange land. What is this place? How can it become the holy land of your heavenly evil sect

Youye explained: "this is not a very large ancient land. The ancestors of tianxie clan lived in this land before."

After a pause, he continued: "it is said that there are ancient ruins left by the three previous generations of the tianxie sect. Unfortunately, it is a long time ago, and there was a natural catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago. No one knows where the site is."

Tang Long said, "before you said, there are natural materials and treasures here?"

"Yes." Youye nodded: "as far as I know, our holy land of evil sect will allow some disciples to come in every ten years, and every time some disciples come in, they will get great benefits and find some rare natural materials and earth treasures to enhance their strength."

"Let's go and look for it."

"Yes." You night nodded, but cautious way: "we can not be careless, here, there is also danger."

"What's the danger?"

"There are a lot of Warcraft in this continent, and there are also some magic creatures. These monsters are very powerful. Once they are encountered, they are very dangerous."

"Let's be careful."


Tang Long summoned the red flame lion.

Now, he hopes to get some natural materials and earth treasures to improve his strength, so that he can ask the king of the abyss to help him eliminate the trouble of that strange soul hidden in him.

And he knows that only by improving his own strength can he find Mu Qingcheng faster.

At present, he is not qualified to stay in Jialan Shenyu for a long time. He wants to find Mu Qingcheng or help Dongfang binger find her parents. It is impossible for him to do these things with his current strength.

The red flame lion is called out.

Tang Long embraces the quiet night and sits on the back of the red flame lion.

Red flame lion a roar, wings flapping, suddenly blowing a terrible flame hurricane.

The red flame lion soared to the sky and flew rapidly to the East.

Most people look for Tiancai Dibao, which is to find the environment where Tiancai Dibao may grow, and then slowly and carefully look for these things. Tang long does not have to be so troublesome.

All he has to do is ride a red flame lion and fly around the world in the air!

Red flame Tianshi can sense the location of Tiancai Dibao.

What's more, the red flame Tien lion has grown to the peak of the second level sacred beast. It seems that it will become a third level holy beast, and its ability to sense natural materials and earth treasures has also improved a lot.Here, as long as the radius of 80 kilometers, there are any Tiancai Dibao, red flame Tianshi can be found immediately.

At this time, the red flame lion found the Tiancai Dibao by Scripture!

"Boss, about 60 kilometers to the west of us, I feel a good thing. It should be a kind of rare natural material and treasure!"

"Oh. Go and have a look

Tang Long hurried way, so quickly found a good thing, let his heart, is also more some expectations.

The red flame lion flies rapidly towards the sensing place.

The distance of more than 60 kilometers is nothing to the red flame lion at this time. It takes less than half an hour to reach the destination.

Here is a mountain jungle zone, from a distance, mountains and rocks stand, trees lush, the environment is very good!

Tang long, riding a red flame lion, flew high in the sky and looked down. He could not help but say with joy: "this kind of environment is really a good place to grow natural materials and treasure. I believe that we can find many good things here."

At this time of quiet night, I am also looking forward to it.

The red flame lion fell down to the ground, and it was less than 100 meters away from the ground. However, at this time, in the jungle on the ground, a monster with silver shining all over it suddenly flew into the sky!

The monster looks like a fierce flying dinosaur. It looks like a pterosaur. Its back has a pair of wings extended, which is more than 20 meters long. There is a long tail at the end of the monster!

The length of the tail is more than 30 meters, and it is shining with brilliant silver light.

Even on the tail, it is still towards the strange lightning!


The pterodactyl monster roared fiercely towards the Tang dragon!

At a distance of 100 meters, the pterosaur monster's wings fluttered once, and it was flying directly. It appeared in front of Tang Long ten meters away. It opened its mouth, and a flash of silver lightning thundered at Tang Long!

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