After all, lieyunshang is a girl, and her mind is much more delicate than Tang Xiaohu.

She already knew that Tang Xiaohu grew up with Titan and great ape, so she felt that she knew little about some things.

Lieyunshang was born into a big family. I know something about these feelings.

She had already guessed what happened to her master and teacher's wife. She could not help turning her head and giving Tang Xiaohu a look. She hated that iron could not be made into steel: "stupid elder martial brother, how can you not know this?"

Tang Xiaohu was stunned. He turned his head and looked at lie yunshang. He asked curiously, "younger martial sister, you were with me last night. How can you know why she blushed like this? Last night, we haven't been apart for a minute

After listening to Tang Xiaohu's heartless words, lie Yunchang's face immediately floated a touch of red haze, and said angrily, "who was with you last night?"

"We were together last night." Tang Xiaohu puzzled: "why don't you admit it?"


Strong cloud clothes gas stomach distension, staring at this younger martial brother, is really speechless!

If there is such a big ambiguity, how can this little elder martial brother say it!

Lie yunshang is really helpless in her heart!

This little elder martial brother, usually so clever person, how at this moment, incredibly muddle headed?!

Last night, they had been together all the time, but they were just practicing together. It was nothing else at all. How could this little elder martial brother talk nonsense in front of master.

How to listen to this, how can there be a problem!

"No more!" Strong cloud clothes gas glared at Tang Xiaohu, threatening: "you dare to talk nonsense again, I will not talk to you for three days, I will do what I say!"


Tang Xiaohu shut up immediately!

Tang long looked at his two apprentices, a burst of laughter, but also a burst of joy.

He can see that these two little guys are a little bit of that!

Looking at Tang Xiaohu, he laughs: "you boy, luck is very good, Yunchang is such a good girl, you can know how to love her later!"

Tang Xiaohu hastily tiger way: "master, you can rest assured, I can ache little younger martial sister!"

After listening to Tang Xiaohu's words, lie yunshang's heart suddenly jumped and her pretty face turned red. Under the table, she couldn't help kicking the little elder martial brother. How could he be heartless!

Tang Xiaohu is still a pair of Leng Leng appearance, turn to look at lie yunshang: "younger martial sister, what do you kick me to do? Am I wrong? I really love you, and I promise, I will always love you

"Shut up

Strong cloud clothes mercilessly stare at Tang Xiaohu, pretty face burning, busy head down.


Tang long should say, honestly shut up, eyes, but flash a touch of pride!

This small look in his eyes, lieyunshang lowered his head, naturally did not see it, but was seen in the eyes of Tang long.

Tang Long was surprised: "I thought he didn't know anything about what he said just now, but he just said it casually. However, in fact, he pretended to deal with the girl yunshang. He really has a set of tricks!"

Tang Long knows that Tang Xiaohu must be deliberately in front of strong cloud clothes, make a pair of completely do not understand the appearance.

He pretended to be stupid and babbling, and lieyunshang thought he didn't understand, so he couldn't blame him at all. However, in this wonderful tacit understanding, there was more warmth and sweetness.

This kind of heartless words, the most sincere, often also can move a girl's heart!

However, this boy is heartless, but he pretends to be!

The most rare thing is that lieyunshang believes it completely!

The shopkeeper came over with breakfast.

Tang Xiaohu obviously knows the truth of "fit and stop", so he has stopped talking.

Ye Qingling and lie yunshang are both red and shy.

The shop assistant put the breakfast on the table, and then, after a quick look at the strong cloud clothes and ye Qingling, he turned and left in a hurry, and soon came to the counter.

He nodded slightly with the shopkeeper and went to the next aisle to disappear.

Tang Long and they didn't care about the shopkeeper.

Ye Qingling was obviously a little hungry. Although he was red, he also picked up chopsticks to eat, and lieyunshang also started.

Tang Long picked up the bowl and was about to take a sip of egg soup. He smelled the rich fragrance in the bowl, but his brow was slightly wrinkled. Although the taste of the egg soup was very attractive, there was another flavor in the taste!

"Soul soup!"

Tang Long's eyes, a touch of cold light flash away!

The shopkeeper actually took out four bowls of zhenhun Soup for them to drink. He was really willing!

You know, this zhenhun soup is not a common thing. Zhenhun soup is a kind of extremely overbearing medicine. After drinking zhenhun soup, ordinary people will soon lose their senses and become confused, and then they will completely obey other people's orders!Zhenhun soup is not easy to prepare. It's just a simple bowl. At least ten thousand gold yuan stone is needed to buy the medicine needed!

Obviously, the shopkeeper wants to use this method to control Tang Long and them!

Tang Long doesn't have to guess. The shopkeeper must have used this method for ye Qingling and lie yunshang, two beautiful girls!

"Although zhenhun soup is really domineering, how can it be done to me?" Tang Long snorted coldly. In his heart, he contacted Ye Qingling with huixinmen and told her that there was something fishy in the soup!

The little girl heard Tang Long's warning in her heart. The bowl she had just picked up was put down gently.

At this time, Tang Long's hand, has quietly more than two pills.

These two pills are Jiubao Jiedu pills, which can detoxify all the poisons in the world. Although the Jiubao Jiedu pills can not remove all the poisons in the world, the Jiubao Jiedu pill can completely remove the poison of zhenhun decoction.


Tang long looked at Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang, and coughed twice.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang look up at Tang Long together.

Tang Long directly quietly force, two elixirs, quickly from the fingers, flew toward Tang Xiaohu!

Tang Xiaohu catches it like lightning. He has seen that Tang Long quickly sends another pill to Ye Qingling's mouth. Ye Qingling does not hesitate to open his mouth and eat it.

Tang Long himself, but did not take the Jiubao Jiedu pill.

Just zhenhun soup, his chaotic sky fire, can easily be refined, and does not pose any threat to him.

Tang Xiaohu saw that ye Qingling ate Tang Long's elixir, but he did not want to think about it. He made a casual appearance and quietly ate one of the elixirs. The other one, however, was also learning from Tang Long's appearance and directly sent it to lie yunshang's mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!