The power of Pangu's great array can be brought into full play!

Thousands of meters above the sky, an extremely mysterious energy diffuses from the blood red energy disc, making the whole world full of an extremely evil atmosphere of destruction and death!

In the array, three warriors in the holy emperor realm are still attacking the blood red energy barrier.

Unfortunately, no matter how they attack, the energy barrier is intact!

Xuelinyue stood beside Tang long, looking at the bloody and shining Pangu formation. She was very surprised, but also very happy.

She didn't expect that she could have such a powerful array even though she was shameless. She didn't expect that Tangmen could have such a powerful array!

after Xue Lingyue, Li Dahan's eyes were filled with joy.

The people in the back of Blackstone city also showed a look of relief in their eyes.

They thought that in the face of these three powerful saints, they would surely die. But they did not expect that in this desperate situation, Tang long had powerful means to block the attacks of these three powerful saints!

The power of Pangu array gradually appears, and the black hole of the demon world is about to open!

Above the sky, there was a roar from the top of Pangu array, from the blood red energy CD. On the dazzling blood red disc, strange runes flowed, the blood red disc suddenly vibrated!

Then, the center of the disc, there have been a series of tiny cracks!

A heavy sound, the roar of thunder constantly sounded!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom --"

an invisible force diffused from the blood red disc in the sky, turning into a fierce hurricane and howling in the array.

It seems that on the other side of the CD, there is a ferocious monster who is pounding the CD hard and pounding the blood red CD-ROM incessantly. Seeing the blood red CD-ROM, it is going to be smashed and broken!

Tang Long is looking up at the blood red energy CD-ROM that is about to be broken.

All of a sudden, he felt a huge pain, which spread all over his body. The pain was so terrible that it seemed that his whole body would explode with pain!

What's more, an extremely strange blood red energy burst out on him!

His mind is full of dizziness!

Then, a strange breath of death and destruction broke out from him, which directly rushed into his mind and made him feel that his head was about to explode!

The pain is more and more fierce, Tang long forehead, big beads of sweat rolling down!

His face turned pale!

"It should be the puppet dan you ate just now!"

"Don't these three guys say that puppet Dan's effect won't explode immediately? Why did it break out so quickly? "

Tang long thought secretly. He tried to bear the sharp pain in his head and looked into the array. However, he saw that the warrior in the blood robe who had given him the puppet Dan before was closing his hands and making some strange fingerprints in the array!

Tang Long also knows a lot about handprints.

Moreover, Tang Long got a Book of ten thousand poisons after exterminating Tianshui sect before!

In the book of ten thousand poisons, there is a method of refining puppets and a mysterious method of cultivating poisonous insects and controlling people.

Tang long can see from the Scriptures that the martial artist in the array who constantly changes his fingerprints is obviously using strange techniques to control poisonous insects!

"It seems that the puppet pill I took just now is not only a kind of poison, but also sealed with extremely poisonous poisonous poisonous insects."

Tang Long knew the real use of puppet Dan, and was a little surprised.

Under the control of the warrior in the array, the poisonous insects in the puppet pill broke the puppet pill and began to destroy the Tang dragon. The insect actually reached the head of the Tang dragon!

Suddenly Tang long felt that his head was extremely painful and seemed to burst!

In front of his eyes, are bursts of black!

And a kind of fierce poison, but also spread in his body, his whole body, are infected with a strange blood red!

Next to him, xuelingyue noticed Tang Long's abnormality, and quickly asked nervously, "laipi, what's wrong with you? Is that the poison you just ate had a seizure? "

"I'm fine!"

Tang long tried to bear the immense pain and didn't want to worry about his precious wife.

Lin Ximeng and they all found that Tang Long was abnormal, and his body was in a flash. He came to Tang Long's side and looked at him nervously.

Shi Gang also flew over.

At this time, Pangu formation high above the blood red disc, there is still a continuous roar sound, and the blood red energy disc center position, that crack, is becoming more and more obvious.

It seems that the blood red disc is about to be broken!

in the array, the eyes of the three powerful saints show a touch of panic.

The warrior who kept changing his fingerprints was staring at Tang long, and his eyes were obviously cold: "boy, you ate my puppet Dan of lieying Shenzong. When I want you to die, you will die!""If you don't want to die, remove the array immediately, or I'll let your whole body explode!"

Outside the array, Xue Lingyue heard the words of the warrior, and the expressions on their faces became extremely ugly!

Stone Gang heart full of infinite tension!

At this time, his heart is really very contradictory!

If you want to release the three people in the array, who can resist their attack after they come out?!

However, if you don't let these three people out, Tang Long may die soon. How can the people of Tangmen let Tang Long die like this?!

Stone Gang heart, suddenly a little worried.

And he is very contradictory!

After him, the warriors of Blackstone city were all very nervous. They did not want Tang long to die, nor did they want the people of Tangmen to release the three trapped saints.

Lin Ximeng was beside Tang Long and was in a sweat: "young master, what should we do now? Why don't we let these three guys go first? "

"No, absolutely not!"

Tang Long clenched his teeth and felt his headache more and more fierce. He sat down on his knees.

Turning his head, he glanced at the Tang clan people beside him and said in a deep voice, "the next thing is for you. I want to practice. Remember, no one is allowed to destroy the array!"

With this sentence, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

On him, the power of the golden flame burst out suddenly and madly, and wrapped him completely. All around him, within 100 meters, were completely covered by the golden flame!

Even in the flames, there are also a series of terrible golden lightning, in the direction of continuous thunderbolt in all directions!

Tang long used chaotic sky fire to refine what he had just eaten. The poisonous insects sealed in the puppet pill and the strong poison contained in the puppet pill! , the fastest update of the webnovel!