Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er had a brief chat, and then he turned and walked toward the door: "bing'er, I have to go to see the north wind and bright moon at once. There are many things that I must discuss with her."

"Shall I go with you?" Oriental ice road.

"No problem." Tang Long nodded.

Dongfang bing'er stood up, turned his head and looked at the generals and said, "generals, don't stay at home all the time. It's good for you to know more people

Tang long thought about it and looked at the generals and said, "otherwise, I'll take you out for a walk."

In the eyes of generals and ministers, there was a surprise: "really!"

Tang long curled his lips. Obviously, the general was not interested in this Blackstone mountain. He said with a smile: "I will take you out when I come back from the blood demon world, otherwise, you can't enter the blood demon world!"

But the general immediately said, "I can enter the blood demon world."

Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "how do you go in?"

The general said, "can't your beast be in the heaven garden? I can also go to your heavenly spirit garden, and I can go to the sky flag! "


Tang Long's eyes widened at once!

the general and Minister could go to Tianling garden and seal the sky flag? This is too strange!

You know, although Tang Long's supernatural beasts can go to Tianling garden, they can't get into the artifact space in Fengtian flag, and the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman are absolutely impossible to enter Tianling garden.

This general can go anywhere!

The general followed closely: "moreover, I can go to the soul tower, I stay in the soul tower, should also get some benefits!"

"You know I have the soul tower?" Tang Long was stunned.

The general said, "before you left the soul tower in that cave and made 144 skeletons. I know all these things."

"How can you know everything?" Tang Long is more and more curious!

Originally, he just regarded the general as a life created by himself, and even subconsciously regarded him as a newly born child, and his IQ was fixed in the child!

Now he suddenly found that such a positioning is totally wrong!

"is it my previous positioning wrong, or is this guy growing too fast? Should I teach him how to attack? Or teach him to cultivate his vitality? Can he cultivate his vitality? "

Tang long thought curiously.

After a pause, he looked at the general and said, "since you can go to Tianling garden, when I go to the blood demon world, I will take you to have a look. However, you must be obedient outside. You are not allowed to make trouble. Do you know?"

"I see." The general's face was happy, but it was a child's expression.

However, he is definitely the image of an adult, and also, it seems that he is a dignified adult!

"Weird old!"

Tang long looked at the generals and murmured. Then, he took Dongfang binger's slender jade hand and left the cave together.

After a while, they came to the place where the north wind and bright moon lived.

Tang Long reached out and knocked on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong."

"Who?" The sound of the north wind and bright moon came out of the door.

Tang Long said at the door, "I am Tang Long!"

"Tang Long!"

With a little surprise sound sounded, the door soon opened, the north wind bright moon appeared in front of Tang long, her eyes have a very obvious joy: "you come back!"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

"Come in and sit down!"

The north wind and bright moon give way.

Tang Long pulls the Oriental ice son, two people walked into the boudoir of the north wind bright moon together.

The north wind bright moon here, Tang Long has not been here once or twice. Dongfang bing'er has also come many times with scriptures. They are familiar with the boudoir of Beifeng Mingyue.

They walked into the living room and sat down on two comfortable wide chairs not far away. The north wind and bright moon came by.

Although she was a blood god, she loved to be clean, and had no airs or vanity. She didn't even have a servant girl at home. She did everything by herself.

I brought a teapot to make tea for Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er.

Then, she sat down opposite Tang Long and asked, "have you dealt with everything outside?"

"No!" Tang Long shook his head and said, "however, I promised you when I left that I must come back in two months, so I came back in a hurry before the matter was finished."

"Oh." Beifeng Mingyue nodded, picked up the tea and sipped it gently: "so, you're going out again soon?"

