War puppets are extremely powerful in the array. Even if some of the gods are strong, once they break into the battle puppet array, they will be trapped by war puppets, and it is difficult to get out of this array.

Tang Xiaohu and them obviously did not know the secret of the war puppet.

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said curiously, "brother dragon, these metal statues are strange. Do you think they are war puppets? What are war puppets? "

"War puppets are special puppets with great attack power." Tang Long's voice dropped and turned to look at Ye Qingling. They said, "you wait for me here. Only I myself can break this array!"

Tang Xiaohu curiously asked: "we go in together, can't we break the puppet array?"

"The more people go in, the more powerful the puppet will be. In this array, it's better to choose the strongest one to enter!" Tang Long is very serious.

Hearing Tang Long say so, Tang Xiaohu and they are all waiting nearby.

In terms of their fighting power, Tang Long is obviously the strongest. Even if he does not summon the divine beast or the king of the abyss, if the Tang long can fully exert his own strength, his combat power will be extremely strong.

He didn't rush into the front line immediately.

"Heaven and earth are in accordance with each other."

"The seal of the real dragon!"

First of all, Tang Long exerted his magic power to improve his strength. He even used the huangquan needle to stimulate his potential.

In his opinion, as long as he can break through the puppet array, he should be able to get to the real place of the forest ghost hall and get a lot of good things. Therefore, at this time, he did not want to delay his time and planned to make a quick decision.

Moreover, he also knew that if he did not exert all his strength, he would certainly not be able to pass through the obstacles formed by the war puppets in front of him.

Therefore, he used all his strength, even Dao Dao, to display together!

His body diffused a strong momentum, ice and fire energy, at the same time swept out, and a gold lightning, is also around him thunderbolt!

His eyes are like electricity, staring at a war puppet in the front of the array, and suddenly displays his supreme thunder rush!

One step out, already 10 meters away, has been in front of one of the war puppets, and at this time, in the front of this array, an extremely powerful heaven and earth energy, suddenly crazy surge!

One by one, there was an extremely strong breath. The sound of click sounded one after another. At the same time, thirty-six war puppets rushed towards Tang long. The war puppet in front of Tang long had already attacked Tang Long with a hard blow!


Tang Long snorted coldly. On his firm face, there was a sense of arrogance. He held his fist tightly, and in the case of using the supreme thunder running step, he displayed the emperor's extremely powerful fist!

He hit out with a sudden blow!

With the blow of his fist, on top of his fist, the ice fire energy suddenly swept out and turned into a dazzling energy light group, which collided with the fist of the war puppet in front of him!


The war puppet was blown out more than ten meters by Tang Long's fist!

The war puppet fell heavily on the ground, but did not leave the range of the array!

"What a pity!"

Tang Long was also shaken back seven or eight meters.

He saw that the puppet fell to the ground, but did not fall out of the formation. He immediately called out a pity.

You know, these war puppets are not only made of hard metal, but also have mysterious arrays arranged on them. In the array, not only are they powerful in combat, but also in this array, their defense is extremely terrible!

even if the Tang Long has reached the realm of gods, they can't be in the array Destroy these puppets!

The only way is to make all the puppets out of the range of the array, so that they can lose the support of the array, thus losing their combat power and becoming motionless metal puppets.

Tang Long's retreating steps stopped. In front of him, in the roaring wind, three war puppets had rushed to his eyes!


The fists of the three war puppets attacked him at the same time. The fist speed was extremely fast. With the sound of wind and thunder, they were about to bombard Tang long!

Outside the array, ye Qingling saw the danger of Tang long, and all of them felt nervous!

At this time, Tang Long is not afraid!

His black sword eyebrows were raised with pride. On his resolute face, there was a touch of defiance and tyranny. Suddenly, he drank violently. The second step of the supreme thunder running step has already been displayed, and his body shape is rapidly moving towards the side!

The speed of this step is incomparable!

Just when the fists of the three puppets were about to fall on him, his whole body had suddenly dodged five meters towards the side, completely avoiding the attack of the three puppets!

The fists of the three puppets were all defeated!

At this time, not far away, five war puppets have rushed towards Tang long at the same time!These war puppets rush forward at the same time, their fists, with the wind whistling, are facing the Tang dragon, fiercely attack!

Once again, Tang Long displayed his great power!

This is in the second step of the supreme thunder step, the emperor's extremely powerful fist. Compared with the previous one, the power of this fist is three times stronger!

His fist, straight and hard bombardment!

An extremely domineering force of heaven and earth broke out from him, and suddenly the air of the whole world seemed to become heavy!

The powerful momentum of the war puppets' attack was greatly weakened by the oppressive force of heaven and earth!

Tang Long's fist, ice fire energy into the energy of the light, roaring forward to abolish, has been toward the five war puppets!


In the roar of the sky, with a terrible explosion and ice fire energy, it directly exploded in front of the five war puppets, and then the ice fire energy turned into a terrible powerful wave and swept towards the five war puppets madly!

Five war puppets, however, were bombarded out by the powerful air and waves. They flew more than 20 meters, flew out of the array directly, fell to the ground and did not move at all!

However, in the array, Tang Long was also shocked and retreated ten steps in succession!

However, at this time, in the air and around, more than a dozen war puppets rushed towards Tang long at the same time. The terrifying force directly blocked Tang long in all directions!


In the face of danger, Tang Long is still arrogant and unafraid. Suddenly, he roars, and the whole hall is shaken by his voice!

A burst of momentum, showing the breath of infinite hegemony, from his body, extremely fierce burst out, his hand, has held the sea sword!

The third step of the supreme thundering step is to step out!

At the same time, the crazy God split the sky to chop, also has displayed!

I saw that Tang long held the Canghai sword, and suddenly a dazzling ice fire blade awn appeared. The ice fire sword awn suddenly rose and crossed a strange arc in the air, and then it swept directly towards the surrounding war puppets!

At the same time, Wuxing mountain and Zhentian tripod flew out at the same time, and attacked several puppets on his head!

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