Tang long looked nervous and worried. Looking at the king of the abyss, he urged: "tell me quickly, what means can people in the blood demon world use to devour other people's souls?"

The king of the abyss saw that Tang Long was so nervous and anxious that he immediately knew that the situation was serious.

Without hesitation, he immediately explained: "the life of the blood demon world is very special and strange. It is condensed by a kind of very evil energy."

After a pause, he went on: "there are two kinds of energy condensing souls, as far as I know!"

"Which two?"

"One is called the bloodthirsty master, and the other is the bloodthirsty devil!"

"What are the characteristics of these two souls?"

"Let me start with the bloodthirsty devil. This kind of soul has an extremely evil ability, which can devour the souls of all the people in this world, occupy other people's bodies, and devour all other people's thoughts and memories, and take possession of them! "

"Can you swallow up memory?" Tang Long's heart is pounding!

If the bloodthirsty devil can devour other people's memory and occupy other people's bodies, that is to say, the body surface does not change, but in fact it exchanges Scripture for another life!

Such a situation can not be noticed by others!

In this case, if the souls of these 200 people are swallowed up, they will become the people of the blood demon world immediately.

But people who don't know the inside story can't find their change!

This kind of means, is actually God does not know the ghost, is really too overcautious mysterious!

The king of the abyss continued: "the bloodthirsty Lord is more powerful than the bloodthirsty devil, because the bloodthirsty Lord can not only devour the soul of ordinary people, but also the soul of the bloodthirsty devil. Even, the bloodthirsty Lord can devour each other's souls in the same body!"

Tang Long guessed and asked, "should there be few bloodthirsty masters?"

"There are not only a few bloodthirsty masters, but also very high status in the blood demon world. Some powerful super strong people are basically bloodthirsty masters. They devour other people's souls. Although they can't get other people's strength, they can get all the memory and perception of others, and even get their soul contract and soul brand!"

"So the soul of Ying Tianhe should be a bloodthirsty demon?"

"That soul in you is also a bloodthirsty demon!"

"It's no wonder that the people of the blood god's hall have so many people in each major gate so quickly. It turns out that they don't need any means to control others. They just let the people in the blood demon world devour the souls of these people!"

Before Tang long, there were still some doubts. How could those people from the blood temple be able to install so many people in the ancient ancestral gate of Dayuan!

Now the mystery has finally been solved.

He knew that there were probably many people in the ancient ancestral sects, who did not seem to have changed on the surface, but actually turned into the blood demon kingdom through the experience. The souls possessed by these people may have changed for a long time!

Tang Long immediately thought of yingtianhe!

He had doubts again.

Looking at the king of the abyss, he said: "it is obvious that Ying Tianhe has two souls, one is a bloodthirsty demon lord, and the other seems to be his own soul. Why hasn't his soul been swallowed up?"

The king of the abyss said: "in the world, there are only two kinds of spiritual pulse, which can lead to the situation of responding to Tianhe!"

"What two kinds of spiritual pulse?"

"One is your Jiuyou Jue pulse. The reason why you can coexist with another soul is because of your Jiuyou Jue pulse."

"What about the other pulse?"

"Another mysterious pulse is called Huangji magic pulse!"

Tang Long was stunned.

He has only heard of Huangji divine pulse and anti heaven magic pulse, but he has not heard of Huangji magic pulse!

He asked, "is there anything special about this Huangji magic pulse?"

The king of the abyss said: "ordinary people can only hold one soul. However, the Huangji magic pulse is a twin spiritual pulse, which can accommodate two souls at the same time. Yingtianhe should be the owner of the Huangji magic vein!"

After a pause, he continued: "in this world, although there are very few people who have the emperor's magic pulse, they are not without them. They have extremely high cultivation talents and extremely fast training speed."

Tang Long doubted and asked, "who has this kind of spiritual pulse, can't the bloodthirsty Lord of the blood demon world devour their souls?"

"As far as I know, the souls of those who have this twin spiritual pulse are bloodthirsty demons themselves. That is to say, in fact, there is life in the blood demon world in this world, but very few people do not know about it!"

"Can't the two bloodthirsty masters on Ying Tianhe devour each other?"

"The soul of the owner of the Huangji magic vein has undergone some mysterious variation, which can't be swallowed up by the bloodthirsty Lord, but it can't swallow the soul of the bloodthirsty Lord who enters the body. Therefore, there are two souls in yingtianhe, and these two souls can't be swallowed up by each other in yingtianhe's body."

"I see!" Tang Long frowned: "so, should Tianhe belong to the blood demon kingdom?""In theory, it's true!"

"What about me?" Tang Long asked, "why can I accommodate two souls?"

"Your spiritual pulse is quite special. As for why you can accommodate two souls, you will know in the future."

Tang long thought about it for a while, and immediately asked, "is it really difficult for people in the blood demon world to devour my soul? Or can't you do it at all? "

The king of the abyss glared at Tang Long: "your soul is very weak, it is easy to be swallowed up!"


Tang long curled his mouth.

Originally, he was still a little fluky. At this time, this fluke mentality was directly broken.

The king of the abyss continued: "but you don't have to worry too much. At least for now, your soul can't be swallowed, because it's not so easy to swallow your soul. At least I can give you some help."

"Now you have refined the spirit of annihilation Thor, which is your soul. If you refine the spirit of Thor to be more powerful, it can also become an independent soul, and can be integrated with your soul at any time. In this way, you will become more secure!"

Tang Long asked: "how to make the soul separation more powerful?"

In the eyes of the king of the abyss, a touch of pride flashed away, followed by a face of a Su, very seriously: "want the fastest speed to make your soul strong, and do not affect your own soul, the best thing, as far as I know, there is only one kind!"

"What is that?"


"What is Gemini? Where can I find it? "

"This is a kind of Wupin fairy medicine, which is extremely rare in the whole universe. Only one place can find this kind of Wupin fairy medicine, that is Tianwa mountain in the twin caves, which belongs to the territory of Nuwa ancestor god!"

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