At this time, both the northern palace Xingyuan and ningxiang'er were able to achieve the same level of martial arts as the classics. Such a strong strength is not easy to be injured.

However, the northern palace Xingyuan and ningxiang'er have not only suffered internal injuries, but also been poisoned!

Beigong Xingyuan frowned: "my Beigong family controls a small area in the Jialan divine region, but some time ago, some strange things happened in an important city there, and many people were killed."

"We went to investigate, but we didn't expect to encounter a strong enemy!"

Tang Long doubted and asked, "if you are not an opponent, why don't you let the old ancestors come forward to fight?"

He referred to the ancestral clan, referring to the northern palace plain.

When Tang long established the Danshi League in Tianying city before, and at the end of the Danshi competition, the three ancient sects sent a large number of strong men to deal with the warriors of the blood god temple sent by Ying Tianhe.

Even at that time, there were two strong gods!

One is the master of Ziyan in Gaoyang. The other is Beigong Yuanye, the grandfather of Beigong Xingyuan.

The strength of Beigong plain is the five levels of heaven and God!

Beigong Xingyuan said with a bitter smile: "after that time back from Tianying City, my grandfather went out with a hundred Li crazy lion. I don't know where I went, and I haven't come back yet."

"I see." Tang Long nodded.

Next to the North Palace fairy son, looking at Tang Long nervously asked: "bad guys, how are my parents injured?"

"The injuries are not serious, but they are all poisoned, which is a bit of trouble." Tang Long's voice dropped, looking at the North Palace Xingyuan and Ning Xiang'er, he said, "before I can heal you, I must first remove the poison you have been poisoned."


Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the northern palace fairy: "take me to the cultivation room, and I will refine the antidote elixir."


Beigong Xianer agreed and took Tang long to the training room of Beigong hall.

Tang Long went into the training room, took out the heaven and earth tripod, and began to refine the detoxification elixir.

In a hurry, fifteen minutes passed.

Tang Long refined two detoxification pills. He came out of the training room and handed the two detoxification pills with two patterns of elixir quality to Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er.

Two people took the understanding of poison pill, the eyes showed a strong shock!

The North Palace star Yuan glared at Tang Long and said in disbelief: "two patterns fairy pill? Are you, are you sure that you can directly refine the two pattern elixir? "

Tang Long said with a faint smile: "the spiritual power has been improved a little, so the water products for refining the elixir have also been improved. I still have some confidence in refining the two pattern elixir."

"Good, good, good!" In the eyes of Beigong Xingyuan, there is a deep surprise.

Next to the Ningxiang son busy asked: "you now, Dan Shi strength to what extent?"

"San pin Dan di."

"What, it has reached the level of three grade Dandi? Danshi's strength can be improved so fast All the stars in the North Palace are crying out!

You should know that once the strength of Dan Shi reaches the level of Dan Di, it is extremely difficult to improve. Some Dan masters, even practicing for a lifetime, can hardly improve the strength of a product at the level of Dan di.

However, Tang Long unexpectedly, so quickly reached the level of three grade Dandi!

This really shocked Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er!

When Beigong Xianer saw her parents, she was shocked by the strength of her bad Dan master. She was filled with pride and joy.

However, he was coquettish and angry, urging Tang long to say: "bad guys, don't cure my parents yet!"

"Good!" Tang Long agreed.

Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er both take zhidu Lingdan.

Tang Long rallied his mental strength and used huangquan Shenzhen needle to help Bei Gong Xingyuan and Ning Xiang'er to understand the power of the poison pill, which relieved them of their poison, and then began to treat their internal injuries.

It took a full hour for Tang long to stop the treatment.

At this time, the poison of Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er was completely relieved, and their internal injuries were also recovered a lot.

Next, they only need to have a good rest and recuperation for two days, and the injury will be completely healed.

Tang Long helped two people to heal their wounds. Then he looked at them and asked, "did the people who hurt you practice poison skill?"

"Not bad." Beigong Xingyuan nodded.

Ning Xiang'er added: "the person who practices poison skill is very strong. Even, the whole clan where he belongs has practiced this kind of poison skill. As long as he is hurt by his poisonous skill, his own energy of cultivation will be weakened day by day."

Beigong Xingyuan was beside him and sighed: "there are more than 1000 people poisoned in Linjiang city now. We are at a loss for this.""Linjiang city?"

"It is a city controlled by our northern palace, facing the sea, which is rich in all kinds of treasures. Linjiang city is very prosperous. It is a very important place in our North Palace. "

Tang Long said: "I also go to Linjiang city to have a look."

North Palace star Yuan looks at Tang long way: "I also have this intention, hope you can go to have a look, cure those who are poisoned."

"Good." Naturally, Tang long would not refuse the request of Beigong Xingyuan.

Next to the ningxiang'er said: "Tang long, you are now refining the water quality of the elixir is very high, so we also hope that you can help us refine some elixir, we need to use this elixir, how much to enhance some strength."

"If you want to refine any elixir, just tell me." Tang Long immediately said.

Ning Xiang'er nodded and turned to look at the North Palace.

Beigong Xingyuan is obviously prepared by the classics.

His mind moved, and a big black box appeared in his hand.

He sent the box to Tang Long: "these are two kinds of fairy medicines that we have spent thousands of years trying to collect to enhance our strength. However, we have not been able to find a suitable Dan master to help us refine them. Now that we have you, it is really good."

"I will try my best!" Tang Long took the box.

Beigong Xingyuan stopped and said, "if you help us refine the elixir, we will naturally give you some rewards. Don't worry. If you have any requirements, just ask for it. As long as I can do it, I will try my best."

How dare I ask for your reward

After that, he took a look at Beigong Xianer and continued: "xian'er is my Tang Long's wife. You are xian'er's parents, that is, my Tang Long's parents. You can't be paid to work for your parents!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, next to the North Palace fairy, a blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Slightly lowered her head, her heart, but very sweet and happy.

Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er don't say anything more.

Although Tang Long and Beigong Xianer did not hold a formal wedding ceremony, in their hearts, Tang long had been regarded as Beigong Xianer's husband. Both of them fully agreed with the relationship between Tang Long and Beigong Xianer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!