Golden Monkey appeared at the same time, Tang Long's other supernatural animals also appeared!

These supernatural beasts, toward all directions rushed out, directly into the blood red Warcraft group, and then launched a fierce battle!

A golden and lightning figure appears beside Li Dahan.

After hearing the rain bamboo, he turned his head and saw that it was Tang Long who came.

"Tang clan leader, you, please help Dahan, he will soon go!" I heard rain bamboo eyes, big tears rolling down.

Tang Long's heart is also a burst of regret!

The dangerous situation in front of him should not have appeared. It is only because he lost his calm for a moment because of the sharp pain after he was poisoned by lieying Shengu. He failed to summon his divine beast before refining it!

If he summoned his beast and the king of the abyss ahead of time, Li Dahan would not be in such danger.

However, he was still lucky. Although Li Dahan was seriously injured, he did not die for the time being.

"Don't worry, anyway, I will cure Dahan's injury."

Tang Long's voice dropped. He took out a healing pill of immortal quality and gave it to Li Dahan. Then he explored Li Dahan's pulse. Huangquan needle condensed and began to treat Li Dahan's internal injury.

Within five minutes, Li Dahan's chest wound stopped bleeding.

Tang long looked at the man and said, "take him to the back to rest. Don't move. Take care of him!"


Yuzhu nodded, carefully picked up Li Dahan and walked towards the place where Tang Long sat down on his knees.

It's the safest place right now.

Tang Long turned his head and glanced around him. His eyes showed a sharp chill.

Since the establishment of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan, today is the most tragic war. Even Xue linyue, everyone has been seriously injured, and even more than half of the Tang clan's Dragon guards have been seriously injured!

"Lieying Shenzong, you come to accept the punishment from heaven now. If you dare to hurt the people of Tangmen, or even let my Yueer be seriously injured, you will only die!"

In the eyes of Tang long, a strong killing opportunity broke out!

On the body, the ice and fire energy is sweeping wildly, condensing the huangquan divine needle, stimulating the potential, exerting the seal of the real dragon and the heaven and earth method to enhance the strength!

His body, dazzling golden lightning, fusion in the ice and fire energy, toward all directions, crazy swept!

A sharp blade broke out from him and went straight to the sky!

The sword awn soared for thousands of kilometers, and the ice fire energy went straight to the clouds. Under the agitation of the ice fire energy, the cloud began to rotate madly. In a short time, it was in the high altitude, turning into a terrible energy vortex!

At the same time, beside Tang long, the God of destruction and the king of the abyss appeared at the same time!

"Ha ha ha, I haven't seen such a tragic scene for a long time!"

The king of the abyss burst into laughter, which made the whole world seem to be distorted!

The strong atmosphere of destruction, swept in all directions, so that the air between heaven and earth, seems to become extremely heavy!

Because of the improvement of Tang Long's strength and Tang Long's exerting the strongest power, the king of the abyss's combat power has also been greatly improved!


Tang Long's Doomsday thunder god roared, rolling thunder sounded on his body!

There is a faint red light in the eyes of mieshi Raytheon. In this red light, there are many strange thunder runes on mieshi Raytheon!


The fist of mieshi Raytheon, towards the blood red Warcraft in front, attacked the past fiercely one after another!

With the attack of this fist, the power of thunder and lightning, combined with the power of ice and fire energy, turned into a cloud of thunder rolling energy light, toward the mutant Warcraft ahead, bombarding and leaving one after another!

The power of this thunderbolt energy group is extremely strong. It falls into the mutated Warcraft group, and suddenly a terrible explosion occurs!

What's more, after the explosion, the powerful air waves, with extremely domineering thunder power, will be around the head of the variation of Warcraft, are bombarded everywhere!

It is obvious that at this time, the war power of the destroyer Thor has been greatly improved!

The king of the abyss's attack is also crazy!

Two black hammers of destruction attacked the ten saints in front of them. On the hammer of destruction, a powerful force broke out, smashing the ten saints and retreating again and again!

In the face of the ten saints, the Thor of extermination seems to be at ease at this time!

Of course, thanks to Tang Long's strength at this time.

The strength of Tang Long has been improved by refining the fierce shadow God Gu, and the strength of Tang Long has been upgraded from the original two levels of the holy king to the four levels of the holy king, which has greatly improved his combat power!

Moreover, his doomsday Thor, this time is actually promoted to success.

Originally, mieshi Raytheon was tempered to level 4, but now it has reached level 5 with Scripture, which has opened the mind!The Thor, who opens his orifices, can not only increase his attack power greatly, but also use his magic power to attack by connecting with Tang Long's soul.

The power of this kind of attack has naturally been greatly improved!

around, several other magical beasts of Tang long, with their extremely fierce experiences, are also launching fierce attacks against those mutated Warcraft and the warriors of the blood temple, so that the whole passive situation is gradually stabilized!

And at this time, in the fierce battle, the whirling energy whirlpool in the sky, the sound of thunder thundering roared!

An unparalleled force of heaven and earth, thundering down from the sky!

The whole world, it seems, is going to crumble!

In the terrible whirlpool of ice and fire energy in the sky, one after another of golden light and lightning fused with the ice and fire energy, turned into a golden light energy light column, facing downward, toward the dense variation of Warcraft, and those fierce shadow God sect warriors, crazy thunderbolt came down!

"Boom, boom --"

such a powerful attack is incomparable.

This is the powerful force of punishment!

The whole heaven and earth, by the force of this punishment, to the bombardment of non-stop shaking!

Each of the forces of punishment thundered down, below, there was a large number of mutant Warcraft, which were bombarded everywhere, and those warriors in the blood god hall could not resist such a terrible force of punishment!

"Boom, boom --"

the sound of roar is continuous, and there is a kind of extremely terrible pressure between heaven and earth!

This kind of pressure of heaven and earth, so that the surrounding variation of Warcraft, flame is weakened, even those blood robed martial arts, a heart also produced fear!

"God's punishment for exterminating the world, and the emperor's extreme sky shaking palm!"

At this time, Tang Long fused the two magic skills of "Huangji Jingshi" and "tianjiangshen punishment"!

all of a sudden, in the whirling ice fire energy whirlpool in the sky, the golden lights and lightning were transformed into a huge energy palm!

The huge palm of energy is more than 20 meters in diameter!

There are more than 30 energy palms, which are coming down from high altitude!

A huge palm of energy, surrounded by a terrible golden lightning, fusion of powerful ice and fire energy, emit dazzling light, toward the dense variation of Warcraft down!

The air below becomes very heavy when it is photographed by the energy giant palm!

Fierce hurricane, whistling under the energy palm!

The powerful pressure brought by the huge energy palm makes the legs of the mutant Warcraft unable to move!

The ground, all of a sudden collapse down!

As you can see, these huge energy palms fall on the top of the warriors of the shadow God sect among the mutated Warcraft groups, and directly shoot one head of Warcraft into the ground!

Those warriors of the shadow God sect are all spat with blood from their mouths! , the fastest update of the webnovel!