Dongfang bing'er didn't think that Tang long would ask her to call her husband Tang long.

How can she call it exit!

Just steady some heart, suddenly fierce jump up.

Although in her heart, she had already admitted that Tang Long was the only man in her life, but she was embarrassed to say so.

Lower your head, try to summon up courage for a long time, or can't open mouth!

Tang long, with a smile, threatened to urge: "you hurry up, or else don't blame me for my nonsense!" Said, a pair of hands is holding the Oriental ice son, began the impolite demonstration!

Dongfang binger has never had such an experience!

Feeling that Tang Long is constantly occupying important places, and even the most persistent places, he has been occupying them one by one. Suddenly, he is nervous and flustered, and I don't know what to do!

She was not unwilling.

What Tang Long wants to do with her, she doesn't refuse at all, just give it to him.

However, she was worried that Beigong xian'er would come back suddenly. In case she was caught, what should she do!

Of course, she knew what Beigong Xianer was going to do, because before Beigong Xianer, she also went to jump in the river to refresh herself for a while.

Dongfang bing'er is nervous because Tang Long's behavior is a little sudden!

"You, give me a break."

Dongfang bing'er lowered his head and gently grasped Tang Long's hand. He didn't dare to let him be so reckless again.

Tang Long laughs and reaches the ear of the North Palace fairy: "why, you don't want to?"

"I --"

Dongfang bing'er is a little helpless. Even if she wants to, she can't do it at this time. How can this person have to ask her to call her husband? She has been willing to call her husband for a long time, and he is not ignorant.

What's more, he is so bold and reckless, which is too unscrupulous!

"Not here -" she said helplessly, "xian'er will come back soon. You, don't be so greedy, OK

"Then you call me husband!" Tang Long wants to move again.

Dongfang bing'er is completely helpless. She feels her strength all over her body and disappears without a trace. She nestles in Tang Long's arms. Her mind is in a mess. She has a strange feeling in her heart. She even looks forward to the arrival of that moment!

However, she also knew that he could not be connived at here.

She had to bear the heart of the jump, gently said: "husband!"

"That's about it!"

Tang Long was very satisfied, very satisfied.

But holding the Oriental ice son, beautiful gnawing for a while, that proud look, it is a bit unbearable to look directly at.

Dongfang bing'er is in a trance. She is happy and happy in her heart. At the same time, she is worried about Beigong Xianer's coming back. She is a little nervous.

All of a sudden, she was in a mess!

However, she immediately found that Tang Long didn't want to stop and was still in a mess. She was really helpless.

Why is this man so greedy!

"I'll hold it for you, and you won't move." She gently way, voice with a little cry: "wait for the immortal son is not in, I, I follow you, now, you let me off!"

Tang long heard the girl's soft voice pleading, but he was more and more proud!

However, it also stopped.

When he heard that Beigong Xianer was on his way back, he knew that it was not time for him to eat Dongfang binger, so he stopped greedy.

He didn't worry. Anyway, it was a long time. When he got to Taiyi Xianzong, there were lots of opportunities to eat ice!

"Let's say, you can't hide when xian'er is away!"


Dongfang bing'er feels that her whole person is always being burned by a fire. She is totally helpless to this guy in front of her. Now she really knows that this guy has long had those thoughts for herself!

In her heart, but also at ease down, before, has been worried that Tang long does not like her.

Now she knew that this man must like her.

In a short time, Beigong Xianer appeared in front of Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er.

At this time, she was wearing a lilac skirt, a hair with a trace of moisture, beautiful and exquisite, graceful figure, graceful, that kind of beauty, is full of infinite attraction!

Tang long looked at her, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

Beigong xian'er was very happy when he saw Tang Long looking at him like this. He couldn't help but giggle, like a silver bell, floating in the air.

With a gust of fragrant wind, floated to Tang Long's side, Tang Long quickly reached out to hold her!

Beigong xian'er blushed and dodged lightly. He glanced at the guy: "the bad guy is greedy and ready to eat!"


Tang long heard the two words from Bei Gong xian'er and found that he was really hungry.He turned his head and looked at it. His eyes suddenly showed a light: "barking dog!"

"Cluck, you guessed it!" Bei Gong xian'er smiles with joy and flashes away not far away.

Dongfang bing'er also stood up and walked towards Beigong Xianer. They stopped at a distance of 50 meters and dug out a small pit on the ground carefully.

Suddenly, a strong fragrance wafted out!

"These two precious girls are more and more able to cook and eat, but they are probably Xianer's craft!"

"What a lovely wife

Tang Long sighed in secret, and his figure flashed. When he arrived between Beigong Xianer and Dongfang bing'er, he sat down carelessly. Dongfang bing'er's delicate and delicate hand was delivered to him with a large piece of delicious meat in his hand: "villain, here you are!"

Don't mention it. Take it and eat it!

After eating and resting for a while, the three of them are ready to go in the direction of the magic tower.

Tang Long's supernatural beasts woke up from their deep sleep, and their combat power was improved a lot. Before that, all of them had reached the peak of level four sacred beasts. At this time, they all broke through successfully and grew to the level of level five sacred beasts.

Level five holy beast, its combat power is very strong, even if the martial arts at the top of the holy reverence, these divine beasts can also defeat it!

Tang Long was very happy with the improvement of the animal's strength.

Although the dragon of Beigong Xianer and Dongfang binger also ate a piece of blood Tianzhu fruit, they failed to grow to the level 5 level, still the level 4 level.

Tang Long summoned the red flame lion.

When the red flame lion grows to the level of level five sacred beast, it not only has a huge increase in strength, but also has a huge size.

At this time, the red flame Tien lion was five meters high. It was burning with flames. In the flame, there were many strange runes flying around. It looked really mysterious!

Of course, the red flame lion this kind of god beast, also can change the size at will.

If necessary, the red flame lion can be shrunk immediately, turned into its former size, and even this body can soar again and become more powerful!

The back of the red flame lion is extremely wide.

Even if Tang Long and the three of them were sitting on the back of the red flame lion, they were still in a wide position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!