
Tang Long glared at the strange weapon in his hand!

He was very puzzled: "does this weapon still recognize people? Is it a artifact? Can't you use it if you're not the owner? "

However, on such a strange weapon, there is not a trace of aura fluctuation, nor does it contain any trace of desolation. How could it be a artifact?!

If it's not a artifact, how can it be so powerful?!

Tang Long is a little confused.

In the valley before, the people who used this weapon were ordinary people who had not cultivated their vitality.

Ordinary people use this thing, the lethality is so great, if the strong use this thing to attack, then the power is not powerful against the sky?!

Tang long looked at the Dongfang binger and their side, cautiously said: "this thing is very strange, in order to prevent danger, we will wait, wait until we go to the valley to check the movement."

When the voice dropped, he directly put the strange weapon in his hand into the Fengtian flag.

People have been waiting here for three days!

Three days later, Tang long felt that the poison gas in the valley should have dissipated, so he flew with Dongfang binger towards the valley again!

What surprised Tang Long was that when they flew over the valley, Tang Long showed off the sea and found a few breath of life below!

"Well, didn't those people be killed yesterday? With such a powerful explosion, are they still alive? "

Tang Long was very surprised.

You know, the explosion in the valley yesterday was so powerful that even he couldn't bear the force of the explosion. If he didn't escape quickly, he would have been killed!

There are still alive people in the valley. How did these people avoid the explosion?!

He side, Su Xiaoman smile: "this is nothing strange."

Tang Long turned to look at her: "how to say?"

Su Xiaoman explained: "after all, this twin cave is my former home. All kinds of defense are done very well. Although the periphery is bombed, the real main structure of the twin cave is protected by ancient defense array, which is not so easy to be destroyed!"

After listening to Su Xiaoman's words, Tang Long finally put down his worries: "I hope the space you opened up is still intact."

Su Xiaoman didn't say any more and fell down towards the bottom of the valley!

The king of the abyss was worried that Su Xiaoman was in danger, so he took the lead and landed in front of Su Xiaoman. Dongfang binger and lieyunshang flew to Tang Long together.

Tang Long explored the situation below.

Although there are several people below, it is obvious that there is no strong momentum on these people, and it is obvious that no one uses strange weapons to attack upward.

"It seems safe. Let's go down and have a look."

Tang Long said and chased Su Xiaoman and the king of the abyss.

Lieyunshang and Dongfang binger, of course, all sat on the dragon and flew to the bottom of the valley together.

After a while, they landed in the valley.

At this time, the valley, the ground is full of gravel, the caves Tang Long saw before are no longer exist, but the radiation of the energy, Tang long at this time, but feel more clearly!

But this energy is not very strong.

Su Xiaoman is next to the king of the abyss and turns to look at the scene in the valley. On her pretty face, there is a strong anger on her face!

this is her home!

Originally, the valley was full of birds and flowers, and all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures were planted everywhere. However, in this valley, there is no grass around, and the ground is full of rocks. The caves that she had carefully carved before are completely disappeared!

"Damn it!"

There was a sharp chill in her eyes!

As soon as you lift it up, the silver light power bursts out, turns into a series of finger strength, and directly and severely points the past towards the dozen people in front!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

One after another, the sharp finger strength turned into silver light, and fell directly on those people. Several guys were trembling. Before they could speak, they were killed by Su Xiaoman!

At this time, the king of the abyss was also angry!

He was also very familiar with the Gemini cave in Wa mountain, and knew that Su Xiaoman liked it very much!

However, now that this place has been destroyed, how can he not be angry?!

"There are still some people over there. I'll kill them!" The voice of the king of the abyss fell down and turned into a mass of black smoke, and went away quickly towards the distance!

"Wait, don't kill them!"

Tang Long called out in a hurry and chased the king of the abyss!

Just now, when Su Xiaoman killed these people, Tang long wanted to stop them, but Su Xiaoman was too quick. In addition, Tang Long didn't expect Su Xiaoman to kill these people without even asking, so he didn't have time to stop them.Seeing that the king of the abyss was angry and went to kill the rest of the people, he felt anxious.

He must stop the king of the abyss. He knew that there were only five living people in the valley except them!

He'll leave at least one alive!

The king of the abyss doesn't care about the three seven and twenty-one. It's the hammer of magic weapon destruction!

The hammer of destruction, with its roaring dark energy, smashed at two extremely weak and dying fellows.

At this time, both of them were pale, and there were a lot of terrible spots on their bodies. Obviously, they were poisoned by menstruation and eroded by the radiating energy. They could not survive for long!

How could such people resist the hammer of destruction of the king of the abyss!

The two hammers of destruction smashed on the two people, directly smashing them into flesh and mud!

The king of the abyss smashed his fist at the third man. Tang Long blocked his fist in a hurry. However, Su Xiaoman came back and killed the two guys with both hands!

There's only one person left!

"Don't kill him, or it will be bad!" Tang Long quickly blocked in front of the last man!

The king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman all stop and stare at Tang Long together.

Su Xiaoman frowned and said, "Tang long, what do you mean?"

Tang long had no choice but to explain: "even if you want to kill them, you also need to know where they came from, and the situation here is so strange, don't you want to know what happened here?"

"Don't want to know!" The king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman answer together!

Tang Long suddenly speechless!

After a pause, he said, "you don't want to know, but I don't think this man has the strength to bind a chicken and is about to die. Don't kill him!"

Su Xiaoman and the king of the abyss looked at each other and finally nodded.

Tang Long breathed.

The last guy gets killed again. He doesn't even have a clue.

He would like to know what happened to those strange weapons, and where they came from, who they were, and what they were studying here.

Turning around and looking at the last one left, Tang Long asked, "tell me, where are you from?"

"Kill if you want to!" This man is so stubborn.

Tang Long frowned.

He knew that the man had been poisoned by menstruation, and he had also been exposed to the radioactive energy. Although he was not dead at this time, he was not far away from death. If he is not willing to say what he wants to ask, he will never ask.

Helplessly turned to look at the king of the abyss and asked: "last time in the blood demon world, how did the memory blood bead you give me come from?"

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