"I'll see." "Don't worry, Lord Mingyue. Although I often go out to do my own business, I will never delay my research here," Tang long promised

"Research can be done slowly. Don't worry." Beifeng Mingyue said: "I told my brother by Scripture that he would not let you worry too much, and also said that in the future, you don't have to worry too much. After all, after half a year, you will go to the blood pill feast."Tang Long immediately said, "speaking of this matter, I happen to have something else to discuss with the Lord Mingyue."

The north wind bright moon asked: "if you have anything, just say it."

Tang Long said: "Lord Mingyue, you know, I used to be a member of Tangmen, and the whole death flame island was controlled by Tangmen."

"I heard my brother say this, but he said it vaguely. He only said that you used to be the head of Tang clan."

"Yes." Tang Long nodded and added, "strictly speaking, it's my body now. I'm the head of the Tang clan."

"Yes." North wind bright moon nodded: "you continue to say."

Tang Long said: "the death flame island was originally occupied by the Tang clan, but now, because I have been staying in the blood temple, I have never been back to Tangmen. Therefore, the Tangmen now do not exist, and the death flame island has become a loose sand with scriptures."

The north wind and bright moon is a little baffled: "the island of fire of death is scattered, which has no impact on our black rock mountain. What do you tell me about this?"

Tang Long said: "I think, because of the Heishishan incident, sooner or later, the death flame island will belong to the blood god temple." With that, Tang Long's expression on his face showed a hesitation: "Lord Mingyue, although I am a member of the blood temple, I have some things, too."

the north wind Mingyue asked curiously, "what is there?"

Tang Long said, "I don't like the style of blood temple."

"What do you not like very much?" asked the north wind bright moon

Tang Long said: "for example, the people in the blood Temple usually make very tragic killing!"

Beifeng Mingyue frowned: "do you mean - are you worried that this death flame island will become a killing place after being occupied by the blood temple in the future?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "you do not know, this Blackstone mountain, there has been a major event!"

"What's the big deal?"

"The people who studied before Blackstone mountain made many large-scale mutated Warcraft. Moreover, those people connived at those mutated Warcraft and went down the mountain to attack wantonly in the city. If it was not for the people from several ancient clans who came here, there would be a river of blood here. That's why all the people of the shadow God sect in Blackstone mountain would be killed. If not at that time The people of ancient ancestral clan have come to destroy those mutated Warcraft. The people of Blackstone mountain may be killed by the mutated Warcraft

"It turns out that there are still these things in it!" The north wind and bright moon frowned slightly: "I only know that this was once a place to study the variation of Warcraft. Later, it was discovered by the people of the ancient sect and destroyed these people of the shadow God clan!"

Tang Long laughs bitterly: "if the people of lieying Shenzong, like us, only study here quietly and don't hurt those innocent people, will those people from ancient ancestral clan come all the way here?"

Beifeng Mingyue thought for a moment and said, "are you worried that after you have developed a method to control the mutated Warcraft, you will cause that kind of killing again?"

"No!" Tang Long shook his head and looked at the north wind and bright moon. He said seriously: "I hope that you can control the death flame island. In this way, even if the blood god temple continues to do something here, after all, it is your territory. No matter how they do, they will not do anything out of the ordinary. I think you should be able to protect the safety of this side."

"This --" north wind bright moon show eyebrow tiny frown.

If Tang Long is not here, she is going to leave, but the meaning of Tang Long's words is very obvious. I hope she will always be in charge of the death flame island.

She doesn't like doing these things.

In fact, she didn't like to do even the affairs of the blood god hall. It was only because of her brother that she had the identity of the blood devil emperor, and she would have been reluctant to come here to take charge of the affairs of Heishishan.

In fact, it also means to keep her away from right and wrong and to protect her.

Looking at the north wind and the bright moon, Tang Long seriously said, "Lord Mingyue, in fact, if you can develop the death flame island into a very peaceful and happy place, even if you will stay here for a long time, you will be very happy, won't you?"

Beifeng Mingyue thought about it and looked at Tang Long carefully: "will you be here in the future?"

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