Looking at the Golden Dragon in the sky, I feel that I can't even breathe!

His brain is blank. He doesn't know anything!

All he can do now is just stand still and look at the Golden Dragon above the sky!

Although these dragons did not grow to the highest level, they all reached the level of five sacred beasts with scriptures, and their combat power was strong enough!

Most importantly, the dragon's potential is incomparable!

So many dragon, once all grow up, that is more than a hundred super terror against the sky strong!

What will Tangmen become in the future?!

Strong earthquake North after a long time to finally reluctantly come back to God, but his heart is still in shock, in hard to buy.

He turned his head and looked at the warriors of the city of light!

These warriors, one by one are still dumbfounded!

Most of them did not even see the holy beast, but they suddenly saw the divine beast, and there were more than one hundred of them, even the top one among them!

Such a shock, really let them some incredible!

Strong earthquake north to think of, before the Tang dragon, also has a lot of god beast!

"What kind of clan is Tangmen?"

At this time, he suddenly felt that Tangmen was a little unpredictable and profound!

Originally, he didn't think of the Tang clan as powerful. After all, Tang Long was a young man. Even though he was very strong, where could he be?!

But now he knew that he was wrong, too wrong, too wrong!

He found that anything on Tang Long seems to have no rules, nothing is impossible!

Tang Kui and his disciples were sitting on the back of the dragon one by one. They were majestic and full of momentum. At this time, the sky of the whole Liguang city was covered with golden light!

Strong cloud clothes in Tang Xiaohu side, looking at these people in the sky, eyes full of joy, but also a thick pride.

After all, she is Tang Long's apprentice, these people, are Tangmen people!

The most important thing is, she also has a divine beast, is also a dragon, but also the sea green dragon!

Pulling Tang Xiaohu's clothes: "elder martial brother, we're going to see my father!"

Tang Xiaohu was a little confused: "it's time to start. What else have you not done? It's time to start now. Don't delay any more. I'll talk about something later when I come back! "

"Come with me

Strong cloud clothes can't help being coquettish, pulling Tang Xiaohu's sleeve, and walked toward the north of strong earthquake.

Looking at the little girl, she had no choice but to look at the little girl who lost her strength

Ye Qingling did not speak.

She is also a little curious. What does lieyunchang want to do with lie Zhenbei?

Strong cloud clothes pull Tang Xiaohu, soon came to lie Zhen North in front of, looking at strong earthquake north very proud way: "Dad, we are going to start, you can catch up with us!"

Strong earthquake North looked at his precious daughter, eyes fell on the body of Tang Xiaohu.

He knows that Tang Xiaohu is also Tang Long's Apprentice.

Looking at the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looks as if he is about the same age as his own daughter. He also has some expectations in his heart: "this boy is very strong. If he can match with yunshang, it will be a good thing."

just thinking about it, he suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light!

Then a golden dragon appeared in front of him!

"This, this, this --"

he stares at the Golden Dragon in front of him, but he sees that his precious daughter reaches out to touch the Golden Dragon's head gently, and then jumps on the back of golden dragon with elation!

Strong cloud dress at this moment, eyes are full of proud light, but deliberately do not go to see his stunned father.

Turning to look at Tang Xiaohu Jiao airway: "elder martial brother, what are you waiting for? Let's go

Tang Xiaohu is a little speechless!

He can see that his younger sister has nothing to do with her. This is obviously showing off, and is still showing off with her own father!

A little helpless shook his head, but also called out his own sea green dragon!

Then, in the daze of the strong earthquake north, two blue dragons carrying two people soared to the sky, and in a twinkling they flew to tangque.

The appearance of strong cloud dress at this time is really very proud!

Ye Qingling also knows by classics that this little girl is showing off at all!

She is not two years older than lie yunshang. Even because her strength has improved too fast, she looks even younger than lie yunshang, just like the fairy princess. She is extremely popular.

Moreover, she is also a lively and mischievous master!Giggle a light smile, silver bell like voice immediately spread all over the sky, she also called out his dragon.

The Dragon raised his head to the sky with a song of a dragon and flew straight into the sky. In a twinkling of an eye, he reached the front of Tang Kuo, and his eyes fell on the northern palace plain below.

Behind the Beigong plain, there are those pioneers!

These are the people who came from the ancient ancestral gate. Now they are all under the command of the northern palace.

These pioneers at this time, in fact, a little shocked in their hearts!

They thought that after they arrived in Tangmen, they should be absolutely the pillars. But now they finally know that the strength of each of these young teenagers is not much weaker than them!

Even some of them are stronger than their strength!

They were shocked in their hearts, and of course they didn't show it on the surface. After all, they were Tangmen people at this time.

I'm not surprised to find beigongyuan.

He knew the basic strength of the Tang clan and knew that there were so many dragons in the Tang clan. He even knew that there were still some young dragons without masters in Fengtian city!

"I don't know who the young dragon will eventually spend. I really envy these young people!"

Beigong Yuanye thought secretly.

Strong earthquake North at this time, the shock in the eyes by the transformation into a surprise!

Before he always did not know, his precious daughter actually also got a dragon!

This is a dragon!

"This girl is lucky enough to become Tang Long's Apprentice. It seems that the girl's vision is even more vicious than me. At first, she wanted to be a teacher of Tang long. Now, it seems that the girl's decision is really correct."

"Not to mention anything else, just this dragon has made her become the existence of the peak power in the future."

Strong earthquake north is thinking secretly, but think of the voice of the North Palace field: "Liecheng Lord, the time is not early, let's start now!"

"Good, good!"

Strong earthquake North hastily nodded, was about to say what, followed, directly is in situ petrifaction!

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