In a twinkling of an eye, ye Qingling and they arrived at the transmission array of star market.

They left the transmission array together and went outside the transmission hall. Just as they got to the door, the three warriors who were not far away came towards them.

These three people are all thirty-three years old, one by one gloomy!

Three people block Ye Qingling.

One of the guys with a gloomy face saw that ye Qingling was very beautiful, so he deliberately came to Diao: "where do you come from? What do you come to star market? If you don't make it clear, you can come with me! "

Ye Qingling frowned slightly and said unhappily, "who are you?"

"We are the people of Yin corpse clan!" The martial artist laughs and reaches for ye Qingling's pretty face. He obviously wants to take advantage of him!

Before his hand was close to Ye Qingling's face, a low voice rang out in his ear: "you should be honest with me, and dare to act on my teacher's wife again. Believe me or not, I will kill you directly!"

It's Tang Xiaohu!

Tang Xiaohu's body, with the outbreak of a strong momentum!

The strong breath turned into a torrent of fiery energy, which made the three guys stagger back!

the three men retreated four or five meters before they stopped.

These three guys in their thirties did not expect that Tang Xiaohu was so young and his strength was so strong that he even reached the realm of Shengzong. All of a sudden, their eyes were full of horror!

although their strength was not weak, they did not even reach the realm of Saint king!

Even, they didn't even reach the realm of Shengwu!

How dare they act wildly in front of Tang Xiaohu with such strength?!

Among the three warriors, the guy standing in the middle has a pair of mouse eyes. At this time, on his long thin cheek, there is a touch of cunning. He smiles: "Hey, I can see that you are from Dengfeng family!"

"Get out of here, or I'll kill you!"

Tang Xiaohu is very impolite scold way, the body Black Death fire, is swept out directly!

"Let's see!"

The warrior picked at the corner of his eyes, his eyes showed a touch of panic, but he still had a gloomy face and a touch of cunning in his eyes. Obviously, he hated Tang Xiaohu with his classics.

Tang Xiaohu doesn't care about this guy at all.

Together with Ye Qingling and lie yunshang, he walked towards the place where Tang Long said, and soon saw Tang long in disguise.

And then, behind them, the three guys were whispering to each other!

Of course, Tang Long saw the situation here, but he didn't care too much.

Ye Qingling goes to Tang Long and looks at his brother, who is obviously dressed up. He is very curious: "brother long, what happened here? How do you dress up like this

"I'll talk about it then!" Tang Long said, "you go to the restaurant and wait for me first."


Ye Qingling nodded and walked into the red flower restaurant with Tang Xiaohu and strong cloud clothes.

Tang Long spent money to wrap the third floor of Honghua restaurant for ye Qingling's safety, and he would continue to wait here.

After settling Ye Qingling, Tang long walks out of the restaurant and waits outside for about half an hour. Qin Ziyi's voice rings in his heart.

Qin Ziyi went to the delivery Hall of Lingtian city.

Of course, beigongyuan also came.

Even Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er are all here. Naturally, they come with Beigong Xianer.

Tang Long told Beigong Xianer that if she wanted to come to Tianxing market, she might go to the cold spring of the earth to practice and improve her strength. Naturally, the girl hoped that her parents could also improve her strength. Therefore, she found Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er together.

Tang Long didn't say anything.

He said to Qin Ziyi in his heart: "Ziyi, you let them come here in batches, no more than 20 people at a time. You should come in without any trace."

"I see!"

Qin Ziyi agreed.

Tang Long is relieved. All the people of Tangmen are here. What else should he worry about?

The most important thing is, the North Palace field is here!

You know, Beigong Yuanye is the strong one in the realm of God King!

Such a strong person can easily kill those top demons even if they face them. How can those witches compare with the northern palace plain even if they are inferior to the top demons?!

Not to mention the strength of Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er, they are also very strong.

Tang long used to enhance the strength of Beigong Xingyuan and ningxiang'er in tiandemon palace. At this time, the strength of Beigong Xingyuan reached eight levels of Shenwu.

The strength of ningxiang'er is slightly lower than that of Beigong Xingyuan, which is also up to seven levels of Shenwu.

Their strength at this time can also easily kill those witches, but they want to kill those peak demons, but their strength at this time is not enough!It took them more than an hour to go to the star market in batches.

Every time they come here, people are scattered very open, but they are not paid attention to by the Yin corpse sect people. After all, they are not from the star market, and the people of Yin corpse sect will not care too much.

Of course they won't go to Honghua restaurant together.

Tang Long asked Qin Ziyi and Dongfang binger to go to Honghua restaurant to meet Ye Qingling and let them go to the North Palace plain. They would leave the city one kilometer away from the east gate of Tianxing market and wait for him.

Ling Qingyao hasn't come to Tianxing market yet!

She went to the holy heart sect, which was informed by huixinmen before Tang long.

Tang Long contacted Ling Qingyao through Huixin gate, and then appeared directly in front of Ling Qingyao.

Tang Long plans to let Gaoyang Ziyan and Tai Shici also go to the star market.

After all, the cold spring of the earth is not a common place for cultivation. Even for those who are strong in the divine king, it is also of great benefit.

Tang Long went directly to Ling Qingyao through Huixin gate. Then, he went to taishici with her and explained the matter. Taishici was naturally full of joy. For a warrior of his strength, he must take advantage of such a good opportunity to improve his strength.

After that, Tang Long went to Gaoyang Ziyan.

Gaoyang Ziyan and a hundred Li crazy lion went to Fengtian city together.

After all, the lion is as powerful as Beigong plain.

Together with Tang long, they arrived at lingtiancheng and Tianxing market.

Time is usually evening.

Tang Long and they went to Honghua restaurant for dinner, and then scattered out of Tianxing market. At this time, Ziyan in Gaoyang had already told Tang Long about what was happening in Tianxing market.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty lacks them, as well as the Shenlong Wei's people, also arrived at the star market outside the city to wait.

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao scattered out of the city and gathered with the people of Tangmen in a secluded place ten kilometers away from the city.

Tang Long was about to take the Tang clan people to Dengfeng jade hall, but suddenly, in the distance above the sky, the strong breath swept towards this side crazily. In a short time, hundreds of warriors appeared in their sight!

What's more, a breath full of death and destruction swept towards this side! , the fastest update of the webnovel!