Dongfang bing'er looks at these two old people, so fragile that it seems that they will die at any time. It is extremely painful in the heart.

"Father, mother --"

she looked at the two old people crying.

Two old people look at Dongfang bing'er like this, suddenly that turbid eyes, there are more than a touch of doubt, staring at Dongfang bing'er carefully.

Oriental ice son hand, suddenly more than one thing.

It was a snow-white fur blanket with various strange patterns on it, and lace was embroidered on the edge of the blanket.

This blanket is exquisitely made and unique!

This is the animal skin blanket that wrapped Dongfang binger when she was a child, before her parents were caught.

When the two old men saw the fur blanket in Dongfang bing'er's hand, they could not control themselves any more. The woman full of silver first sobbed: "you, you are bing'er, you are my daughter bing'er!"


Oriental ice son also can't control, directly into the woman's arms, burst into tears.

She had no idea that her mother had become so old. How many years had she been so old!

The old man beside him also shed tears at this time.

Tang Long and Youye sit beside each other without saying a word. Tang Long's beast is guarding the entrance of the mountain. The king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman look at each other. They both can't help but sigh.

Dongfang bing'er was in the woman's arms. After a long time, her mood gradually stabilized.

Next, she told her parents about her own experience and the process of meeting Tang long, including Tang Long's help to relieve the poison of Xuanhan tiansplit. She hoped that her parents would fully trust Tang long.

After listening to Dongfang binger's narration, Dongfang binger's parents finally choose to believe in Tang long.

And then, Tang Long finally knew why yingtianhe caught them!

These seven people, together, know a secret.

Dongfang bing'er's father was called Dongfang Hanhai. He was originally the strong one of the Shenwang jiuzhong, and his mother was Luo Biqin. Although he was weaker, he also reached the fourth level of Shenwang.

In addition, the other two are Wang Donglin and Zhao Chengshu, who are also strong in the realm of divine king.

The four of them are all Taiyi Xianzong people.

The other three warriors are called Mo Yu Fang Hao, situ mingjue and Liancheng Tiesong.

The three clans where they used to be located are totally opposite to the Taiyi Xianzong. They are also the strength of the divine king realm, and their former strength is even stronger than the four people in the East.

Originally, the three of them and the four men of Oriental Hanhai were enemies. They pursued and killed them for decades!

More than 20 years ago, three people chased four people and broke into a mysterious grotto. They were trapped in the grottoes and couldn't get out. Moreover, they were attacked by the grotto organs. As a result, at the most critical moment, it was the four men of the Oriental Hanhai who saved them!

After that, seven of them broke through all the arrays in the grottoes together. They worked together and worked together. They spent more than a year to break through all the arrays and finally reached the end of the mysterious grottoes.

In the grottoes, there is a cultivation method of Honghuang old man!

The seven learned this skill, and then, through the killing thunder pool at the end of the grottoes, they tempered in one of the four Tiandu magic pools, and finally completed the cultivation and came out of the grottoes.

After they came out, their strength has been greatly improved, and even exceeded the realm of God King!

After that, the seven left together!

After such a long time of living together and dying together, they turned the war into friendship.

When they came out, they knew that the grotto was an extremely mysterious place in the ancient legend: the shishitian Grottoes!

After coming out of mieshitian grottoes, Dongfang binger's parents went back to Taiyi Xianzong and devoted themselves to practicing. They didn't expect that Ying Tianhe knew the secret of their going to the cave!

Ying Tianhe knew the secret from Wang Donglin, who was also a member of Taiyi Xianzong.

Ying Tianhe was also in Taiyi Xianzong at that time.

At that time, yingtianhe was very small, lively and naughty. He was not only very smart, but also very likable. Wang Donglin was very good at matching Tianhe. He not only taught him to practice, but also helped him to find natural materials and earth treasures. When he was free, he would tell stories!

Tell a story, but bring disaster!

When he asked about the secret of the plot, he did not know all the secrets of tiankulin!

In principle, Ying Tianhe can know their secrets by swallowing their souls.

However, these seven people passed through the annihilation thunder pool and one of the four Tiandu demon pools. Their souls were extremely strong.

Their souls can't be swallowed!

Ying Tianhe, in order to get the secret of exterminating the heaven cave, locked them up, destroyed their cultivation vigor, and tortured them with various methods!They didn't tell the secret in the end!

After listening to the experience of Oriental Hanhai, Tang Long knew the reason why they were captured.

What's more, Tang Long now knows from classics why the couple of Oriental Hanhai have the mysterious Tiandu: Xuanhan tianzhang!

This Xuanhan sky crack is exactly what they brought out of the Tiandu demon pool.

Tang Long's eyes fell on Wang Donglin and asked, "at that time, you were so good with Tianhe. Why didn't you tell him the secret of the destruction of TianKuo? Why don't you teach him the skills of the old man of the great famine! "

"It was decided by the seven of us." Wang Donglin said: "at that time, we detected some anomalies in Taiyi Xianzong with scriptures."

"What's abnormal?"

"We are aware of some things about the blood demon kingdom. We are aware that there is a close relationship between the blood demon Kingdom and the Taiyi Xianzong. We are afraid that the secret of the extermination of the heaven cave will be known by the people of the Taiyi Xianzong, so we dare not tell Ying Tianhe, for fear of leaking the news!"

Tang Long was stunned: "listen to what you mean. The skills you cultivate are related to the blood demon world?"

"Not bad!" Wang Donglin nodded: "this skill was originally a kind of skill which was developed after hundreds of years of research by dozens of ancestors. It is specially designed to prevent the soul from being swallowed up!"

"I see!" After listening to Wang Donglin's words, Tang Long's heart was filled with ecstasy!

"Who is the old man of Honghuang?" asked the lonely night

The answer was another old man, Dongfang Hanhai. He said in a deep voice: "Honghuang old man was a strong Archean ancestor god level one hundred thousand years ago, and he was also a Dan Zu with great spiritual strength."

Tang Long let out a tone: "fortunately you didn't tell Ying Tianhe this skill, otherwise it would be bad."

"Yes Dongfang Hanhai nodded: "this skill is very powerful. It can not only quickly improve the strength, strengthen the physique, but also strengthen the soul to the greatest extent, which is especially important to the Dan master!"

Wang Donglin then said: "if the Dan master of the whole world has learned this powerful skill, and if he can completely practice it, he will not have to worry about the soul being swallowed up. It is even possible that when the bloodthirsty master devours the soul, he can also resist the devouring of the blood thirsty demon!"


Hearing Wang Donglin's words, Tang Long's eyes immediately revealed a touch of fine light!

It's actually anti phagocytic!

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