Tang Long asked, "what can I do for you?"

Bei Gong xian'er said, "do you remember the last time you said, let my father find the right person to get close to Ma Debao, so as to get close to yingtianhe?"

"Of course I remember it," Tang said

Beigong Xianer said: "the people sent by my father got close to Ying Tianhe by contacting Ma Debao. After hard work, he successfully approached yingtianhe and basically gained trust. However, now there is a big problem!"

"What trouble?"

"Yingtianhe wants him to go to Senluo ghost land!"


Hearing these four words, Tang Long's brow suddenly frowned fiercely!

If this person goes to the Senluo ghost land, his soul will definitely be swallowed up. This is what Tang Long absolutely does not want to see. After all, since this person can be sent by Beigong Xingyuan to approach yingtianhe, it shows that this person is highly valued by Beigong Xingyuan and trusted by Beigong Xingyuan!

Such an important person, of course, knows many secrets of the heavenly palace. Once the soul is swallowed up, the consequences will be very serious!

However, if this person does not go to the Senluo ghost area, he will show his flaws immediately and be killed by Ying Tianhe!

Unless the man escapes to the North Palace.

"What should I do?" Tang Long frowned and thought for a while and asked, "xian'er, can you think of a way to go to Senluo ghost land with him?"

"I'm afraid I can't!" "I'm in the heaven magic palace, and I've been helping my father transfer people to Tangmen recently. Moreover, I can't get close to Ying Tianhe and go to Senluo ghost land."

"Indeed Tang Long frowned.

"It seems that you can only ask Youye. Only she can have the chance to go to the ghost land of Senluo!"

Tang Long has a decision in mind, and the North Palace fairy son a simple chat, and then is again in touch with Youye.

He used huixinmen to say to Youye: "ye'er, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you remember the last time you went to senro ghost land?"


"I heard that someone will go to Senluo ghost land again. Do you have any way to go to Senluo ghost land again?"

"Of course I have a way." Quiet night very relaxed way: "this time the people who went to the Senluo ghost area had me, but I didn't tell you before. I want to wait until I come to Senluo ghost land to tell you again!"

After a pause, the night went on: "good man, can't you refine the blood red energy in Senluo ghost land to improve your strength? I think that's the best chance to help you practice! "

"Can you go to senro? That would be great! " Tang Long breathed a long breath in his heart!

If Beigong Xianer can go to the Senluo ghost area, he can get close to the man in the North Palace. With the soul of Xuanyuan bully in him, he can even help this person hide around yingtianhe for a long time.

After thinking about it, he said, "wait a moment. I'll get in touch with you later."

"Yes." The night answered.

Tang Long immediately contacted Beigong Xianer: "xian'er, what's the name of the man arranged by your father?"

"Nangong Ao."

"Good." Tang Long nodded his head and said, "you can find a way to inform him that he will not go anywhere after arriving at Senluo ghost area. He will follow Youye quietly and wait for Youye to meet him. By the way, tell him in detail the features of the night. "

"I see. I'll try to contact him now!"

"You let him wear a purple suit in Senluo ghost land, so that he can recognize each other easily."



after telling Beigong Xianer in detail, Tang Long goes to contact Youye and asks her to come to the Senluo ghost area, and then asks Nangong Ao, "ye'er, why can you still go to Senluo ghost land this time?"

"I'm curious, too." "I have inquired that no one has ever been able to go to the senlo ghost land twice before."

Tang Long nodded: "it seems that this time, it must be yingtianhe's conspiracy. You must be more careful when you arrive at Senluo ghost area. When you enter, don't contact Nangong Ao immediately. I'll meet you first!"

"I see."

"In danger, contact me immediately!"

"Well, I will."

"I don't want to talk about anything else. I'll see you then. I have some things to do now."


Next, Tang Long cut off the connection with Youye, turned to look at the king of the abyss and said, "in order not to delay time, you wait for me here. I want to arrange things through Huixin gate, and then I will come and go back with you!"

"Good." The king of the abyss nodded.

Tang long no longer said, directly in the heart of the snow leaf month: "little leopard, where are you?"

"I'm in the air fortress!"

"Is the death of Fire Island over?"

"I've finished my work. These days, we've been wandering around. It's boring!" Little leopard's voice, gradually more than a little coquettish taste: "laipi, you accompany me good?""I'll go right now, but I can't accompany you. I have something to do!"

"Oh, then you come!"

Tang Long said no more, but summoned the door of wisdom between xuelingyue and xuelingyue. Then, he directly appeared in the boudoir of xuelingyue in the air fortress.

Xuelingyue, wearing a striped leopard skin coat, looks at Tang long. She has a pair of peach blossom eyes full of joy, but her small mouth is unhappy. She says, "villain, I haven't come to see people for so long!"

"I've been busy lately!" Tang Long walked over and held the leopard in his arms: "let's go back to Fengtian city first!"


The snow leaves the moon to answer.

She didn't want to know why Tang long wanted to return to Tiancheng.

In her heart, as long as Tang long can accompany her at her side, then everything is good.

Because I haven't seen Tang Long for a long time, I'll let him hold it.

Tang Long hugged her and chewed her twice. Then he lifted her from his arms and said, "I'll go out to find Tang Kuo and arrange something for them."

"I'll be with you."


Tang Long gently grasps the slender jade hand of Xue yingyue, and they go out together to the control console of the air fortress. Looking at Luo Jingtian and Luo Yu who are controlling the flight of the air fortress, Tang Long says: "open the air fortress back to Fengtian city!"


Luo Jingtian and Luo Yuhan agreed at the same time, and then, open the air fortress towards the direction of Fengtian city.

Tang Long glanced at them.

He originally wanted to let Tang que follow Ye Qingling to Tianxing market, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind and planned to let Tang Xiaohu go out for a trip!

Although Tang Xiaohu is very familiar with everyone in Tangmen, after all, he lived with Titan and great ape since he was a child. Moreover, he has the shadow of doomsday stars in his heart, so he always has a little rejection of strangers.

Tang Long hopes that Tang Xiaohu can go out more to see the outside world, and completely erase the shadow in his heart.

He looked at Tang Xiaohu and said, "this time I will give you a task!"

"What task?" Tang Longhu suddenly came to the spirit: "master, are you going out with me?"

"I'm not going to follow you all the way, but I'll be there a lot. You have a very heavy task this time. You should be responsible for protecting linger and going to Tianxing market together. Remember, you should be careful all the way and never make trouble! "

Tang Xiaohu nodded again and again: "master, you can rest assured that I will protect linger Shiniang well!"

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