"What!" Hearing Tang Long's words, the warrior's face changed: "what's going on?"

"On the way, we were attacked by the black bull clan, and then we were attacked again when we got to mosville city. Fortunately, I went out to eat at that time, which was very lucky to avoid the danger. Now, the place where we live and the inn have been completely destroyed!"

"Where are our family members?"

"All the Dan masters should have been captured. As for the rest of the warriors, they may have been killed!"

"How could that happen?"

The Dharma protector frowned fiercely, followed his eyes and glared at Tang Long: "so many people have had an accident, but you are still intact. Besides, there are so many gates in mosville City, why should we be attacked?"

Tang long had no choice but to explain: "most of the zongmen who went to participate in the Danshi competition should have been attacked with scriptures. I can see that baiyunzong was also attacked by Jingjing, and it was the Yin puppet sect that started it!"

Hearing what Tang Long said, the Dharma protector had to pay attention to.

However, he can't do such a big thing himself.

Most importantly, he didn't believe in Tang long.

He looked at Tang Long and said in a deep voice, "come with me. I'll take you to see the supreme elder and the supreme Dharma protector and others."

Tang Long nodded: "good!"

The Dharma protector didn't say much about it. He took Tang Long forward quickly. Although he doubted Tang long, it was very important after all, and he had to pay attention to it.

With Tang long, he soon walked into the magnificent palace in front of him.

They went on until they reached the thirty ninth floor of the palace, which was the highest floor of the palace.

On the top floor of the palace, there is a huge golden bell!

There are many big holes in the wall around the clock. All these holes are inlaid with various kinds of strange energy crystal.

The bell rings!

The sound comes out from the hole. All the energy crystal stones in the hole are shaken by the sound and emit strong light. The powerful energy spreads out from the hole and reaches the high altitude. It turns into a loud sound like thunder!

The sound has a very special rhythm!

The Dharma protector struck the huge bell 15 times according to a certain rhythm. Then he took Tang long to the 38th floor of the hall and entered a spacious and bright hall.

Soon, a strong momentum came.

In less than 15 minutes, hundreds of people gathered in the hall, including the Dharma protectors of Fantian sect, the elders, the supreme Dharma protectors and the supreme elders!

These people are very strong!

Even among them, there are five people who are strong in the realm of God King!

Even among these warriors, there are three deities, two deities and one deity!

Obviously, these talents are the most terrifying existence in the Brahman sect!

Seeing so many super powerful warriors, Tang Long finally had a clearer understanding of fantianzong. He was indeed a super powerful sect, the God King, the God King and even the Shenzong!

The strong in the realm of Shenzong are extremely terrifying. Such strength is already the existence of the king of the realm!

A warrior, who seemed to be in his early thirties, was majestic and solemn. He strode forward and looked at Tang Long and the Dharma Protector: "did you ring the bell just now?"

Although the warrior looks young, his actual age is over 4000 years old!

He is a sacrifice of Fantian sect, and his strength has reached the realm of divine respect!

His name is Jinchanzi.

His strength is the realm of the nine respects of God. He is the second figure in fantianzong. His strength is second only to fantiangang!

In the Shura world, although the establishment of the Vatican sect was not very long, but only more than 4000 years ago, the Vatican sect in the Shura world is also famous for its scriptures.

It is because there are so many super strong people in Vatican sect that it has become one of the few powerful sects in the Shura world in just a few thousand years!

The inside story of Fantian sect is obviously very deep!

Tang Long's bell guard looked at the golden cicada son and said respectfully, "it's the bell that the disciple rings!"

The golden cicada son frowned slightly: "if I listen well, what you are ringing is the highest standard emergency bell of the sect. It is the bell that will ring at the moment of the life and death of the sect. Up to now, the bell has only rung two times, which is the third time!"

After a pause, the golden cicada son said in a deep voice, "Why are you ringing the bell like this?"

Dharma protector Lian said, "I have something very important to report to you when I ring such a bell!"

"Say it

"It's because of the competition of Dan masters in the Shura world. Tang Long said that all the martial artists who went to participate in the competition had an accident. Except for the dead, the rest of the young Dan masters were arrested!"


Hearing this news, all present in the eyes of all people, there is a very obvious shock!This is absolutely a big deal!

We should know that the young generation is the key to the development of a clan. If there is a strong one, there is no younger generation. No matter how strong the clan is, it can only support a thousand years. Only when there are continuous growth of younger generations and the birth of strong people, can the clan be prosperous and stronger.

Danshi has an extremely important position in any sect!

In order to develop rapidly and train the younger generation, a super large door can not buy pills in the market every day. Only by having our own powerful Dan master can we refine enough elixir for the people of our family to use.

Danshi is the foundation of any sect!

The Dan masters who went to mosville city to participate in the competition were the best among the younger generation of fantianzong, with more than 100 Danshi!

The loss of so many outstanding Dan masters of later generations, even the powerful Dan masters accompanying them, also lost. Such a serious loss, the Vatican sect simply can not afford!

The golden cicada son's vision, fell on Tang Long's body: "in the end how to return a responsibility?"

Tang Long said the matter briefly, and then said: "I suspect that the city of mosville at this time is likely to be controlled by some people, and not only our Vatican sect, but also many powerful sects were attacked there."

"Such a thing can happen!"

The golden cicada son frowned and turned to look at the two supreme Dharma protectors beside him: "what do you think?"

One of the two supreme guardians looked at Tang Long with sharp eyes: "since such a thing happened in mosville City, then the city of mosville at this time must have been completely blocked. How can you escape if you are not strong enough?"

"Of course I have my way!" Of course, Tang long will not say that he has a heart of wisdom.

The Dharma protector frowned: "mosville city is not close to here. With your strength, it takes at least a whole day to get back from there. But it's still late at night. How did you get back from mosville?"

Tang Long was stunned.

This is really a flaw, a big one!

You know, mosville city is very far away from the Vatican sect, and most importantly, there is no direct transmission array from here to there!

Therefore, he wants to come back from mosville city. According to his strength at this time and according to normal conditions, even the fastest speed, he can't get here so soon. It's no wonder that the Dharma protector doesn't believe his words.

However, Tang long had to summon his own beast!

What he calls out is the golden winged Kunpeng!

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