Tang Kuo and Tang Clan Dragon guards formed a semicircle behind Tang long, with a dignified look on their faces!

Tang Yang Lin Ximeng and Li Dahan didn't come up to set up the Pangu formation at this time. It's enough to have Tangmen Shenlong guard arrange this array. Tang Kuo and Fengyun thunder and lightning are specially responsible for command and support!

In front of Tang long, the blood robed warrior in the realm of the holy emperor gazed at Tang Long and said in a deep voice: "I really didn't expect that there is such a young saint in this world!"

Tang Long was neither humble nor arrogant, and said faintly: "what you didn't expect is more than my strength, right? I'm afraid the value of the dragon I have in Tangmen is much greater than that of me. After all, when the dragon grows up, its combat power is immeasurable! "

"Not bad!" The blood robed warrior nodded and admitted.

In his heart, he was really shocked by the dragon of Tang clan. He was not only shocked, but also eager to have these dragons himself!

However, he also knew that it was extremely difficult to sign a soul contract with the dragon, not to mention that all the dragons in front of him had grown to the level of four sacred beasts by Sutra, and they were not young ones.

In this case, even if he killed Tang long, it is very difficult to get these dragons!

The only way is to kill all these dragons!

What a pity!

Looking at the old man with blood robe, Tang Long seemed to have guessed what the old man was thinking. He said with a faint smile: "I know that the strength of the three of you is very strong. It's easy to kill all of us here, or even kill these dragons!"

"Not bad!" The old man nodded.

The reason why he didn't do it up to now is that his strength is much stronger than Tang Long and them, and more powerful than these supernatural beasts!

In front of the three of them, even if they want to escape, they are absolutely impossible!

That's why he and Tang long are talking here.

Tang Long said: "as the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are outstanding people. I am still young and naturally don't want to die so soon. Therefore, I hope to make a deal with you. What do you think?"

"Trade?" In the eyes of the warrior in the blood robe, there is a touch of curiosity and Expectation: "talk about it!"

Tang Long said, "if you don't kill us, we will be loyal to you."

Blood robed warrior light smile: "how can I believe you?"

Tang Long said: "in front of you, we are already mortal, so you should know that we have no choice but to be loyal to you, which is the only choice we can have to survive!"

"There's some truth in that." The warrior in the blood robe nodded, but said, "but, you have such a divine beast as the dragon. If you betray me one day, I will not raise a tiger for a disease!"

"We will never betray!" Tang Long is full of confidence: "and I believe that you absolutely have a way not to let us betray!"

"Boy, you seem very smart!" Looking at Tang long, the warrior in the blood robe had a flash of appreciation in his eyes: "you not only know the current affairs very well, but also seem to have guessed some thoughts in my heart!"

With that, he had a box in his hand!

Open the box, a very evil breath out, he took out a blood red elixir from the box!

"Eat this puppet Dan, I promise to spare your life!" His light way!

Tang long looked at the puppet Dan in his hand. There was a flash of fear in his eyes, but his heart was full of deep surprise. It was actually a five grade holy pill!

Wupin Shengdan, which is a very high level of the holy pill, ordinary Dan division, but refining can not come out.

He made a frightened look and said, "is this puppet Dan, poison?"

"Of course The blood robed warrior gave a faint smile: "but don't worry, this is a very special elixir. After taking it, as long as you don't betray me, I will give you an antidote every time. It's not only harmless, but also good for you!"

"What benefits?"

"This puppet Dan is the most precious treasure of our lieying Shenzong. Even the people in the blood god hall can't take out this kind of treasure. Once you and your men take the puppet pill, your strength will soar a lot!"

"Oh Hearing this, Tang Long's eyes flashed with light!

The old man with blood robe smiles: "how about it? Do you agree or not? "

"Yes!" Tang Long's resolute way, paused, but followed closely: "however, I also have a request, a small request!"

"Say it

"I hope you can convince me!"

"How do you want me to convince you?" The old man asked.

At this time, the reason why he was so patient was completely because of the majestic more than 100 dragons behind Tang long.

If you can control Tang Long and his men, you will control these dragons!

If you let these dragons grow up, he knows that he will become very strong, even if the ancient sect, can completely ignore!"Tell me what you want!" he said

Tang Long said seriously: "I once learned a kind of array, called the python array. This array is very powerful. If you and the two people around you can break my array, I will sincerely yield and never break my promise!"

"Are you really so good at this array?"

"I only know that if the emperor is strong, I will be able to deal with this array. If the emperor is strong, I think it should be able to resist for a while."

"You are so confident that I want to see the array."

With a faint smile, the warrior in the blood robe said: "but, I have a request too!"

"Say it

The blood robed warrior took the puppet pill and said: "it's easy for me to break the battle, but first of all, you should show your sincerity of loyalty to me. You must take this puppet pill first, otherwise, I will kill you immediately!"

Tang Long frowned slightly!

He knew that the blood robed warrior was also worried about his cheating. Therefore, he had to use puppet Dan to control him and control the initiative. In this case, even if things were abnormal, he did not dare to kill the blood robed warrior for the antidote of puppet Dan!

Tang Long is secretly happy in his heart. He has chaotic sky fire. How can he be afraid of the puppet Dan?!

And in the present situation, he has no way out!

Making a hesitant look, after a moment, he bit his teeth and said, "I ate puppet Dan, there will be no danger in a short time!"

"Absolutely not!"

"How long will this puppet pill start to attack?"

"Two hours later, the medicine will attack for the first time. However, you can rest assured that I will not make you feel bad when I am here. As long as you are loyal to me, you will not be tired by puppet Dan in the future."

"OK, I'll eat puppet Dan!"

Tang Long nodded and agreed!

In the eyes of the warrior in the blood robe, there was also a touch of joy: "very good, you are indeed a very smart young man!"

He was in such a hurry to let Tang long take the puppet Dan just in case.

In his opinion, he and his two companions are the strength of the realm of the holy emperor. Even though the array arranged by Tang Long is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to trap them!

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too big!

What's more, Tang Long is so young. What powerful array can he learn?!

The most important thing is that he knows clearly that Tang Long's strength is the strongest among these people in front of him. The strength of those people behind Tang Long is much weaker than that of Tang long. How powerful is the array arranged by such a person?!

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