Flying high above the five ice ghost sect of the holy emperor, blink of an eye to the Tang dragon to less than 20 meters!

Gather energy one by one, prepare to attack Tang Long!

On the ground below, the warriors of the city, including liezhen north, the city master of the city, saw that five saints were going to attack the Tang dragon at the same time. All of them were nervously staring at the Tang dragon.

Is it possible for Tang long to defeat the emperor?!

In the eyes of the warriors in the Lord's house of lieguang City, it is impossible for Tang long to defeat them. It is like hitting stones with eggs!

however, they hope that Tang long can win!

At a time when people were expecting and nervous, when the five saints gathered their energy and exerted their magic power to attack Tang long in an all-round way, high above, in the whirlpool of ice and fire!

A series of punishing lightning, with the supreme power of tearing the heaven and earth, suddenly thundered down from the sky!

These lightning, to attack the Tang dragon of the holy emperor to bombard the past!

At the same time, there is a lightning, toward the ground that angry ice ghost clan Lord, mercilessly thunderbolt past!

The power of this kind of punishment is extremely powerful, not to mention the two completely opposite energies of ice and fire.

This one after another lightning toward those who are strong and powerful, suddenly let the four sides of the sky, all become distorted!

"Stop it

The master of ice ghost clan drank a lot!

On him, the domineering icy cold energy, with a kind of dark grey light, directly soared to the sky. This poisonous icy vitality was so powerful that it actually blocked the attack of a heavenly punishment force!

And above the sky, the several saints are also their own cohesion, to resist the attack of the force of punishment!

The power of their vitality is also very strong!

However, the power of punishment is constantly blowing down!

At the same time, the sound of thundering laughter sounded in the sky: "ha ha ha ha, is this the only strength in the realm of the holy emperor? The leader of the ice ghost clan, you look like a wild boar, but you are not good at it. Even though you are so useless, you dare not compete with me in person because of the strength of the holy emperor realm

"In that case, you'll wait below. Let your scum be cannon fodder for you first?"

When the master of ice ghost sect heard Tang Long's arrogant ridicule, he was very angry!

"Kill him for me, everyone, kill him for me!"

His angry eyes glared round, and the whole person seemed to be a wild boar who ran wild. He gathered his energy and flew fiercely towards Tang long in the sky against the thunderbolt of punishment!

Around him, those strong people who could fly in the ice ghost clan also took off to the high altitude and chased Tang Long fiercely!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, is it great to have so many people? If you have the ability, you can catch up with me

High above, the arrogant voice is still, the voice with the force of thunder, rolling between the sky and the earth, and at this time the whirlpool of ice and fire energy in the sky, but quietly disappeared!

Tang Long's body, the golden light lightning is still vertical and horizontal thunderbolt!

"It's up to you, you scum, you can bully women. If you want to catch up with me, you're a fool's dream. What's the use of more of you? It's the lambs of mine, waiting for me to kill you one by one

Tang Long is extremely arrogant, looking at these saints and emperors who rush to the sky, but there is no fear at all!

"Catch up with me, I'll reward you with foot washing water!"

Said, turned into a golden lightning, toward the distant space quickly away!

When did the leader of binggui clan see such a arrogant person? His strength was much weaker than him, but he was still arrogant and arrogant here. He even asked him to drink foot washing water. This is just looking for death!

He yelled in anger!

The soldiers of the ice ghost sect are all angry, and their lungs seem to burst out!

"If you chase me, you will catch up with him if you die, and blow him into powder for me!"

The leader of ice ghost clan roared. For a while, he even forgot to chase those two beautiful girls. He just wanted to kill Tang Long!


The soldiers of ice ghost sect are all roaring loudly!

They gathered cold energy one by one. They totally ignored the warriors in the city of Liguang below. They chased Tang long as hard as they could. They wanted to kill the Tang dragon and make the spirit and spirit of Tang Long disappear!

the speed of Tang Long's flying forward was unimaginable. Even if those powerful saints were powerful, it was not easy to catch up with him in a short time!

Tang Long flew nearly ten kilometers away!

he looked down and saw the square and the array arranged on the square!

Soon, he flew to the center of the array in the square with his classics!

he turned his head and looked at those guys who were flying fast. Tang long looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "dregs, I want to kill you all here. If you have the ability, you can feed me a knife. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"Laugh, directly toward the array below, and quickly fell down!

At this time, Dongfang bing'er, with her strong cloud clothes in her arms, flew to hide behind a building in the distance. Looking at the powerful Tang Long flying in the sky, what he could not help was the twinkling of light!

in her heart, she was filled with a deep pride!

Strong cloud clothes at this time, but some dull!

She couldn't think of it!

she could clearly realize that the strength of Tang Long was only Shengzong's six levels. Although it seemed to have used means to improve some combat power, how dare Tang Long dare to be so arrogant in the face of so many powerful saints and so many powerful saints?!

At this time, around the square, the shopkeeper and hundreds of martial arts practitioners are also quietly hiding around, one by one looking at the arrogant Tang long, but also a little speechless!

In addition, they were very nervous!

Tang Long quickly fell down to the bottom of the array. At the same time, his hands suddenly pointed toward the lower parts of the array!

The golden lights fly out and bombard some places in the array!

"boom, boom -"

in the array, boulders are broken by the bombardment!

At this time, the flying warriors of the ice ghost sect also chased after them. The emperor in front of him went over the top of the Tang dragon and chased the falling Tang dragon!

The one who pursues the front is the ice ghost clan leader!

He is the strong one of the emperor. With one hand, the space is twisted. A cold and extreme energy, with a light gray and black gas, sweeps towards the Tang dragon below!

Ice cold energy, covering a square kilometer!

Tang Long below can't dodge at all, can only bear it!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Tang Long is still shaking the sky and laughing wildly. He has no fear at all. The golden flame on his body erupts wildly!

Beside him, in the golden flame, the God of destruction was called out!

Destroy Thunder God, blow out several fists directly into the air!

Suddenly, the sound of rolling thunder roared!

The shadow of golden fist contains mysterious thunder charm. With the sound of terror, it can resist the cold energy of high altitude bombardment!

However, the ice cold energy power is extremely powerful, will destroy the Thunder God's attack, the direct bombardment's explosion!

Then the cold energy, like a frightful cold mountain, thundered down towards Tang Long! , the fastest update of the webnovel!