Aware of the powerful power of banana cracking teeth, people on the black feather tribe showed a touch of tension and worry on their faces. In their eyes, they also showed obvious worry. The low voice of exclamation also sounded quietly:

"it's the holy emperor!"

"Isn't the strength that this guy showed last time is also the ninth peak of the emperor? How could he have made a breakthrough in his strength even though he hasn't seen him for a short time these days! "

"This is bad. The strength of the strong emperor is much stronger than that of the emperor!"


Tang Long is not worried at all.

Isn't it the emperor's peak? Don't mention Tang long. Even Youye herself is sure to deal with the banana split teeth. After all, although Youye's strength is not strong, she has a magic weapon given to her by Tang long.

This magic gun can completely deal with banana cracked teeth!

Banana cracked teeth to the wound to leave hate water ferociously rushed past!

He wants to give the black feather family this side to come a horse's power, wants to clean up the wound leaves hate water first, let the wound leave the family side's vitality directly!

Although the injury and separation hate water is still serious, it is obviously not the opponent of banana's cracked teeth.

After fighting for less than five minutes, they fell into the downwind when they were hurt and separated. They had no strength to fight back. Next, banana cracked his teeth and two powerful magic powers were used to make the wound leave and hate the water. They spat blood and were beaten out!

At this time, the wounded and separated hate the water, so they suffered serious injury!

the wounded and separated were very angry, and sent someone to help them to help them.

In his eyes, he could not help but worry.

The black flame dragon and their eyes also have a look of worry. They are separated from each other and hate the serious injury of water. This makes the warriors of Heiyu tribe, no one can defeat the banana split teeth!

Now, they can only rely on Tang Long!

However, they still don't know what the strength of Tang Long is now. What's more, Tang Long has already said that this war is not a last resort. He will not do it at all!

The current situation is obviously extremely unfavorable to the black feather tribe.

The wound leaves the savage wheeze to look at the black flame fierce dragon.

The black flame dragon looked at the wound parting, and then nodded slightly, then recorded, walked to Tang Long's side.

At this time, the banana cracked his teeth and drank loudly: "people of the black feather tribe, do you have anyone who dares to challenge me? If you don't, you should give us your blood demon stone veins according to the agreement. Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel and cruel!"

Black flaming dragon was beside Tang Long: "Tang long, do you think it is --"

Tang Long nodded.

He turned his head and looked at Youye. He was trying to make Youye go up to destroy the banana's cracked teeth. However, at this time, the general came to Tang Long and said, "boss, can I deal with this man?"


Tang Long frowned.

Of course, he didn't want the generals to show up. He didn't think the generals were very powerful.

However, since the generals and ministers went to the soul tower, it seems that there are some more breath on their bodies. It is the breath of the blood devil power. Although it seems that there is no breath of life, there is a faint smell of blood demon world!

This situation is also somewhat strange.

If a person in the blood god temple sees a general, he will definitely think that he is a person in the blood demon world.

Even if people from all over the world feel the breath from generals and ministers, 80% of them will think that they must have cultivated some extremely strange skills, and they must have cultivated extremely strange vitality!

Tang long looked at the generals and said, "can you defeat this banana cracked tooth?"

"Yes The general nodded with certainty.

Tang Long was very surprised, very unexpected.

The general's reply was so positive, obviously full of confidence in his own strength.

Tang long thought about it and nodded his head, intending to let the generals have a try.

Since the general is so sure, it's OK for him to try. By the way, Tang Long hopes that he can get an unexpected surprise.

In fact, he didn't want to let Youye do it. After all, the strength of the banana cracking teeth is stronger than Youye.

Dark night hand, how much will be a little dangerous.

Tang long looked at the generals and told them: "be careful, don't try to be brave. If you can't win, you can't go back immediately!"

"Good!" The general nodded.

"Go Tang Long waved and said no more.

The eyes of the generals and ministers have fallen on the body of banana's cracked teeth. The blood devil's power on his body suddenly swept out madly, showing an extremely powerful atmosphere of pressure!

However, it is very strange that although his breath is very strong, his momentum is also very powerful and heavy, but people can not feel his strength!

In his momentum, there is not a trace of danger, there is no potential of strength!

This momentum is illusory, but it seems real!

"Weird!"Tang Long took a look at the dark night.

You night is also very confused.

The black flame and wild dragons, at this time, are also very confused. They have never seen this strange situation of generals and ministers at this time!

They couldn't find out the strength of the generals and ministers at all, but felt that the generals and ministers seemed very strong!

But it seems that generals and ministers seem to be easy to deal with!

Musa's eyes of cracking teeth also fell on the generals.

Although he could not detect the strength of the generals, but his eyes showed a very obvious caution. He knew that the generals and ministers were not easy to deal with!

"I'm going to do it!"

The generals stare at banana's cracked teeth, and his voice falls. In a red fog of blood, his body suddenly looks like a phantom, and goes forward rapidly!

Just a moment!

Just when the banana cracked teeth had a reaction, the figure of the generals and ministers appeared in front of the banana's cracked teeth!


Banana cracked teeth and took a cold breath!

He has never seen such a fast opponent, or even any creature so fast!

This speed makes him even have no reaction time!

Tang Long is also shocked!

Although he can barely see the moving track of the generals and ministers, he is also ashamed to know that his speed seems to be slightly inferior to that of the generals and ministers. Unless he displays his supreme thunder running pace, he will not have the speed of the generals and ministers when he attacks!

"This boy is hiding so deep that I don't even know. His speed is so fast -- I don't know how strong he is."


Tang Long is still thinking about whether the generals can win, and the generals' fists hit banana's cracked teeth in the chest!

Horror is, Musa cleft teeth fist just blew out half!

In other words, Musa's speed of cracking his teeth is not even half as fast as that of his generals and ministers. In the case of close attack, his speed is not able to fight against generals or even dodge at all!

The only thing he can do is to wait to be beaten!


With a mouthful of blood, the banana cracked its teeth, which was directly blasted out by the generals. It flew more than 20 meters and hit a warrior in the blood crow tribe!


This warrior, actually was hit, spurts out a mouthful of blood!

Then, the two fell to the ground together, and the warrior once again spewed out a mouthful of blood, with a pale face!

Banana cracked teeth, actually directly lost signs of life!

"So strong!"

Tang Long was completely shocked!

You know, this banana split teeth is the strength of the emperor. However, in the hands of generals and ministers, they could not take a move, and they were killed directly. Even if it was Tang long, he was also a bit stunned!

He knew that even if he did it himself, if he did not use the means to enhance his strength, he would not be so easy to kill the cracked Musa plantain! , the fastest update of the webnovel!