Xuanyuanba's spiritual separation is extremely fragile because it is also suppressed by the Jiuyou heavenly prison. However, it devours ordinary people's souls. Moreover, this person has not yet cultivated his vitality. Xuanyuanba's spirit can only be achieved.

A very weak shadow of Xuanyuan bully gradually emerged in front of the king of the abyss.

"Put the dying guy as close as possible to Tang long, otherwise I can't swallow the soul of this man!" Xuanyuanba stares at the king of the abyss.


The king of the abyss nodded.

He moved Tang Long's side, the unconscious man who was close to Tang long, and lay down next to Tang long.

Xuanyuanba's faint shadow slowly merged into this man's body.

Then, the powerful power of blood demons swept out of Tang Long's body, and soon integrated into the person beside him. Xuanyuanba's soul began to devour the soul of this man.

This process is really slow!

After all, xuanyuanba only uses a wisp of remnant soul, and has no preparation before. If the general bloodthirsty devil or bloodthirsty demon lord, in this case, he can not successfully devour other people's souls.

Although xuanyuanba can do it reluctantly, it is not easy to go.

After a full day of time, finally, the process of phagocytosis is completed.

A wisp of xuanyuanba's remnant soul, from the comatose person beside Tang long, slowly floats up, and then merges with the very clear xuanyuanba condensed in Tang Long's body!

Xuanyuanba folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints. A circle of strange runes whirled around his palm.

Ten minutes later, a blood red bead appeared above xuanyuanba's hands!

It is the blood bead of memory that Tang Long needs!


A low voice, xuanyuanba gently, memory blood bead flew toward Tang long, directly integrated into Tang Long's forehead and disappeared!

xuanyuanba was a little weak at this time.

He looked at the king of the abyss and said, "I hope you can fulfill ruoyuan as soon as possible, and take this boy to the blood demon world again, or next time, don't expect me to help you again!"

"Not for me, but for him!" The king of the abyss corrected.

"No matter who I help, in short, xuanyuanba is not so easy to fool. You'd better not play tricks!" Xuanyuanba's voice dropped and turned into a cloud of blood mist, which merged into Tang Long and disappeared.

His last time his soul was seriously injured, but he had not recovered. He wanted to take the opportunity to devour Tang Long's soul, but he could not.

In order to recover as soon as possible, he had to agree to xuanyuanba's request this time.

Seeing xuanyuanba go back, the king of the abyss immediately awakens the comatose Tang long. At this time, the poisoned man beside Tang Long has been swallowed up and died completely!

Tang Long slowly opened his eyes.

First of all, he accepted the doomsday Thor. Then he sat down with his knees crossed and his eyes closed to feel some new memories in his mind.

Far away in the sky, the East ice son with strong cloud clothes, riding the beast toward this side to fly over.

They always pay close attention to the situation here. When they see the blood red clouds disappear and find that the blood red energy is converging, they immediately return to the scene to see what happened.

Soon they fell beside the king of the abyss.

The king of the abyss also took out the ring from the flag, and Su Xiaoman also came out.

Su Xiaoman looked at the king of the Abyss: "how?"

"Very well!" The king of the abyss complacently said with a smile: "xuanyuanba, the old ghost, would like to go back to the world of blood and soul. Unfortunately, I will never give him another chance last time."

Tang Long sat on the ground with his knees crossed. After half an hour, he slowly opened his eyes.

The king of the abyss immediately asked, "boy, what's the gain?"

"Great harvest!" Tang Long's eyes, showing a very fierce light, can not see is happy or worried, or other!

Originally, the king of the abyss didn't think it was valuable to die. However, seeing Tang Long's reaction, he was very curious. Su Xiaoman, beside him, was also a little curious.

Lieyunshang and Dongfang binger are also curious.

The king of the abyss asked again, "who is this dead man? Is it our world's

"No!" Tang Long shook his head for sure: "they are not the people of the whole world."

"Where is that from?"

"They come from a very mysterious place. They don't use the wormhole of space, let alone the door of the world. They came here by accident, relying on a space-time black hole!"

Next to the strong cloud clothes looking at Tang Long curiously asked: "master, what is space-time black hole?"

Tang Long said: "it's a wonderful energy hole. It's between a big world and another big world. Only when there is a space storm, can it appear!""Where is the spacetime black hole?" Asked the king of the abyss.

Tang Long said: "the space-time black hole will disappear after a period of time, but they used a very magical method to make the space-time black hole not disappear temporarily. They arrived at the world through the space-time black hole. Unfortunately, because of the explosion before, the space black hole was destroyed, and those people can't come here again!"

The king of the abyss asked, "who is the man you remember?"

"He is a man who studies mutation experiments!"

"What's the mutant?" asked the teacher

Tang Long said: "they try to use some strange drugs to make some creatures have some special changes and make these creatures very strange. They hope that after these changes, they can become very powerful!"

"What strange medicine are they using?" asked the king of the abyss

Tang Long said: "the medicine is not a general plant, but made from some things, and these things still have their own life. They call these things a new generation of mutation weapons!"

"Mutant weapons?"

"Yes, they developed drugs for this kind of mutation weapon, and then injected these drugs into some animals or people, so that these animals or people can have some strong power!"

The king of the abyss said, "it sounds like it's very powerful!"

Tang Long said: "they are here, there is a special laboratory to study mutant drugs. We can go and have a look."

Dongfang bing'er asked curiously, "didn't the explosion destroy all those things?"

"No!" Tang Long shook his head, and his eyes fell on Su Xiaoman: "you should be able to guess where the things that have not been destroyed have been placed?"


Su Xiaoman nodded.

She guessed that the places that had not been destroyed by the explosion must have been the places where she had arranged strong defensive arrays before.

Those are some of the most important caves she used to live in.

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