Tang Long asked curiously, "ling'er, why are you so sure you are not in danger?"

Ye Qingling chuckled and said, "because Xiao Hu and I still have yunshang. Last night, we followed several people in black and robbed their clothes and clothes. We dressed up like those of them. Moreover, I changed my dress!"

"I see!"

When Tang long heard what ye Qingling said, he immediately felt relieved.

After a pause, he asked, "how far away are those people with Dan Shi from the transmission array?"

"It's not far. There's about two kilometers left. However, because the Dan masters are not cooperating with each other, they are walking very slowly. I don't think they can come to the transmission array without 20 minutes."


Tang long should a, cut off and ye Qingling between the spiritual contact, but in the heart by a little anxious.

Obviously, those people in mosville City, with the arrested Dan division, are ready to leave. If we wait here any longer, I'm afraid it will be too late!

But at this time, outside the door came the voice of Vatican: "Tang long, come out quickly, people have arrived!"


Tang Long agreed and came out.

Fantiangang and Tang Long soon arrived at the hall on the first floor of the inn.

At this time, the inn, of course, was covered by the Buddhist scriptures, and the whole Inn was completely controlled by them. At this time, more than 150 people gathered in the hall of the inn!

These people are all powerful warriors of various major sects!

Vatican Gang glanced at everyone, then looked at Tang Long and said, "tell us about the situation of mosville city."

At the moment, Tang long did not dare to delay.

You know, now in mosville, those people are preparing to take Danshi to transfer. If they delay further, I'm afraid some Dan masters will be transferred. Once they pass through the transmission array, it's hard to say where those people have gone!

however, it's OK to rush directly there?!

Tang Long slightly frowned, and suddenly remembered what ye Qingling said just now. Suddenly, he had a light in his mind!

He knew that before the eyes of the Vatican, these people, the strength of each of them was fierce terror!

No longer hesitating, he simply said what he knew about mosville City, and then said in a deep voice: "everyone must be very clear. At this time, mosville city was under control of a large number of Dan division, and those guys in mosville city are now preparing to take Dan division to leave mosville city. The situation is very critical."

An old man looked at Tang Long and said in a deep voice, "how do you know what's going on in mosville at this time?"

Tang long did not answer.

Of course, he can't explain this now, and now, he has no time to explain.

"I know that the strength of all the predecessors is very strong, but the black men in mosville are not weak. Moreover, they control so many Dan masters in our major sects. If we break into them directly, we will certainly be bad. If we start rashly, there will be many Dan masters killed by them!"

After a pause, he continued: "even, they may use coercion to make us dare not to do it. They will take Dan Shi away in front of us, but we can't do anything about it!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, everyone frowned fiercely!

Tang Long's words are very reasonable.

Although they are all the pillars of each major gate, and their strength is very strong, the opponents must be prepared. Even if the number of the strong opponents is not as large as them, they can not be defeated at once.

If those people use the captured Dan Shi as a threat, they will immediately become extremely passive!

For the safety of those Dan masters, once they were threatened by the other side, they would be afraid to start again!

It's going to get worse and worse!

Fantian Gang frowned, looked at Tang Long and asked in a deep voice, "what good method do you have?"

Tang Long said: "at present, there is only one good way."

"Say it

"We should unify a mark first, and then rush through the transmission array together. Depending on our strength, it must be very simple to rush through the transmission array, which will not be blocked by those people. After that, we can't immediately go to save people, and we can't flee in all directions!"

A warrior said in a deep voice, "what are we going to do if we don't save people?"

Tang Long said: "everyone rushed out, and then immediately went to the distance to look for the other party's men in black. They changed their clothes and rushed into the crowd to restrain their breath. I believe that in a hurry, they will be difficult to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. In such a chaotic situation, they can not give the correct order, and there will be chaos. But you are taking the opportunity to get close to Dan Shi. Only in this way can we have it Opportunity to control the situation and rescue Dan Shi! "

"Good way!"

In the eyes of Vatican Gang, a touch of essence suddenly appeared!

He knew that Tang Long's method was indeed very good. When the enemy was suddenly in chaos, neither the enemy nor I was separated. They took the opportunity to infiltrate the enemy crowd.With their strength, as long as they get close to the Dan division, they can immediately control the situation and protect the safety of those Dan division!

As long as you keep those Dan masters, the rest is not important.

Vatican Gang glanced at the crowd: "Tang Long's plan is very feasible. We'll follow this plan. When the time comes, we'll change each other's clothes, and then tear off a piece of the left sleeve. We can get to know each other, change clothes and mix in the crowd. It must be within 10 minutes!"


Everyone also nodded and agreed with Tang Long's plan.

Fantiangang looked at Tang Long and said: "you don't go. With your strength at this time, even if you go, you can't help us any more!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

He didn't want to help. He knew his strength. If he went with these strong men, he would be useless and dangerous.

Of course, he can't do nothing here!

Van Tiangang takes everyone away to the delivery hall.

Tang Long went through the Huixin gate with Ye Qingling and came to Ye Qingling directly.

Ye Qingling saw Tang Long coming, and immediately put out a set of black clothes.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "this is what I specially prepared for you last night. It's their clothes. I know you must need them!" Said, proud way: "long elder brother, am I very clever?"

"Of course you are very clever!" Tang Long raised his hand on the pretty face of the baby girl and scraped it gently: "where are those people?"

"Look over there!" Ye Qingling points to the distance.

Tang long had time to pay attention to his environment.

This is really on the top of a magnificent tower. In order to be safe, ye Qingling also used some messy boards to pile up a shelter at the top of the tower. If you don't pay attention, you can't see them hiding here.

Even if the other party saw it, it could only be regarded as a group of them.

Tang long looked at the place where ye Qingling pointed. On the street in front of him, there were thousands of people walking slowly in the street.

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