Zhao Wuji looked at Tang Long and asked curiously, "where are you from?"

Tang Long perfunctorily said: "I left the Vatican sect before. I wanted to go out and do something. I'll chase you after you. I'll catch up with you all the way."

Zhao Wuji didn't doubt Tang Long's words. After all, this road is the shortest way to mosville City, and it's not very fast to get on with them. It's not surprising that Tang long can catch up with him.

The most important thing is that he has been worried about Tang Long's coming as soon as possible!

Tang Long is obviously the highest level of Danshi's strength, and Tang Long seems to be no worse than anyone else in terms of the water quality of refining elixir!

Zhao Wuji felt that Tang long played a crucial role in completing the Vatican's gambling contract!

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang Long and said: "in the next period of time, even if you have any important things, you are absolutely not allowed to leave again, because this competition of Dan masters is very important. The Supreme Master doesn't want any accidents in this contest!"

"I know!" Tang Long nodded: "I will not leave again!"

"Good!" Zhao Wuji no longer said more, turned his head and glanced at the crowd: "we continue to drive, there is still half a day, should be able to reach mosville city!"

With these young Danshi, he was really slow on his way. If he was on his own, he would not take too long to get to mosville city.

Tang Long and ye Qingling are at the back.

They don't call out their own beast, just chatting and walking slowly.

Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang are also here.

Naturally, they are not in a hurry. Beside Tang long, they are chatting at will.

Half an hour later, all of a sudden, Tang long felt several extremely powerful momentum in front of him. Even in these momentum, there was still a strong murderous spirit. Obviously, the comer was not good!

Tang Long frowned: "it seems that someone has come, and it seems to be the enemy!"

Tang Xiaohu practiced in the cold spring of the earth before. Later, Tang Long taught him Huangji jishidian. Now he is looking for someone to fight, so as to try his fighting power. When he hears Tang Long's words, he immediately comes to his spirit!

He looked at Tang Long and said, "master, let's go to the front to see the situation. If anyone wants to do something to us, I'll kill them!"

Tang long curled his lips and said, "there are more people than you here. What are you anxious about? Watch the excitement!"

"Oh Tang Xiaohu suddenly wilted!

At Tang Xiaohu's side, lieyunshang saw Tang Xiaohu's dejected appearance and immediately giggled. Looking at his little elder martial brother, he said, "brother tiger, do you really want to fight? Do you think you're capable of it? "

Tang Xiaohu was dissatisfied and turned to look at the strong cloud clothes: "I am to protect you!"

"I don't believe you." Strong cloud dress snorted, a pair of playful big eyes, but full of joy and pride.

In front of him, Zhao Wuji stopped by Sutra, and stopped the warrior of Fantian sect from going forward.

"Everyone, don't move forward. Protect the Dan master in the middle. The people in front are not good. Be careful!" Zhao Wuji said in a deep voice.

This time, of course, the Vatican sect did not only come to the Danshi, but also many warriors who protected the Danshi. There were more than 200 of them, and each of them was not weak in strength. At the worst, they all reached the realm of sanctity.

There are ten strong men!

Even, there are two strong gods!

After all, with so many Dan masters coming out, these are very important young descendants of Vatican sect, and they must ensure safety. Therefore, the protection measures are in place.

In the roar of strength ahead, dozens of people came flying rapidly from the far sky.

Soon, these people were less than 50 meters away from Zhao Wuji. Then, they all quickly fell down to the bottom. In a short time, they landed 50 meters in front of Zhao Wuji!

See these people, Zhao Wuji's face, suddenly revealed a touch of gloomy!

He knows these people!

"Barbie, what do you mean by coming here?" Zhao Wuji gazed at the front of the group. The 50 year old warrior standing in the front said in a deep voice: "is it difficult? Do you want to fight with me here?"

The warrior in his fifties was named barbilotian.

"Hey, hey Then Barbie said with a sneer: "you should know that my black cow sect and your Vatican sect have always been incompatible. What else can I do here?"

Zhao Wu extremely cold hum a: "do you think you black cattle clan, is my Vatican clan's opponent?"

"I've already sent someone to watch you secretly. I know everything you do. I already know that you are the most powerful person in your group this time!" Barbillo laughed triumphantly: "do you think you are my opponent?"

"How arrogant of you Zhao Wu snorted coldly.

"What about arrogance? What can you do with me? " In barbiro's eyes, there was a sense of arrogance: "since I'm here today, I'm naturally ready for all the preparations. I'm afraid you don't have a chance to participate in the competition of Dan masters this time!"Zhao Wuji bit his teeth: "aren't you afraid that my Lord will abolish your Taurus clan?"

"Since I dare to come, I am naturally ready for everything!" Barbillo snorted coldly and waved his hand abruptly: "let's go together and kill all these righteous guys for me!"


Behind Barbie Luotian, dozens of martial artists agreed in a deep voice, and all of them burst out with extremely strong momentum!

Everyone's strength is beyond the realm of the emperor!

The weakest is the emperor!

Among them, there are more than ten warriors in the realm of Shenwu, and five of them are strong in heaven. Such a strong lineup is not comparable to those of fantianzong!

Although the number of fantianzong is several times more than that of Heiniu sect, first of all, these young disciples who took part in the Danshi competition were not very strong. Secondly, the strong people brought by Zhao Wuji were far from the strong ones of the black cattle sect!

Zhao Wuji sees these people ferocious spirit to rush over, instantly in the eye, have a touch of tension!

He said in a deep voice: "all people in a circle, to prevent being broken out of the encirclement!"

After receiving the order of Zhao Wuji, the warriors of fantianzong quickly contracted as much as possible. Among them, the most powerful warriors are in the periphery. Tang Long and their Dan masters are all protected in the middle!

Barbie Rodian is the fastest!

In a twinkling of an eye, he rushed to Zhao Wuji in front of him. With the sound of thunder and strong golden light, he attacked Zhao Wuji!

His strength is triple of gods and gods!

Zhao Wuji has only two gods, one weaker than Barbie Luotian!

Every time there is a big difference in the strength between the heaven and the gods, the combat power will be greatly different. Barbie Luotian's fist smashed, Zhao Wuji quickly gathered his strength to resist, and the two fists collided, which suddenly burst into a thunderous roar!

the powerful momentum pushed Zhao Wuji Zhen back four or five steps one after another!

But that Barbie Luo Tian, actually did not retreat a step, obviously occupied the absolute superiority!

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