Ying Tianhe stares at Tang Long and says coldly: "if you want me to believe you, there is only one way, that is, you will die right now!"


Tang Long frowned fiercely. This guy really can say!

Ying Tianhe turned to look at the north wind and said in a deep voice: "let me deal with this matter. I believe that in my capacity, killing a Tang long should still have the right!"

Seeing that yingtianhe must kill Tang long, the cold north wind immediately calculated it in his heart.

Although he is the blood demon lord, Ying Tianhe is just the blood demon emperor, much lower than his identity, but Ying Tianhe is the disciple of lie Qingtian after all!

What's more, Ying Tianhe is too strange, and his strength has been improved very fast!

therefore, the north wind is a little afraid of Ying Tianhe.

A Tang dragon, even if it is the identity of Heiyan bullet, is of no importance at all. Moreover, if you kill Tang long, Heiyan bullet will not die. It will become a soul, return to the blood demon world, and find another body again.

For this small matter, there is no need to offend yingtianhe.

Considering the pros and cons of the north wind, he plans to give the Tang dragon to Ying Tianhe for disposal, which can also be regarded as selling to Ying Tianhe.

He is thinking about gain and loss!

Tang Long saw the north wind cold at this time, and immediately guessed that things might be bad.

He didn't expect this to happen!

He has to find a way to protect himself!

"how can I fall into the hands of Ying Tianhe? Isn't that terrible?"

"However, according to the current situation, whether I am true or not, the northern wind and cold will surely give me to Ying Tianhe. What should I do?"

Frown to think for a moment, Tang Long immediately thought of a way!

He made a nervous look and looked at Yingtian River: "Lord blood demon, why don't you believe me? And kill me, do you know what the consequences are? "

"You're just a nobody. Kill it or kill it!" Ying Tianhe said coldly: "if you are really a black flame bullet, you will not die if you kill you, but you will return to the blood demon world."

"But kill me, our blood temple will lose a lot!" Tang Long's eyes fell on the north wind.

The north wind is a little bit curious.

He looked at Tang Long and asked, "why killed you, our blood temple will lose a lot?"

"Because I am Tang Long!" Tang Long seriously said: "the Tang clan now controls the fire island of death by Scripture, and the identity of Tang Long is extremely complex. Therefore, if the body of Tang Long is dead, the impact on the blood temple will be extremely significant!"

"Complicated identity? Tell me about it

"I'm a disciple of the emperor's palace, and I'm also a disciple of the master of Shengying hall. At the same time, taishici is also very good to me in shengxinzong, and it's better for me to be in the heavenly demon palace and the northern palace Xingyuan. And these people are the opposition forces of the blood temple! "

North wind cold light way: "then how?"

Tang Long seriously said, "don't you think that my identity is of great use?"

"What's the use?"

"At the same time, I have a deep relationship with the three ancient sects, and the people who have a deep relationship with me are all those who oppose the alliance with the Taiyi Xianzong. I'm afraid that if the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty had a successful alliance, it would have been more difficult for them to complete their plans in the Tang Dynasty

"That's it North wind cold nodded.

Ying Tianhe is in Taiyi Xianzong and has been busy with the affairs of the alliance.

This is the order of lie Qingtian!

lie Qingtian wants to make every ancient sect of the Kalan realm unite with Taiyi Xianzong, and then let those evil sects unite with the blood god temple.

In this way, in addition to the blood god hall, there are only Taiyi Xianzong in the whole Jialan world!

Taiyi Xianzong and the blood god temple are basically one family!

in this case, the whole Jialan world is completely controlled by the blood demon Kingdom and completely controlled by lie Qingtian.

This is an extremely important step in the blood temple.

However, yingtianhe has been busy for so long, but this matter has always been stumbling and stumbling. The blood god temple has completed the alliance with those evil sects, but the Taiyi Xianzong has not made progress.

For this matter, lie Qingtian is a little unhappy.

Beifenghan knows that Tang Long's special identity is really useful and can quickly complete the alliance task entrusted by lie Qingtian.

After all, among the three ancient clans, Tang Long contacted people who did not want to join the alliance with Taiyi Xianzong!

And these people's identities are not low!

"So, Tang Long's identity is really useful!" Beifenghan turned his head and looked at Ying Tianhe: "Tianhe, I think it's better to kill Tang Long first. We must finish the task assigned to us by the world leader first."

"I must kill him!" Ying Tianhe said in a deep voice, with unquestionable firmness in his eyes. He did not even pay attention to the words of the north wind.The north wind frowned fiercely.

Although Ying Tianhe is a disciple of lie Qingtian, he is the blood demon lord after all, and his identity is much higher than Ying Tianhe!

and his background is not weak in the blood temple.

This should be Tianhe. In front of so many people, we should give him some face, at least give him a step down. Even if we have to kill Tang long, we don't have to do it now. We can wait until he is away!

Why now? This is not the intention to embarrass him, deliberately want to show prestige in front of so many people?!

The north wind was angry in his heart, and he saw the value of Tang Long!

he began to weigh the advantages and disadvantages again!

If you keep Tang long, you may not offend Ying Tianhe. At most, you will hand over Tang long to Ying Tianhe. But if Tang long can make the next great contribution because of Tang long, isn't he able to get the most benefits?!

Tang Long didn't talk when he saw the north wind cold. He was not too worried.

He knew that his words had touched the north wind cold. His identity as Tang Long was obviously valuable in the eyes of beifenghan!

Now, he wants to say something more valuable!

Looking at beifenghan, he said seriously: "Lord of blood demon, you may not know that before Tang long, not only was his identity complex, but also he had a very important identity!"

"What identity does he have?" he asked

"Master Dan!" Tang Long said seriously: "he is a four grade Dandi!"

"Four grade Dandi!" North wind cold Leng Leng Leng, followed by a sudden wake up, eyes suddenly showed a touch of fine awn: "so now? Do you inherit the strength of this Dan master? "

"If I didn't inherit the strength of this Dan master, I would not dare to say that!" Tang Long said: "if my body dies, there will be no spiritual sea that can hold the spiritual power. Then the spiritual power I get will disappear. This is a pity indeed."

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