"The space wormhole leading to the land of gods and ghosts is next to the city Lord's house, which is the place under the jurisdiction of our city Lord." "But now, I'm afraid you can't use the transmission array and space wormhole there."

Tang Long asked, "why can't we use the teleportation array and space wormhole there?"

"That space wormhole is under the control of ice ghost clan!" The shopkeeper said, "the ice ghost sect controls the wormhole in space, and controls the connection between other continents and our Jiuyang continent."

Tang Long nodded.

Through what the shopkeeper said, Tang long had some understanding of the strength of the warriors in the mainland of Jiuyang.

His heart was filled with joy.

Obviously, the ice ghost sect didn't care about the warriors of the Jiuyang continent. It only cared that the strong people from other continents came to lie Guang city to destroy their good deeds. Therefore, the transmission array that Tang Long came from Mobei city was not controlled by the people of binggui sect.

This also proves that the strength of the warriors in the mainland of Jiuyang is certainly weaker than that of the ice ghost clan!

The strongest of the ice ghost sect is the peak of the holy emperor.

Then it shows that the strongest in the mainland of Jiuyang can't surpass the peak state of the holy emperor. The strength of those who are strong in the holy palace of Jiuyang must also be beyond the realm of the emperor!

In this case, it will be much easier for Tang long to get Hongmeng holy water from Jiuyang holy palace.

Although he can't deal with the strong emperor for the time being, he can find someone to deal with it.

He wanted to make sure his conjecture. Looking at the shopkeeper, he asked, "is there no warrior in the land of Jiuyang that is more powerful than the emperor?"

"Before, I heard that the most powerful martial artists in our mainland were only the junior level of the emperor. Moreover, there were very few strong ones at the peak of the emperor. The martial arts practitioners of the ice ghost sect were the strongest. Moreover, I am sure that the ice ghost sect did not belong to our Jiuyang continent before."

"What about the strength of liezhen north, the leader of the city of lieguang?"

"He is the peak strength of the holy emperor. However, it is said that there is a strong Saint emperor in the city Lord's mansion, but this time he was killed by the ice ghost clan, and even shocked the north. Now, he has been poisoned by methamphetamine. Although he is very strong, he has not died for a while, but he has lost his fighting power and is under control."

"Where is lie yunshang, the daughter of lie Zhenbei?"

"I don't know where I was hiding in the north by the strong earthquake!"

"It's no wonder that the city of Liguang is like this!" Tang Long frowned: "it seems that I can't use this space wormhole for the time being!"

The city Lord's house is controlled by the ice ghost sect, and the space wormhole is also controlled by the ice ghost sect. If this problem is not solved, he can't use the space wormhole, and he can't go to the land of gods and ghosts.

It seems that he has to deal with the affairs of ice ghost clan!

however, with his current strength, can he beat the people of ice ghost clan? He's going to struggle with a saint.

How to deal with the five powerful saints?!

"Get me something to eat first." Tang Long looks at the shopkeeper.

"Just a moment."

When the shopkeeper's voice dropped, he turned around and left.

Tang Long turned to look at Dongfang bing'er: "the space wormhole to the land of gods and ghosts is under control. It seems that we must contact with this ice ghost clan, otherwise, we can't go to the land of gods and ghosts."

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded. She wanted to stay and manage this matter. Tang Long's decision just met her wish.

The method of killing the city by ice ghost sect makes Oriental bing'er extremely disgusted!

She looked at Tang Long and asked, "the people of ice ghost clan are very powerful. What should we do? Do you want to go back and gather people from Tangmen? "

You know, at this time, Tang Long still controls a world gate, and this world gate is in the abyss cave of Jiuyang continent. As long as they return to Mobei city and go to the abyss cave, they can go to Tangmen to gather people!

Tang Long frowned and thought: "I'm afraid it's too late, and I don't want to make this matter so troublesome. The shopkeeper of this shop said that the deadline of ice ghost sect is only 10 days. I estimate that the deadline is coming soon."

"Shall I ask?" Oriental ice road.

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Dongfang bing'er stood up and walked towards the counter, and soon came back.

Sitting down beside Tang long, Dongfang bing'er looks dignified: "dragon, it's really too late. The ten day deadline of ice ghost sect is today. People will come back before the sun goes down!"

"It's only half a day before the sun goes down!"

Tang Long frowned and thought. He was planning something in his mind.

The meal was served soon.

The food in this restaurant tastes very good. Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er are very satisfied.

After eating and paying the money, the shopkeeper took a look at Dongfang bing'er, then looked at Tang Long and said in good faith: "objective, you'd better leave the city immediately, otherwise, if the people of binggui clan see the girl, you will not be able to leave!"

Then, with a sigh, she turned to look at the girl in the counter: "to tell you the truth, my daughter has been named by them. After today, if we don't send the girl to them, they will come to rob people and kill us all!"Dongfang bing'er asked, "why don't you run away?"

"My son has been caught by them!" The shopkeeper sighed: "how dare I escape? I can only wait for tomorrow, when the matter of the city Lord's house is over, I will send my daughter to them - ah, what a injustice!"

Dongfang bing'er turns to look at Tang Long: "dragon, are we just going away?"

"No way!" Tang long at this time, to make a decision, this matter, he decided to manage a tube!

Although he didn't like to meddle in his own affairs, he always looked down upon those who bullied women, not to mention, the ice ghost sect still wanted to kill the city!

Looking at the shopkeeper, he said, "can you do me a favor?"

"What's up?"

"Help me find some people to do some things in a quiet and spacious place. I must make sure that the people of ice ghost sect don't know."

"How many do you want?"

"Time is short, but there must be at least 20 people."

"No problem with that." The shopkeeper arrived immediately and stopped, but he asked, "what do you want these people to do?"

"Then you will know." Tang long urged: "go to find people immediately. It's better to have stronger strength. Twenty people should be barely enough. As long as there are all the people, I can solve the problem of lie Guang city."

"Well, I'll find someone for you." The shopkeeper nodded.

He turned around and told the girl in the counter, then looked at Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er: "you wait here, I'm going to call people, twenty people will arrive soon!"

"Don't be found by the people of ice ghost sect!" Tang Long told him

"Do you really want to stay and deal with the ice ghost clan?" The shopkeeper's eyes showed a touch of doubt, looking forward to the way: "are you sure?"

"As long as you help, hold on to 100%."

"I'll go now!"

The shopkeeper does not delay any more, turns around and goes in a hurry. Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er go to sit down beside them.

Oriental bing'er asked curiously, "dragon, what are you looking for 20 people to do?"

"Set up Tang Long simply vomited out two words, and then in his hand, there was an extra piece of paper, took out a pen, and began to write and draw on the paper.

He had to draw the array before the twenty came.

In less than half a day, he couldn't make a very powerful array.

However, he can still arrange the general array.

The array he is going to arrange is called Tiangang divine general array. After the array is arranged, as long as the array is activated, Tang long can gather the energy of heaven and earth, use the power of the array, and let his strength soar!

What's more, everything in the array can also be attacked!

This kind of array has a disadvantage, that is, it has a strong range limit. Tang long can only become strong in the array!

Out of the array, his strength will soon weaken!

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