"Fantian Gang!" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, this name, unexpectedly and Fantian Zong this door name overlap!

Who is this? His name overlaps with the name of his clan!

Tang Long is now in the Castel city of the Shura kingdom. There is a transmission array leading to the Vatican sect in the transmission Hall of Castel city.

Tang Long followed the Vatican and passed through the transmission array of Castle City, and went to the Vatican sect directly. Looking at the scale of the Vatican sect, Tang Long immediately knew that this sect was indeed a huge sect!

At a glance, there are magnificent halls in front of us. The powerful energy is contained between heaven and earth!

Obviously, there are extremely strong defensive arrays here!

The halls are magnificent and magnificent.

Fantian Gang took Tang Long four people through a huge square, and then entered a hall.

Seeing the old man, the warriors at the gate of the hall suddenly became extremely respectful.

Some of the martial artists of Vatican immediately let Tang Long know that the old man's identity is really different in Fantian sect!

Supreme patriarch, that is higher than the patriarch's status!

Fantian Gang completely ignored the greetings of the people around him. He took Tang Long and his party into a very spacious room in the hall. There were more than a dozen people talking about some things.

Seeing that fantiangang came in, one by one quickly stood up and said, "the Supreme Lord!"

"All right, all right, sit down!" Fantian Gang frowned, obviously tired of the red tape of these people. Pointing to Tang long, he said, "this is my apprentice. His name is Tang long. This time, there is a place for him in this competition of Dan masters."

"But - the number of students in the competition has been decided!" A warrior is in a dilemma.

"What if it's settled?" Fantian Gang glared at the Warrior: "changed!"

The martial artist was puzzled: "the Supreme Lord, this competition of Dan masters is very important. Let one person take part in it, isn't it - a little trifling?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense! "Vatican Gang immediately frowned:" I said there is him, there is him


The warrior sighed and said no more.

Fantian Gang continued: "in addition, this girl is also my disciple, and her name is Ye Qingling!"


A warrior, busy in the past, took out a document, began to record.

Fantiangang accepted only two disciples, one is Tang long, the other is Ye Qingling, Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang are still Tang Long's disciples, but they also become the disciples of fantiangang!

The record was quickly completed. Then, the warrior looked at Tang Long and said, "wait a minute, someone will arrange your accommodation."

"Thank you." Tang Long nodded.

At that time, he didn't care about the residence. However, ye Qingling and the three of them were sure to stay here for a period of time. It was inconvenient to have no place to live.

Before that, the warrior looked at fan Tiangang, hesitated, and said, "Supreme Lord, do you want to think about the number of Dan masters competition?"

Another warrior immediately said, "at least, we should compete with our chosen disciples?"

"Are you bored?" Vatican Gang glared at these guys, a face of impatience: "difficult, you dare not believe me?"

"I dare not, dare not!" Several people quickly lowered their heads.

"If you want to have a competition, you can do as you like. However, Tang Long is my apprentice. This matter is settled. Who dares to oppose and let him get out of my Vatican sect!"

The old man said, directly turned to leave: "I go first, a few children, I will come back to see you when I have time!"

He opened the door and went out.

Tang Long and ye Qingling are stunned. Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang also take a look at each other.

The old man, just leave them here?!

Several old people in the room took a look at Tang long. One of them was obviously annoyed by stealing. One of them glared at Tang Long: "you guys, come with me. Your ID card will be ready for you in three days."

Another warrior looked at Tang Long and turned his lips: "you are the disciple of the Supreme Master. Your status is much higher than that of other disciples. It's not appropriate for you to go to other palaces. Let's set up a new palace, which is called wild palace."

After that, he took a look at a martial artist not far away, then looked at Tang Long and continued: "Tang long, you will be the master of the wild palace. The other three people are the people of the wild palace."

Tang Long is speechless!

What kind of wild palace? How can a palace be established all of a sudden? What's more, he became the leader of the palace!

He didn't say much.

He saw that these guys didn't take him seriously at all. The so-called wild palace was just a temporary one, so that he could be given a free hand.

"The wild palace is the wild palace. I don't plan to stay here for long anyway!"Tang long thought secretly.

His purpose was to participate in the competition of Dan masters in the Shura world, and to get the reward from the competition. As for other things, he didn't care at all.

Looking at a warrior, he asked, "excuse me, what are the rewards for the competition of Dan masters in the Shura realm?"

"You'd better not ask, because even if there is a reward, it won't matter to you!" A warrior gave Tang long a bad look: "it's useless to be greedy. Those rewards are not what ordinary people can get!"

Another warrior stood up and said, "come with me and take you to the wild palace."

Tang Long is a little upset.

But I still held back.

After all, he just came here, and he was young, so suddenly appeared without any performance. It is understandable that these people look down on him.

Tang Xiaohu's face is not happy, little girl Ye Qingling is also very unhappy.

Strong cloud clothes a pretty face, also collapsed down!

Seeing that Tang Long didn't speak, they all had to resist. They followed the warrior out and went to the secluded place of the Fantian sect. There was a small palace here!

The palace is also well built, but Tang longyi knows that there is no one in the palace!

The warrior pointed to the palace: "this is the palace of the wild palace!"

Tang Long asked, "is there no one here?"

"This is three thousand years ago of our supreme patriarch. Forget it, it doesn't make sense to tell you. Just stay here. I'll send someone to bring you daily necessities. There's nothing else. Practice well here. You're a disciple of the Supreme Master. Don't run out and disgrace yourself!"

Say, also wait for Tang long to say again, turn to look after oneself and go!

Tang Xiaohu bit his teeth and looked at the warrior. He was so angry in his heart that he would like to rush up and give this guy a few punches!

This guy is so mean!

You know, no matter what Tang Long said, it was also a figure at the level of Dan Di and the head of Tang clan. The Tang clan was not regarded as a minor clan, but it did not show up officially. How could they be so despised by these people!

Even if they were the powerful ancient clans in the realm of Kalan, no sect dared to despise Tang long so much!

This guy is too arrogant!

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