I'm very sure of Tang's generals.

He looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "I'll go to the lab first."

"Good." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Tang Long turned and walked towards the laboratory. First he went into the smaller laboratory. There were 21 pots in it. The jar contained 21 skeletons!

These skeletons and skeletons are integrated with the soul of a mutant bloodthirsty Demon Lord.

Tang Long is also looking forward to these skeletons.

"Although it's less than two months, these skeletons seem to be almost mutated. I'll take a look at the situation first, hoping not to disappoint me."

Tang Long opened the door of the cave, went in and closed the door.

He looked into the jars.

In these jars, the skeletons of one by one are emitting a green light, which is like a green flame, wrapping the skeletons in them.

"It seems that this time the skeleton has been a lot more successful than the last one."

Tang Long was very happy.

He hoped that the skeleton in 144 jars in another cave would be more successful, and that would not waste his mutant potions.

Open the 21 jars in front of you in turn.

In the jar, skeletons and skeletons all looked up at Tang long, with a green flame in their eyes.

However, these skeletons are somewhat unadorned.

"It seems that the bloodthirsty master and the bloodthirsty devil who are integrated into the skeleton have lost their senses and become strange weapons with life and soul!"

Tang Long was satisfied with these skeletons.

He promised to leave a skeleton for Beifeng Mingyue.

At this time, he branded his soul on the 21 skeletons, and then ordered them to jump out of the jars and walk out of the cave.

When Dongfang binger saw that Tang Long came out with so many skeletons, he was stunned: "dragon, you are -"

"give you twenty skeletons!" Tang Long said: "these skeletons and skeletons have good fighting power. If you take them, you can help you in case of danger."


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

In fact, she didn't like these horrible things in her heart, but Tang Long gave them to her, which made her feel totally different.

Tang Long said: "you only leave 20, the remaining one, you bring the north wind bright moon."

"Good." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Tang Long obliterates his own soul brand on these skeletons, so that Dongfang bing'er is stamped with her soul brand. Then he looks at Dongfang binger and says, "you go to find the Beifeng Mingyue now, and then give her a skeleton, and then you will not come back!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Tang Long said: "next, there will be a huge explosion in our cave. Everything in the cave will be blown into powder and no longer exist!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Dongfang binger immediately knows that Tang Long is going to destroy the laboratory.

She looked at Tang Long nervously: "then, will you be in danger?"

"Silly girl, how can I be in danger?" Tang Long hugged Dongfang bing'er into his arms: "don't worry, I have nothing to do, but after the explosion here, I will certainly leave for a while."

"I see." Dongfang Bing Er nodded: "the explosion here has nothing to do with you, even you don't know."


Tang Long bowed his head and nibbled gently on the pretty face of Dongfang binger: "wait for me at home, and I will eat you when I come back!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er suddenly blushed.

Tang Long helped Dongfang bing'er up from his arms: "you go to find Mingyue. You and her can prove that the explosion has nothing to do with you. As for the rest, let her handle it. When you get there, you can tell me the result."

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded, then walked toward the entrance of the mountain, and soon opened the cave door and went out.

Tang Long turned and walked into the largest laboratory here.

There is a magic weapon in this laboratory: the soul Tower!

The last time Tang Long left, he covered the laboratory with wanhun tower, and the power of blood demons swept out of the tower, making the laboratory an environment for blood thirsty masters and blood thirsty demons to devour souls.

He hopes that this blood Demon power can make some more wonderful changes to the mutated skeleton skeleton.

"I hope there will be some miracle!"

Tang long looked at the 100 jars. Although it was only more than a month ago, the original small Warcraft in these pots were obviously transformed into skeletons.These are all blood red skeletons, which are covered with blood red light.

But in this blood red light, but also contains the silk blue light!

"It seems that the skeletons are different." Tang long thought secretly, and his eyes fell on the skeletons at the front. Those skeletons were made of dark blood wolves.

Dark blood wolf, this is the fourth level holy beast!

What's more, when Tang Long got these dark blood wolves, they had undergone special changes.

In Tang Long's variant medicine, these black blood wolves mutate again!

At this time, the dark blood wolf's combat power is extremely strong!

Tang Long knew that the skeletons of these dark blood wolves would be more powerful than those of his predecessors.

I went to a metal can.

Looking at the skeleton of the blood wolf in the jar, Tang Long was full of expectation: "I hope to get the most powerful skeleton skeleton, which will not waste me so much time. It is best that these skeleton skeletons can not die, and their combat power can be extremely strong."

Secretly thinking, hands together, quickly change the fingerprints, the seal will be lifted.

In the jar, the skeleton looked up at Tang long. There was a red flame in his red eyes!

The power of blood demons in the soul tower obviously affected the skeleton, and the skeleton also contained the soul of a bloodthirsty Lord.

Tang Long quickly branded his soul on the skeleton.

He was about to order the skeleton to come out of the jar, but suddenly, the ten thousand soul tower at the top of the mountain cave burst into a dazzling red light. Then, an extremely powerful energy swept out of the tower and roared towards the skeleton in the jar!

The blood red light seems to contain a strong attraction, which directly sucked the skeleton into the soul Tower!

Tang Long was startled: "what's the matter? How did the skeleton run into the tower? Has the soul tower changed too? "

He quickly used his mind to explore the movement of the soul tower.

Although this pagoda is the magic weapon of the Tang dragon's destroying the world Thunder God, this destroying Thunder God was originally condensed from the soul of the Tang dragon. Therefore, Tang long can actually use this wanhun tower.

However, in general, Tang long did not use the tower very much, and it was directly used as a weapon to destroy the Thunder God.

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