"Binger, listen to me. You don't have to ask more about this matter, and you can't ask more about it." Ying Tianhe was obviously unwilling to say it, and said lightly: "one day, you will know the reason for this."

"All right."

Seeing that Ying Tianhe refuses to say anything, Dongfang bing'er is not easy to ask. However, she is nervous and worried about Tang Long's so-called other soul.

Tang Xinhui can't help contacting her.

Tang Long jumped off the competition platform and sat down between Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao.

Deep in the heart, the voice of Dongfang bing'er rang out: "Tang long, I just heard Ying Tianhe say that you still have a soul. What's the matter?"

"I'm not very clear about it." Tang Long said: "I do have a strange soul, but I don't know what this soul is about."

After a pause, he said, "if possible, ask Ying Tianhe to see what he says."

"I asked, but he would not say."

"Even then, sooner or later, I will know these secrets, and I will definitely solve the problem."

"Then, are you in danger?"

"Don't worry, I won't be in any danger."

"That's good."

Dongfang binger heard Tang Long say that he did not have any danger, this just slightly relieved.

And then it was her turn to compete.

This time, her opponent is the Taiyi Xianzong people, and the strength, is also very strong, with her strength, is to reach the nine levels of the saint.

Just jumped on the competition platform, her opponent was about to gather strength, but Dongfang binger immediately looked at the referee and said, "this game, I admit defeat!"

The referee was stunned.

Her opponent, too, was stunned.

They didn't expect that Dongfang bing'er would choose to admit defeat directly!

Of course, there is a reason for Dongfang bing'er to do so.

In the previous war with Tang long, although she always attacked fiercely, her most powerful attack did not come out. At this time, if she did not exert all her strength to her opponent, she would probably be seen by Ying Tianhe.

It can be seen that it can also be used!

So, she made a mistake and admitted defeat!

The referee didn't say much when he saw Dongfang bing'er admit defeat. After all, Dongfang bing'er and his opponent are all Taiyi Xianzong people. It is natural for the same clan to show mercy.

He immediately announced the result of the contest, and Dongfang binger failed.

Oriental binger returned to Ying Tianhe and just sat down. Ying Tianhe asked curiously, "younger martial sister, how did you admit defeat? If you have a good fight with him, he should not be your opponent with your special strength of cold

Dongfang bing'er's pretty face was always cold. She didn't look at yingtianhe. She said coldly, "I joined the battle of Zhongtian just to go to Zhongtian with you."

"With me?"

In the eyes of yingtianhe, a sudden flash of surprise.

Of course, he wanted to be with Dongfang binger all the time, but he always thought that Dongfang binger didn't like to be with him.

He was still thinking, when the middle heaven, is not to use a means to occupy the Oriental ice son!

This thought, Yijing, had been in his mind for a long time.

Dongfang bing'er turns her head and takes a look at yingtianhe. Her pretty face is still cold.

Although she hated this thing in front of her, she decided to endure for Tang Long!

He said coldly, "don't you want to go to zhongtianyu with me? I also hope that I can get some unexpected gains with my senior brother! "

"With me, of course I don't mind!" Yingtianhe road immediately.

"Then we have a deal."


"Well, I don't intend to continue the next competition. Anyway, I'm qualified to go to zhongtianyu."

Oriental ice son says coldly.

The original purpose of her going to zhongtianyu was to be with Tang long in zhongtianyu. However, at this time, her purpose was changed. She had to be with yingtianhe, so as to help Tang Long and find the God of war.

Naturally, she would not say these words.

The next competition continued.

One day passed, and Tang Long won two more games.

Dark Ling Yuyou night, however, also lost a contest and ended the later contest. However, like Beigong Xianer, she had the qualification to go to the middle heaven region by virtue of classics, so she did not care much about the victory or defeat.

Tang Long is now ranked in the top 30!

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow's competition, will select the top ten, these opponents, one by one more powerful!

And at this time, among the top 30 people, 20 of them were actually warriors of the blood temple, which also made all the people in the ancient sect present have a clear worry in their eyes!Many of the people of the Taiyi Xianzong also broke into the top 30, of which yingtianhe was naturally one.

This Taiyi Xianzong, together with yingtianhe, broke into the top 30 people, a total of five!

All the remaining clans, all added up, broke into the top 30 people, actually only five.

It is obvious that in these ancient clans of Jialan God realm, the blood god temple and the Taiyi immortal trail are far ahead in the competition among the younger disciples.

Compared with Taiyi Xianzong, the blood god temple seems to be much more powerful!

After one day's competition, everyone left tianwu square.

Tang Long accompanied Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao for dinner. He went to find Beigong Xianer through Huixin gate.

The little witch was a little unhappy before, and Tang Long was going to accompany her.

Because Tang Long still has a competition tomorrow, and the environment in front of him is not suitable for doing some things, so although Tang Long wants to eat Beigong Xianer, Beigong xian'er refuses to let him.

Tang Long helpless, holding the little witch, but also refused to be honest!

Beigong xian'er didn't be too hard on himself. He also made him behave a little bit, but he didn't want to be greedy.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is the next day.

At the beginning of the competition, it was Tang Long's turn to take the stage. He was the one he had just seen before: Dugu Shang!

Dugu Shang stared at Tang Long with a sharp chill in his eyes: "Tang long, whether you killed my cousin Dugu Baitian or not, you destroyed his wedding, robbed his bride and ruined the reputation of my Dugu family!"

Tang Long smile: "so you want to kill me?"


Dugu Shang snorted coldly, and his body was full of dark energy, which suddenly swept out.

What he practices is the same dark power as Beigong Xianer!

He was wrapped up in the dark with a strong momentum, which was also like a mountain towards Tang long.

"Shengzong Yizhong!"

Tang long felt the strength of Dugu Shang. In his eyes, he was shocked!

He didn't expect that Dugu Shang's strength was so strong that he even reached the realm of Shengzong!

In the face of such a powerful opponent, Tang long did not dare to have the slightest negligence, and hastened to gather strength.

The force of the cold nine you and the cold weather swept out from Tang Long's body crazily!

Moreover, he directly displays the seal of the real dragon to enhance his strength!

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