Looking at them like this, Tang Long knew that the situation must be very bad at this time.

He asked in a hurry: "on the way back, you were caught up?"

"Not bad!" Vatican Gang nodded.

Tang long continued to ask, "how many people have escaped back?"

"Twenty three!" Fantiangang voice dropped, followed by urging Tang Long: "Stinky boy, don't be wordy, first help clear snow to see the wound, I heard Ye Qingling that girl said your medical skills are very good, you see if there is any way to save her!"

Said, already holding a comatose Lingyun Qingxue, into the training room.

Wild yellow sand also followed in.

After closing the door, Tang Long asked, "your strength should not be weak, and those people with blood robes are killing and chasing you all the way. Their speed is certainly not as fast as you can escape. How can you be caught up with?"

"Ah Fantian Gang sighed heavily.

Huang Sha said: "it was impossible for us to catch up with us. However, we rescued several people and ran away together. Among them, there was an inner ghost. When we ran away, the ghost suddenly attacked us!"


Tang Long is completely speechless to fantiangang!

He said before that there were ghosts among them. They were not careful enough to save an enemy and sneak into them. In such a dangerous situation, we should be careful at all!

Fantiangang has already put Lingyun Qingxue on the futon and sat down.

He turned to look at Tang Long: "Stinky boy, you must not let me down, you must save the snow!"

In fact, before he came to find Tang long, he had already taken Ling yunqingxue to find the two most powerful Dan masters of fantianzong. Unfortunately, these two Dan masters were helpless. Fantiangang came to Tang Long and was also Sima Dang's living horse doctor!

He doesn't think Tang Long's medical skills are really high.

Tang long did it with his knees crossed. He explored the pulse of Ling Yun Qing Xue, but he was able to use it with one mind. Looking at fan Tiangang, he asked, "is fantianzong surrounded by people with blood robes?"

"Not bad!" Vatican Gang nodded, followed by urging: "Stinky boy, don't be half hearted, first carefully check the injury of Qing Xue!"

Tang long continued to ask, "have the disciples of fantianzong been transferred?"

Vatican did not answer directly.

Tang long curled his mouth and turned to look at the wild yellow sand: "master, are all the warriors who escaped back from the Vatican sect now? Are they all resisting the attack of those people with blood robes?"

"Not bad." Wild yellow sand nodded.

Fantian Gang angrily glared at Tang Long and exclaimed: "Stinky boy, tell you not to be half hearted. If there is anything wrong with the snow, I will not forgive you!"

At this time, Tang Long has already explored the injury of Ling Yun Qing Xue.

He had no choice but to say: "Shiniang's heart pulse was broken, and the viscera were seriously damaged, and the elixir field was almost not protected. If you want to cure it, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Fantiangang had already known that Lingyun Qingxue's internal injury was heavy.

He didn't hold much hope, but he couldn't bear the fact that Ling Yun Qingxue was about to die. He came to Tang long in case of any chance. Hearing what Tang Long said, he felt a strong expectation in his heart.

Tang Long didn't say that it could not be cured, only said that it was difficult!

Wild yellow sand at this time, eyes are also full of expectations, can not help looking at Tang Long: "can you cure the internal injury of snow?"

"Yes Tang Long nodded affirmatively, but continued: "it's just that within half a month, she can't use her vitality, otherwise her strength will not only never recover, but will gradually decline!"

"As long as it can be cured!" Vatican Gang hurried, followed closely: "and, I will not let her use the vitality again, at least in half a month absolutely not!"

"All right." Tang Long nodded: "in this case, then I will begin to help her heal!"

Said, thought for a while, asked: "big bald head and golden cicada son?"

"They also suffered internal injuries!"

"That's it Tang Long frowned and asked again, "how long can the outside people block the attack of the people in the blood robe?"

"For about three hours!" Fantiangang's voice dropped and then sighed: "in three hours, I'm afraid that the people who live in my family will not be able to evacuate completely, and there will be a lot of people left behind, and --"

he did not say the following words.

In order to cover the evacuation of more people, how can he escape ahead of time as the Supreme Lord? As the person who is the queen, he knows that his life is going to end!

Not only Fantian Gang thought so, but also the wild yellow sand.

Tang long thought about it and looked at the Vatican gang and said, "if everyone's internal injury can be recovered as soon as possible, it must be of great benefit to the Vatican sect." Say, hand more out of a golden bottle!

He took the bottle in his hand and sent it to Vatican: "this is a healing elixir I found in a ruins a few years ago. It's a healing elixir. If you take it, you can give Jinchanzi some help!"Fantian Gang took the bottle and opened it curiously.

All of a sudden, a colorful light burst out of the bottle. Moreover, the whole training room was suddenly filled with a strong breath of life!

"My God, Elixir!"

Fan Tiangang's hands were shaking violently!

This is an elixir, and a whole bottle, all are elixir!

This is too fast to exaggerate!

Next to the wild yellow sand, close to the past, eyes are also full of thick shock!

He did not expect that Tang long had such a great treasure!

Tang long looked at fantiangang and wild yellow sand and said: "you sit down first, I will help you to cure your internal injury. Then, you take healing elixir. I believe that in this way, the time that Vatican can resist foreign enemies can be increased."


Fantian gang and wild yellow sand sit down together.

Tang Long said no more.

He is multi-purpose and uses his mental strength to gather huangquan Shenzhen. He actually helps Ling yunqingxue, wild Huangsha and fantiangang to treat internal injuries at the same time!

In a hurry, half an hour passed.

Tang Long stopped healing. At this time, the wild Huang Sha and fan Tiangang, originally pale faces, were almost recovered. Moreover, they seemed to be full of energy, as if they were not injured!

Wild Huangsha and fantiangang, two people open their eyes together, looking at Tang Long's eyes, full of shock!

They did not expect that Tang Long's medical skills were so rebellious!

You know, their previous internal injuries are not light. However, in such a short period of time, their internal injuries have actually recovered by 80%. If they take the elixir to suppress the internal injuries, their strength can even be fully exerted!

"Good boy!" Fantiangang looked at Tang Long and exclaimed, "I didn't expect you to have such a rebellious medical skill!"

Tang Long said: "you go to resist the attack of the people in the blood robe first, and I will continue to help the Shiniang heal. In addition, let Da guangtou and Jinchanzi come here, and I will also help them heal their internal injuries. After an hour, master, you and the wild master will come back together."


Vatican Gang nodded.

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