Tang Long took out a box and began to carefully fill the black water in the pit.

But I didn't expect that there were a lot of them!

At the same time, he slowly dug the small pit bigger. Later, he actually dug out a large pit with a height of one person, more than two meters deep, on the stone wall. In this big pit, it was actually full of dark energy black water!

These black water, Tang Long full of dozens of bottles!

After busy, Tang Long and Beigong Xianer and Youye left the dark abyss black hole directly.

When he got to the valley above, Tang Long took out the dark energy and black water and studied it carefully for a while. He knew that it was useless for the martial arts, because the energy contained in it was really a little irritable!

But this thing is absolutely of great use to the beast!

He directly summoned all his gods and beasts, and then he gave them black energy black water.

The animals took black water and went back to the heaven garden to rest.

Tang Long and Beigong Xianer and Youye are no longer on their way, but resting in the valley.

At the same time, Tang Long went back to Qin Ziyi through the Huixin gate of Ling Qingyao and gave them to Qin Ziyi. He also went to xuelinyue to let the Shenlong of Tangmen shenlongwei use dark black water.

Busy a big circle back, so it is late at night.

Youye and Beigong Xianer are very tired by classics. When they see Tang Long coming back, they all nest in his arms and soon fall asleep.

Tang Long hugged them, but did not rest. He continued to run tuntian Jue and refine the foundation of cultivation.

The night passed in a hurry.

When they woke up the next morning, Tang Long and their beasts were still absorbing the dark energy and the energy of the black water. Before they woke up, they had to wait in the valley.

I've been waiting for most of the day.

In the afternoon, Tang Long's supernatural beasts finally woke up one after another, followed closely by the northern palace fairy and the mysterious beast in the quiet night.

At this time, both the northern palace fairy and the mysterious beast in the dark night have grown to the level of the third-order holy beast.

Tang Long's divine beast has been upgraded to the level of level 4 holy beast.

The combat power of level 4 holy beast is comparable to that of the martial arts at the peak of Shengzong. In this case, even if Tang Long meets the strong one of Shengzong, he doesn't need to pay attention to it.

Moreover, the flying speed of these mythical beasts has been accelerated a lot, and the energy of red flame Tien lion sensing Tiancai Dibao is also enhanced a lot.

Tang Long sat on the back of the red flame lion.

Sitting in the dark night, Beigong xian'er is held in the arms of Tang long.

The red flame lion and the black tiger fly directly into the sky and fly towards the East, looking for the natural material and earth treasure.

The spirit of Tang Long entered Fengtian flag with Scripture.

He had something to think about for several days. Today, he really couldn't bear to ask the king of the abyss, hoping to get a more satisfactory answer.

The king of the abyss didn't look at the album this time.

Knowing that Tang Long came, he asked, "what are you doing here if you don't look for your herbs?"

Tang Long said: "there is a red flame lion looking for medicinal materials. I see that you are bored here alone, so come in to accompany you, or you will not be so lonely!"

"Can you be so kind?" The king of the abyss leered at Tang Long: "say it, what do you want me to do?"

"It's about the beast contract." Tang Long tells the truth.

He is thinking about yingtianhe's golden winged Kunpeng!

The golden winged Kunpeng is an extremely rare beast. It belongs to the same level of existence as golden monkey and Golden Phoenix. Once this kind of beast grows up completely, it will be very powerful!

The most important thing is that Kunpeng is good at flying!

The golden winged Kunpeng not only has an amazing attack power, but also has a terrible flying speed. Even with four or five people, the flying speed is still far higher than that of golden monkeys!

How can Tang Long not covet such a good beast when it is given by yingtianhe?!

The most important thing is that Ying Tianhe is his enemy, but also the enemy of life and death, such a person with golden wings Kunpeng, to Tang long, is a great threat!

Therefore, Tang long had a decision, either find a chance to kill the golden winged Kunpeng in yingtianhe, or find a way to get it.

He looked at the king of the abyss and said to the truth: "I saw a guy who got a golden winged Kunpeng. I wanted to snatch it for my own. But the golden winged Kunpeng obviously signed a soul contract with that bastard. So I want to ask you if you have any way to terminate the soul contract signed between the family and the beast."

The king of the abyss thought: "the way is not without."

"Come on, what can I do?"

"As long as you can find one thing, you can get the golden winged Kunpeng.""Oh, what did you find?"

"Hongmeng holy water!"

"Hongmeng holy water? What is that? Where can I find it? "

"As far as I know, there is a place where you can definitely find Hongmeng holy water. This place is called Jiuyang holy palace."

"Jiuyang holy palace? Is it an ancient sect? "

"No, it's just an ancient family. This family is called the Jiuyang demon clan. The people of this family live in the Jiuyang holy mountain, where they guard the soul of Jinwu. Every year, there will be a drop of Hongmeng holy water in the Jiuyang holy mountain."

"Where is the holy mountain of Jiuyang?"

"The Yijing does not belong to the realm of Kalan God, but belongs to another world. I'm afraid it's not easy for you to go now, unless -"

"unless what?"

"Unless you have the door of the world, and you must be able to use it!"

Hearing this, Tang Long frowned.

The gate of the world is the passage from one world to another, similar to wormhole and teleport array.

The teleport array can only be used on the same continent, while the space wormhole can only be used between continents in the same world. For example, from lingxu continent to canglan continent, you can only use space wormholes, not teleportation array.

To go from the realm of Kalan to another world, one must use the gate of the world.

Tang Long now, where to find the door of the world? !

although he knew that there must be a door to the world in the holy heart sect, he knew that, with his status and status at that time, he certainly did not have the opportunity to use the world gate.

Even taishici, I'm afraid, can't easily use the door of the world.

Generally speaking, only those who have reached the level of divine king can use the gate of the world at will. Those who have not reached the realm of king of gods will have to pay a great price to use the gate of the world.

Moreover, even if there is a door to the world, it may not lead to the world where the Jiuyang holy palace is located.

Tang Long was a little distressed and said, "where can I find the gate of the world? It seems that the only way is to find a chance to kill the golden winged Kunpeng. "

The thought of killing the rare beast made Tang Long feel a little uncomfortable.

It's a pity to kill such a good beast!

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