Tang Long came to the front of a jar. The skeleton Warcraft in the jar opened his eyes and looked at Tang long. There was a small blue flame in his eyes, and his body emitted a light blue light.

Tang Long is very careful to open the jar a little bit. He is very slow. He is afraid that the skeleton monster in the jar will run out.

As a result, the jar opened, but the skeleton monster did not come out.

The skeleton monster was in the jar, and its four legs moved slightly, looking a bit wooden.

"No intelligence? Can the energy of radiating characteristics destroy the intelligence of these mutated Warcraft? But what survived these skeletons? Is it because of the mutation, or is it because of the special energy of radiation? "

"Or do these factors all come together to make the skeleton mutate unknown?"

Curious, Tang long tried to brand his soul on the skeleton monster in the jar.

Something strange happened!

Suddenly, the flame of Tang Dynasty's monsters swept over the body, and there was a lot of strange flame in it!

Soon, Tang long felt that there was a trace of soul connection between himself and the skeleton monster!

His soul imprinted on the skeleton monster!

However, this is different from the soul contract of Warcraft.

Tang long felt at this time that the skeleton monster was like a kind of weapon, a very special weapon with a little intelligence and autonomous action ability!

"How could that happen?"

Tang Long was surprised and curious.

Weapons that can move independently are good. How easy to control!

In this jar, the skeleton monster mutated by the energy of the radiated characteristics. Before the mutation, it also absorbed the mutation liquid, and even was fused into the body by the poisonous insects.

At this time, the combat power of the mutant skeleton beast is also very strong!

"It seems good!"

Tang Long is very satisfied with the skeleton monster in the jar. Obviously, the skeleton monster is still a success.

He checked the remaining jars one by one.

Of the 20 skeletons in the jars, only three of them had signs of life. In the remaining 17 jars, the skeleton monsters were all dead and became a heap of dead bones.

Obviously, three of Tang Long's prescriptions in these 20 jars are relatively successful.

The skeleton monsters cultivated by these three formulas, one of which is the most powerful, can release the most momentum. Although the skeleton monsters survived, the momentum they can have is very weak.

Tang Long from the Fengtian flag, the most successful formula out to see, the heart is still more satisfied.

He decided to use the blood temple, a mutant Warcraft, to bring out some such skeleton monsters. He believed that such skeleton monsters would certainly play a significant role in some time.

"Now the only thing I don't know is whether these mutated skeleton monsters can continue to grow, and I don't know how their combat power is. After all, before I did the experiment, these skeleton monsters were only young Warcraft, and they haven't grown up yet. No matter how their combat power is, they should be very limited."

Tang long thought secretly.

We took out all the skeleton monsters in twenty jars, and destroyed 19 of them, leaving only the most successful one.

"This is the first finished product!"

Tang Long laughs and looks at the skeleton monster. He is also curious. How powerful is this thing? If you show this thing to Beifeng Mingyue, I don't know what her reaction will be.

"Should be surprised!"

Tang long thought in his heart and called out the king of the abyss.

The king of the abyss turned his head and looked at the cave. He asked Tang Long curiously, "what are you doing here?"

"Experiment!" Tang Long laughed: "next, you have to help me!"

"What can I do for you?" asked the king of the abyss

"Tang Long said:" didn't I capture the souls of many bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty demons before? You seal the souls of some bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty masters in these jars one by one! "

The king of the abyss didn't understand: "what do you want to do?"

"You'll find out later!"

Tang Long said, again very carefully, put some radioactive minerals into the 20 jars.

This time, he put a lot of this ore in every jar.

Then, he took out the bottle containing the bloodthirsty master and the bloodthirsty devil and handed it to the king of the Abyss: "put these bloodthirsty masters and blood lion demons in the jar and seal them. I want to see if these bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty demons are not afraid of radiating special energy!"

"You boy!"

The king of the abyss cast his lips, and did so.At this time, he also wanted to know whether the souls of these bloodthirsty masters and bloodthirsty demons had a nemesis!

After all, even he and Su Xiaoman were very afraid of the energy released by the radioactive mineral. Moreover, for a while, he felt a little uncomfortable!

In accordance with Tang Long's request, the king of the abyss returned to Fengtian flag.

At this time, among the 20 jars in front of Tang long, there were three or four blood thirsty demons in some jars, and one or two in some jars. In the last jar, only one was closed, which was a bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

He still has a lot of bloodthirsty demons and bloodthirsty Lord's souls left unused. He wants to see these changes before making a decision.

"What will happen to these souls under the influence of radiating idiosyncratic energy? Will there be some variation? Come and have a look in a few days. Maybe you'll get some unexpected results! "

Tang long thought curiously.

At this time, in these pots, he put a lot of minerals with radiating energy characteristics. If these bloodthirsty demons and blood lion demons are not afraid, then the souls of these guys are too powerful!

After all this, Tang Long turned to look at the 21st jar.

In the last jar, it was originally something he was tossing about. There were a lot of herbs and poisons in it!

He didn't even have the formula in this jar!

He always felt that the experiment in this jar would definitely fail!

However, at this time, in the 21st jar, there was not a skeleton, but a perfect young Warcraft, and the young Warcraft was looking at him with his eyes open.

The eyes, with a green flame, looks very mysterious!

Tang Long doesn't feel any danger from this little Warcraft!

"It's strange that the 21st pot has succeeded, and the mutated little Warcraft has not turned into a skeleton. Can the little Warcraft in the 21st pot actually resist the energy of radiating characteristics?"

"I don't know if this little thing is fierce or not!"

Tang Long secretly thought, walked over, but also very careful.

I opened the jar gently, but I didn't expect that the young Warcraft in it suddenly turned into a small bat flying out of the jar. All of them flew out of the jar, and then in front of Tang long, they fused together and became the young Warcraft in the jar!

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