Through this fight with the white robed warrior, Tang Long has a new understanding of the attack power of the wanhun tower!

Originally, the attack power of the soul tower was already very good. At this time, 144 strange skeleton blood wolves were added to the tower, which made the battle power of the tower even more terrifying!

Especially in the face of a large group of enemies, the attack power of the soul tower can be completely released!

The battle in the valley was over in less than ten minutes. Except for the most powerful soldiers in white robes, the rest of them fled.

"Let's go!"

Tang Long glanced at the valley, and then his figure flashed to Ye Qingling's side, holding her delicate jade hand and flying directly into the sky.

The gods and beasts of Tang long have returned to Tianling garden.

The red flame lion stayed.

Tang long, with Ye Qingling, flew to the back of the red flame lion. The strong cloud clothes also fell on the back of the red flame lion. The red flame lion roared and shook the sky!

The flame of the eternal fire, directly swept up at the foot of the red flame lion, turned into a flaming fire cloud!

This is the red flame lion, in the Golden Lion inheritance, learned a kind of magic skill: flying through the clouds and crossing the fog!

Although the red flame lion's ability to fly through the clouds is a little slower than the golden monkey's somersault cloud, it is also extremely terrifying, let alone the red flame lion at this time, which has grown to the level of eight sacred beast.

Now the flying speed of the red flame lion is quite good!

Among the clouds of fire, within 100 meters, the momentum is roaring, red flame lion driving the flame cloud, toward the distance of the rapid flight away!

Only in a blink of an eye, the red flame lion carrying Tang Long and they have flown out of a kilometer away!

This time, of course, Tang Long won't let the baby girl Ye Qingling play outside. He knows that if he leaves Ye Qingling, the baby girl will run away without shadow. Therefore, Tang Long directly takes Ye Qingling back to Fengtian city.

At this time, Tang Long is also a little helpless.

Li Dahan, they are all back.

However, Li Dahan did not get Pangu axe!

Tang Long frowned and looked at Li Dahan and asked, "what's going on? Why didn't you get Pangu axe? The map I gave you clearly shows the route

Beside Li Dahan, Tang Kuo said helplessly: "we arrived at the place, but there, it was occupied by a clan gate. Fortunately, the people of that clan did not know that there was a Pangu axe. It is likely that they saw that the environment there was very good, so they stayed there."

"That's it Tang Long frowned: "you can find a way to sneak into the ancestral gate, and then take the Pangu ax to leave!"

"We can't get in that door!" Tang Kuo Dao.

Tang Long said curiously, "why don't you get in? Is there any special means for that clan? "

"That's not true." Tang Kuo shook his head: "the warrior in the clan is cultivating a kind of extremely strange vitality, and his strength is very strong. We are not rivals at all, and we can't mix in it!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "what strange vitality do they cultivate?"

Tang Kuo said: "I'm not very clear about this either. Anyway, their combat power is very strong. Moreover, they can use a magic method called soul art. The attack power of soul art is very strong."

"Spiritualism?" Tang long, who had never heard of the name, secretly thought, "are they actually the soul power they use? Is it the soul power of a wizard

"Isn't a wizard a blood demon?"

After a pause, he looked at Tang Que and asked, "what they practiced is not the power of blood demons?"

"No, don Kuo shook his head.

"Is there such a strange clan?" Tang Long frowned and thought for a while and asked, "is the place where Pangu axe is hidden belongs to a sparsely populated area or a densely populated one?"

"There are few people there. They are there to fight against some sect in Zhenwu, and then to rob a treasure."

"What are they going to rob?"

"Xuanling house!"

"What, they found the Xuanling house? What gate is the Xuanling house in now In Tang Long's eyes, there is a very obvious surprise.

This Xuanling house, of course, is not a room.

Xuanlingwu is a kind of artifact and one of the ten ancient creation artifact!

Xuanlingwu is a kind of artifact, which also contains two kinds of artifact with very strong attack power. One is called Jiuxian Qin and the other is called lihun Xiao.

The nine stringed Qin and the leaving soul Xiao contain a set of very powerful magical powers respectively.

This magic power is a mysterious rhythm. If you use the soul leaving Xiao or the nine stringed Qin, you will be able to produce a powerful attack power!The most important thing is that the tone attack is range attack!

Tang Kuo looked at Tang Long and said, "on the way back, we have inquired about the place where Pan Gu axe was hidden and the situation of the clan gate where it was."

Tang Long asked, "what's the name of that gate?"

Tang Kuo said: "Heaven soul sect!"

Tang long thought: "Heaven soul sect, it seems that I have never heard of this name before."

Tang Kuo said: "the people of this clan didn't belong to Zhenwu land. What they did was very disgusting. They were extremely vicious, cruel and shameless, and extremely killing. They appeared in Zhenwu for a short time, and they had a bad reputation and everyone yelled and beaten."

Tang Long asked, "are they not from Zhenwu? Where do they belong? "

"I don't know." Tang Kuo shook his head: "I have asked people, no one knows where they come from, only know that they are suddenly appeared, and then, in Zhenwu mainland, they commit crimes, unscrupulous!"

Tang Long frowned: "according to what you say, the artifact of Xuanling house can't fall into the hands of the Wuzong warrior on this day. In this case, it's just aiding tyranny!"

If such a powerful artifact is given by the people of tianhunzong, the fruits will be unpredictable.

These guys are extremely cruel to kill. If they get such things, they just need to fly in the air, play the flute for leaving souls in a city, or play the nine stringed harp, which will cause extremely terrible lethality!

Moreover, in addition to the soul leaving Xiao and the nine stringed Qin, the Xuanling house is also a powerful destructive force.

How can such a artifact fall into the heaven soul sect!

However, Tang Long has heard that the nine stringed Qin and the Xiao for leaving the soul are very special treasures. Ordinary people can't play the nine stringed instrument at all.

Ordinary people can't play the flute of leaving soul!

He looked at Tang Kuo and asked, "is it difficult for someone to play the flute of leaving the soul? Or can someone play the nine stringed instrument? "

"Yes." Tang nodded his head and said, "we heard that there was a girl in Zhenwu land who could play the nine stringed lute and also use the soul leaving flute. At this time, those martial artists of tianhunzong wanted to deal with that sect and seize the girl!"

"How old is the girl?"

"It is said that the girl looks young. Although she has strong strength, she can't compare with those martial artists of tianhunzong. Therefore, even if the girl can use lihun Xiao and Jiuxian Qin, she can't resist the attack of those warriors of tianhunzong!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!