Ye Qingling looked at Si Gu Xiu: "where are those medicines hidden? Bring it out to me at once

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Si Gu Xiu nodded again and again, went to the front of a strange metal shelf, squatted down, took out a large box from the bottom of the shelf, opened the box, there are more than a dozen strange bottles in it!

Every bottle is full of green potions!

"That's all that's left!" "The effect of this medicine is very strong, as long as you take a little bit, you can change. The more you take, the stronger your strength will be. However, if you exceed a certain limit, there will be danger!"

"You must have experimented many times." Leaf light Ling cold hum a: "take how many most appropriate?"

"Ten drops!"

Ye Qingling didn't say any more. He used huixinmen to contact Tang Long and said, "brother long, we have found Hongmeng holy water, and we have also found the medicine to transform into human wolf."


Tang Long's voice, immediately sounded in the heart of Ye Qingling.

At this time, Tang Long is still in the forest ghost land, and is searching for all kinds of natural materials and treasures with Youye and Nangong Ao!

His harvest is also very big, found a lot of rare medicinal materials.

At this time, hearing Ye Qingling say that Yijing has found Hongmeng holy water, and even found the medicine to transform into human wolf, Tang Long is naturally very happy, and quickly says, "wait a moment, I'll go right now!"

"Yes." Ye Qingling answered.

Tang Long over there told Youye and Nangong Ao a few words, and then appeared in front of Ye Qingling through Huixin gate.

Seeing that Tang Long suddenly appeared from ye Qingling's side, Nasi Gu Xiu was stunned, but suddenly, a black light came and cut his throat in a twinkling of an eye!

This is Tang Yang's hand.

Si Gu Xiu is useless. Tang Yang naturally won't let him tell Tang Long's secrets, let alone the secrets of these medicines!

So, kill sigushu directly!

I haven't even forgotten. I took this guy's space ring off and gave it to Tang long.

Tang Long put up the space ring of Si Gu Xiu, turned his head and looked at Ye Qingling and said, "the matter of Jiuyang holy city has been solved?"

"Well!" Ye Qingling's delicate and beautiful face shows a smile of pride. Shuilingling's eyes twinkle merrily at Tang long. It looks so lovely!

She said triumphantly: "liezhen Beiyi joined our Tangmen with the consent. Hongmeng holy water has also been found, and the mutated medicine has also been found. Brother long, I am very good!"

"Very good!"

Tang Long raised his hand on the nose of this precious girl and scraped it gently.

Ye Qingling giggled and took out the bottle containing Hongmeng holy water and gave it to Tang Long: "Hongmeng holy water is here!"


Tang Long took the bottle and took the flag.

He thought in his heart, whether to find a way to get yingtianhe out and take away that guy's golden winged Kunpeng!

He had long coveted that beast!

At this time, Tang Yang pointed to the open box in front of him and looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, the medicine for transforming into a human wolf is in that box."

Tang Long went over and looked at several small pots in the box. He picked up a jar and looked at it. Then, he put the jar back in the box and put it directly into the sky sealing flag.

After finishing, he looked at Tang Yang and said, "the things here are settled. You can go back. The rest of the things will be handed over to lie Zhenbei to deal with it." Finish saying, looking at Ye Qingling way again: "darling girl, are you playing here, or going to star market?"

"I want to play two more days!" Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long's coquetry: "before others, they haven't been able to turn around here."

"Then wait a few days to go to the star market." Tang Longdao.

Although he is anxious to find the grass, the safety of Ye Qingling is still the most important. He is a bit busy these days. Wan Yiye Qingling has something on his side. If he can't come here, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, it is a good thing for ye Qingling to play here for a few days!

"A week!" He looked at Ye Qingling and said, "in a week, you will go to the star market again!"

"Mm-hmm-mm-hmm!" Ye Qingling nodded repeatedly.

Tang Long said no more.

Now that the matter is settled, it's time for him to plan his next step.

Use huixinmen to return to Senluo ghost land.

Looking at the dark night, he said, "ye'er, you continue to look for the natural materials and treasures here. I'm going to leave for a while."

"Where are you going?" the night asked

Tang Long faintly smiles, and his eyes fall on Nangong Ao's body: "in order to let Nangong Ao continue to lurk around yingtianhe, I have to be swallowed up again!"

Youye and Nangong Ao don't understand Tang Long's words.

Tang long did not explain.Looking at Nangong Ao: "these days, you have been following the night Son, try to avoid people, do not conflict with people, just look for Tiancai Dibao!"

"Good!" Nangong Ao nodded.

Tang Longzheng was about to turn around and leave. He suddenly looked at Nangong Ao: "by the way, my father-in-law has asked you to lie around yingtianhe. After such a long time, haven't you got any valuable news?"

"There are several news. I have reported them to master. Master said that the news is not of great value."

Nangong Ao refers to the North Palace Xingyuan!

Tang Long nodded and asked, "if you get the news, pick the most valuable one you think. Tell me a few. I'll see what news you've got."

Nangong Ao said: "I heard that there is a secret prison in yingtianhe. The people in it don't know who they are. It is said that people who once lived in the blood temple were held in the past. Few people know about this secret prison, except Ying Tianhe's confidant, even the people in the blood Temple don't know the way!"


When Tang long heard the news, his heart suddenly moved!

He thought of some possibility and asked, "how long has this prison been?"

"It seems that it took a long time for yingtianhe to reach the Taiyi Xianzong, and the prison existed as a Scripture. Only the people who knew about it were the closest people around him!"

"How do you know that?"

"Master asked me to get close to Ma Debao. Once I got drunk with Ma Debao, he said it carelessly."

"Where is the prison?"

"It is said that tianmang mountain is in Loulan mainland!" Nangong Ao said: "all I know is that. Where is the prison? I've been searching, but I haven't been able to find out the whereabouts."

"Mountain mang!" Tang long thought for a moment, then stopped and asked, "what else is the news?"

"What's more, Ying Tianhe secretly trained a man himself, which was also carried out secretly by Ying Tianhe himself without the knowledge of the martial arts in the blood temple. These people are very powerful, and it is said that they are all Dan masters!"

"Where are these people?"

"It's in another world. I've been inquiring about the specific location, but it's a pity that I haven't found out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!