Hearing the sound of howling in the air outside, lieyunshang stopped immediately, turned to look at Tang Long and said, "master, what's the sound?"

Tang Long is very familiar with the sudden sound outside, because this is the voice of golden monkey.

Busy turn to greet Tang Xiaohu and other humanitarian: "it seems that we should go!"

With that, he flashed and left the inn directly.

Ye Qingling saw Tang Long go out and ran after him from the counter: "brother dragon, wait for me!"

She gave a coquettish cry, and then she flashed out and chased out.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang are also busy with going out.

The guests standing at the counter, seeing ye Qingling's sudden departure, called out in a hurry: "girl, wait first, I have to stay in the hotel!"

"Don't be polite. You can live in many rooms. It's nice to live in the backyard." The voice of the little girl came from outside the door, but it had already risen to the sky!

At this time, ye Qingling has been held by Tang Long and flew directly into the sky!

After that, Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang also gathered their energy and flew into the sky. Soon, they joined a golden monkey above the sky.

Tang Longfei went to the golden monkey and asked, "what's the situation?"

Golden monkey said: "those four people, to the black wheel mountain!"

Tang Long asked, "where is the black wheel mountain?"

Golden Monkey shook his head: "I don't know where the black wheel mountain is, but now Phoenix and long Xuan are following the four people, and the four people find seven or eight people, and then they meet with a lot of people and listen to them. They plan to go to a place called Tianliang mountain."

Tang Long frowned: "how can I go to Tianliang mountain again? Are these guys going to keep looking for help, or are they in Tianliang mountain? "

The golden monkey said, "I know the location of Tianliang mountain, and when we get there, the Phoenix will stay and wait for us."


Tang Long nodded with satisfaction, and then moved his mind to summon the golden winged Kunpeng!

At this time, of course, the golden winged Kunpeng regained her own appearance. Her whole body was glittering with gold, and her wings opened. It was more than 20 meters away. She gently flapped her wings, and suddenly the wind and clouds were surging in the sky!

Tang Long embraces Ye Qingling and jumps to the back of Jinyi Kunpeng.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang, of course, both jumped to the back of the golden winged Kunpeng, and the golden monkey was in front of the golden winged Kunpeng.

Tang long looked at the golden monkey and said, "lead the way ahead!"


Golden Monkey agreed, at the foot, directly there is a group of colorful auspicious clouds, it is the golden monkey's somersault cloud!

The golden monkey drove a somersault cloud and flew towards the front, followed closely by the golden winged Kunpeng. For a short time, it was far away from Fengdu city and headed for the direction of Tianliang mountain.

In a hurry, an hour passed.

At this time, Tang Long and they had already flown a long distance. Looking ahead, there was a lush and lush landscape ahead, which was a mountain with many peaks and peaks.

Golden Monkey slowed down its flight speed and said, "boss, this is Tianliang mountain."

Tang Long asked, "where is the Phoenix?"

The golden monkey screamed directly, and then for a short time, he saw a beautiful girl in gold flying towards the sky. Soon, she had arrived in front of Tang long.

This girl, of course, is the Golden Phoenix.

Looking at the Golden Phoenix, the golden monkey asked, "where is xuan'er?"

"She's going to stare at those people," she said After that, he turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said, "boss, the four people we are looking at, with the seven people we have found from other places, are in the depths of Tianliang mountain, meeting with many people. Those people belong to a sect called the dark devil sect."

Tang Long asked, "what degree has this dark demon sect, the most powerful person here, reached?"

Golden Phoenix said: "it should be the peak of Shenwu."

"It's just the peak of Shenwu. I should be able to deal with this level!" Tang Long was a little relieved. After a pause, he continued to ask, "how many warriors of this strength are there in this dark demon sect?"

"About seven or eight." "In addition to these people, the strength of the rest of the people is not very strong, and even some people's strength does not exceed the realm of the emperor, we should be able to deal with it."

Tang long continued to ask, "what you see are all the people of the dark devil sect?"

"Well." Golden Phoenix nodded.

Tang long thought about it and said, "long Xuan is still following them. When you left, did you agree where to meet?"

"Say it." Golden Phoenix nodded and said, "we meet 50 kilometers away in front of us. There is a dense jungle, and there is a small depression below, which is easy to hide. We can go there now and wait for the news from long Xuan. "


Tang Long said, directing Jinyi Kunpeng to fly forward.The Golden Phoenix naturally leads the way ahead.

The distance of 50 km is nothing to the present golden winged Kunpeng. Even if it is the Golden Phoenix, it will soon be able to fly over the distance of 50 km.

So before long, Tang Long and they arrived at the place where the Golden Phoenix said it.

This is not a very large hill above the depression, the hills around the lush trees, and not far away there is a very high mountain, which is obviously an easy to find place.

Tang Long takes Ye Qingling's hand, and several people fly together to the hill below, waiting for Longxuan to come.

Time in a hurry, blink of an eye is already late at night.

Long Xuan never appeared.

Tang Long was a little worried: "long Xuan won't have an accident. Why hasn't he come back for such a long time?"

After thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at the Golden Phoenix and golden monkey and asked, "among those people, the most powerful people, are they really only in the realm of Shenwu?"

"The golden monkey said," I have detected the situation is indeed so. "

There may be three people in the youzhun hall, who may have the strength to frown. In order to prevent the other party from knowing the comprehensive strength of their own side, they will definitely not act rashly before they start

Hearing Tang Long's words, golden monkey became nervous: "boss, xuan'er won't be in trouble."

"It should not be!" At this time, Tang long can only comfort golden monkey like this.

But at this time, Tang Long suddenly felt a strong breath coming towards this side in the far sky of the night. This breath was obviously not human, but the ancient and wild breath of Warcraft.

"It should be long Xuan coming back."

Tang long looked at the distant sky, expecting and nervous.

Although he wanted to get the ghost hall, he didn't want Longxuan to have an accident.

The figure in the far sky gradually became clear. Tang Long was able to confirm that it was long Xuan who flew over!

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