Dengfeng Wenxuan was scared by the lion's big mouth!

You know, because Tang Long's Lion opened his mouth so much that Dengfeng Wenxuan had to search all over the world for medicinal materials. He not only took out the medicinal herbs in his family collection, but also spent a lot of money to buy them at auction houses.

In less than 10 days, most of the collection of Dengfeng family, whether it is money or medicine, has been consumed very seriously!

Tang Long now, unexpectedly want him to look for medicinal materials!

It's too dark!

looking at the pain on the face of Dengfeng family, Tang Long was also amused!

He didn't want to embarrass the Dengfeng family any more. He was very satisfied with the herbs he got from Dengfeng family.

"Don't worry, all the herbs I need this time are easy to find, and the price is not high. All of them will definitely not exceed one million yuan. I think this expenditure will not embarrass you."

"That's it

Dengfeng Wenxuan breathed a long breath.

If Tang long opens his mouth again, he doesn't know what to do, but he can't refuse Tang Long's request!

He took out a pen and paper and handed it to Tang long.

Tang Long wrote about 50 or 60 kinds of medicinal materials: "these herbs should be prepared more, so as not to panic temporarily. At that time, as long as there is the elixir I refined, all the people who come into contact with the Yin corpse clan will no longer be poisoned by the black evil spirit of the Yin corpse. "

Dengfeng Wenxuan took over the list with the name of the medicinal materials handed over by Tang Long and took a long breath in his heart.

These herbs are not expensive indeed!

For him, at least, these herbs are nothing!

"I'll send someone to find the herbs you need." Dengfeng Wenxuan voice down, is to turn around and go in a hurry.

Tang Long took the little leopard's hand and turned to look at Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng: "let's go back and have a rest."

Several people nodded and left the training room one after another.

At this time, Tang Long finished the task of detoxifying the people of Dengfeng family, and then he was waiting to participate in the battle with Yin corpse clan.

Tang Long didn't know much about yinshizong, so he decided to ask Dengfeng Yutang about yinshizong.

Several people to Dengfeng Wenxuan arrangements for their accommodation, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng to rest on their own.

Tang Long and Xue Lingyue return to their room. Tang Long immediately calls out the golden winged Kunpeng, and then gives the magic grass to the golden winged Kunpeng.

Jinyi Kunpeng is naturally very happy!

She took the magic grass, and immediately returned to Tang Long's Tianling garden.

Tang Long was also very happy at the moment, because he had refined several herbs that Dengfeng Wenxuan had found for him to improve the growth speed of Warcraft, and he had refined them into elixirs for Kunpeng with golden wings.

Now the golden winged Kunpeng has finally grown up again, reaching the level of six sacred beasts, basically catching up with the growth level of golden monkeys.

Although the cost is not small, Tang Long is still very satisfied.

After all, Kunpeng with golden wings is also an extremely powerful beast. After growing up, it can give him great help.

"I believe that if I can go to the cold spring of the earth's veins, I will certainly be able to grow up to the level 7 level of holy beasts, and my strength is estimated to be able to be promoted to the realm of the holy emperor. Hehe --"

"the cold spring of the earth's veins, in any case, I must go to practice!"

Tang Long is full of expectation.

Once he reaches the realm of the holy emperor, he can go to the cave of Pangu ancestor god: the Nine Emperor's mansion!

He believed that there must be a lot of good things in the ninth emperor's palace!

What he didn't know was that at this time, Heishishan was in the research base of Heishishan. The north wind was cold, and so on!

North wind bright moon is also anxious!

Tang Shilong can't go back to the mountain for two months, but they haven't been able to go back for two months.

Because, even if it is the north wind and bright moon, I don't know where Tang Long is now!

The north wind cold looks at the north wind bright moon, helpless way: "bright moon, how can you let Tang Long go like this?"

Beifeng Mingyue said: "I didn't know you would be so anxious to find him, and he said that his research needs time to grow. Even if he stayed here during this period of time, it's useless for him to stay here!"

"That's what it says, but you can't just say it and leave!"

"What shall I do?" The north wind bright moon curled her lips: "he helped me to cure my addiction. I, I can't even refuse this request!"

The voice dropped and asked, "brother, what's going on? Is it a bad thing or a good thing? "

"Of course it's a good thing. If it's a bad thing, do you think I can still sit here?" "It's all you!" he said

"What is the matter?" asked the north wind bright moon

The north wind cold way: "this matter, is because Tang Long lets you give me those medicine liquid!"What's wrong with Beiyue liquid

"Those potions are very powerful, even more powerful than those of our blood temple, which make Warcraft mutate. Now we are going to study Tang Long's potions with scriptures in our blood temple!"

"Really In the eyes of the bright moon in the north wind, a strong joy suddenly appeared: "so, this time you have made great achievements?"

"The credit is great indeed!" Beifenghan nodded, but looked at the Beifeng Mingyue and said: "I didn't say that Tang Long developed this medicine by himself, and I only said that it was accidental, and it was made by the people of lieying Shenzong. The people above did not know that the people of the shadow God sect had died. They thought that the people who were responsible for the research here were still the people of the shadow God sect. Don't tell Tang Long about this. "

"I know!" Beifeng Mingyue nodded: "don't worry, I will block the news about this matter, or the people in the blood temple will definitely ask for Tang long to be taken away!"

"Not bad!" North wind cold nodded: "if so, my credit will be gone!"

"Yes Beifeng Mingyue agreed, and thought to himself, "if Tang Long is taken away by the people above, I'm afraid I will never see him again!"

She looked at the north wind and asked curiously, "what is the effect of the liquid medicine?"

In the eyes of the north wind, there is also a ray of light.

He said in a deep voice: "that day, according to the words you sent me, I found several high-level blood god temple, and several right-hand men under the Lord of the world, and then I found a grown-up level-1 Warcraft!"

"Level one Warcraft, what can a weak Warcraft do? Why don't you try something higher? At least it should be a monster North wind bright moon complain way.

Beifeng said with a bitter smile: "I was worried that Tang Long's medicine would not work, so I could only be cautious."

"It's true!" North wind bright moon nodded.

Beifenghan continued: "I gave the medicine to the Warcraft. Everything was normal. Everyone was frowning. The two one star Dharma protectors were trying to stand up and walk. Suddenly, a powerful strange energy broke out on the first level Warcraft who took the medicine!"

"And then?"

"And then something incredible happened!"

"What incredible thing?"

"The first-class Warcraft, all over the body's skeleton and muscle, are extremely mysterious changes, and full of skyrocketing ten times, its own strength, is more powerful terror, the eyes burst out green light!"

"That Warcraft is very powerful?"

"It's not only fierce, it's terrible!" The north wind cold way: "first class Warcraft, took that kind of medicine liquid, actually the strength soared dozens of times more, exceeded the monster's combat power!"


Beifengmingyue was shocked by the cold words of beifengmingyue!

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