The dark light turned into a big umbrella to cover the sky!

In the big umbrella, the terrible blood red energy swept out, turned into dozens of blood red energy giants, facing the two destructive hammers, fiercely resisted it!

Dozens of blood red energy giants flew below the two hammers of destruction.

Although the hammer of destruction smashes the blood red energy giants, the powerful energy contained in the hammer is gradually weakened by these blood red energy giants.

Finally, the power of the hammer of destruction is completely resisted.

The hammer of destruction flies back to the king of the abyss.

On the other side, Dongfang bing'er and mieshi Raytheon are fighting fiercely. Suddenly, Dongfang bing'er hears the sound of dense whistling, and the roaring sound is attacking towards this side. Obviously, the target is Tang Long!

Her heart suddenly murmured a terrible!

He was about to rush towards Tang long to help Tang Long resist the attack of blood red energy sword, but suddenly, a dazzling golden flame and ice light power burst out at the same time!

These two forces turn into an energetic light cluster with a diameter of more than five meters.

Tanglong is completely protected by the energy light!

This is the magic skill of Tang Long Bu Dong Jin Zun!

The dense and blood red energy sword continuously falls on the light cluster of the ice fire energy. All of a sudden, the energy light cluster is blasted out of dense cracks.

However, the energy beam did not disintegrate!

Seeing Tang Long blocking Ying Tianhe's attack, Dongfang bing'er suddenly feels relieved!

Over there, the king of the abyss saw yingtianhe take out the dark umbrella, and his eyes were shocked again: "you even got the old devil's umbrella. How did you get this magic weapon?"

"Haha, the God demon ancestor was killed by me as early as 5000 years ago, and even my soul was swallowed up by me!" Ying Tianhe's gloomy cold smile said: "this magic weapon, of course, has become the thing in my bag!"

Voice down, his body, blood red light more terrible burst out!

Suddenly, the sky magic umbrella and the blood red energy sword, at the same time, attack toward the king of the abyss.

How powerful are the attack power of the two kinds of magic weapons. The dark energy that attacks the king of the abyss is actually all resisted!

However, even if yingtianhe has two kinds of magic weapons, it still can't make the king of the abyss!

The king of the abyss waved two black hammers of destruction and launched a fierce attack against yingtianhe to prevent yingtianhe from disturbing Tang Long again.

Ying Tianhe, however, no longer bothers Tang long.

He didn't know how many ares buoys Tang Long got. In his opinion, no matter how powerful Tang Long was, he couldn't get as many as he did. So he planned to deal with the king of the abyss first!

Here, Dongfang bing'er and Tang long are still fighting with each other.

Tang Long sat on his knees, motionless.

He is rubbing the map of the God of war. At this time, he has made more than half of the map. In a little while, he will be able to complete the imprint of the last one.

The battle between the king of the abyss and yingtianhe is becoming more and more fierce!

However, even though yingtianhe had two kinds of magic weapons, it was gradually suppressed by the king of the abyss and fell into the downwind!

Ying Tianhe turned his head and took a look at Tang long. His eyes were red with blood and the fierce light flashed out.

His eyes are full of ferocity!

He knew that once Tang Long finished rubbing the map of the God of war, he would fight against him with the king of the abyss.

Even, he thought of Tang Long's beast.

"Obviously, I can't continue rubbing this map of God of war, but there is still time. I can always find this one again. I'd better leave first, lest Tang Long rubs this map of God of war and fight against me with the king of the abyss. Then I will be in danger!"

Think of here, yingtianhe suddenly roared!

He did not know that Tang Long was about to get all the Ares.

The strong blood red vitality was condensed. The blood light on the body exploded, and the weird body method was used. The whole person turned into a blood mist and swept away towards the distance!

"want to escape!"

The king of the abyss naturally did not want to let yingtianhe pass.

He wanted to grasp yingtianhe and get the two magic weapons of yingtianhe. After all, the sky magic umbrella and blood magic sword obtained by Ying Tianhe are all the best magic weapons known by the king of the abyss.

These two kinds of magic weapons are the most powerful among the dark magic weapons!

The hammer of destruction towards the fleeing yingtianhe, severely smashed away!

At the same time, the dark energy swept out of the king of the abyss, turned into a dense dark energy devil, swept a black wind, and chased the blood mist transformed into yingtianhe!

In the blood mist, a dark energy umbrella suddenly burst open!

The diameter of the giant umbrella soared to 100 meters in length, covering a large space in front of it.In the giant umbrella, a powerful atmosphere of famine swept out, with a rolling force of destruction, which completely blocked the two hammers of destruction and the black energy sweeping from it!

The dark umbrella was attacked by the dark energy, and was suddenly blown out, but it flew into the blood mist.

In the blood mist, Ying Tianhe collected the umbrella.

The hammer of destruction is blocked by the magic weapon of the magic umbrella, and its strength is weakened a lot. If we want to catch up with Ying Tianhe, we can't do it. The escape speed of yingtianhe is incomparable!

When the king of the abyss saw that the river of heaven was far away, he did not pursue him any more, and he took back the two hammers of destruction.

He was curious.

He knew that the strange soul in Ying Tianhe was very powerful. If Ying Tianhe's strength was not weaker, he would not be the opponent of that strange soul at this time.

"Why are all the people in the blood demon world coming out? It seems that a catastrophe will happen again, and it seems - "

the king of the abyss frowned slightly.

Not far away, Dongfang binger saw Ying Tianhe escape, and then no longer with the annihilation of thunder.

At this time, the dragon finally achieved his wish, and the God of heaven finally achieved his goal.

In his heart, however, he was a little sorry.

If he could finish rubbing the map of the God of war earlier, he would be able to destroy the Yingtian river with the king of the abyss. Even if he didn't go to the Tiantan of life before, it would not be impossible to destroy Ying Tianhe by virtue of his divine beast and the powerful fighting power of the king of the abyss.

Unfortunately, this time, yingtianhe escaped.

"What you gain, you lose."

Helplessly sighed, stood up and walked towards the East ice son.

At this time, the map of the God of war disappeared quietly and disappeared!

Even in the middle heaven, all the maps of the God of war disappeared quietly at the moment when Tang Long got the curse of natural disaster.

There is no such thing as the God of war in the middle heaven.

However, at this time, very few people knew about it. In addition to Dongfang binger and Tang long, only Beigong Xianer and Youye were left. They knew that Tang Long got the curse of natural disaster.

Through Huixin gate, Tang Long told the news to Beigong Xianer and Youye, so that they could rest assured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!