Beifeng Mingyue heard the same dragon saying that she was going to leave. Suddenly, she slightly lowered her head, and her voice was much lighter, with a little ethereal: "go again tomorrow. At least, you should accompany binger for a day. Don't you think so?"

After listening to the words of the north wind and bright moon, Tang long felt an inexplicable emotion again.

He turned his head and looked at Dongfang bing'er and nodded.

No matter what reason, north wind bright moon this request, he has no reason to refuse!

He turned his head and looked at Meng Zhi and other humanitarians: "you stay here for a few more days. The moon should know more about the death of the flame Island, and some things should be discussed clearly."

"Good." Meng Zhi nodded.

Next, Meng Zhi and Beifeng Mingyue discuss some things, while Tang Long and Dongfang binger leave for a while.

When they came to the cave where they lived, Tang Long hugged Dongfang bing'er and said, "you should take care of the death flame island for me. It is likely to become a very important place in the future."

"Don't worry, I know." Dongfang bing'er lets Tang long hold it and asks, "dragon, I just want to know how long you are so busy, how long do you need to be busy?"

"I don't know!" Tang Long was a little depressed.

Sighed, looked at the East ice son way: "wait for the blood Temple matter to come to an end, I should not be so busy." What he didn't say was that he would be in danger every day when he fell out with the blood temple.

At that time, he will be more busy, busy running for his life!

"This time, it's hard for you," he said

"It's not hard to say, it's also very good here, very quiet, at least not the hypocrisy of Taiyi Xianzong." Dongfang bing'er looked up at Tang long, and his voice was much lighter. There was no trace of cold: "just, there is always something missing you."

"I miss you too!" Tang long held Dongfang bing'er: "don't worry. When things get stable here, I'll take you out of here."

Oriental ice son lightly sighed: "in fact, here, not only I miss you."

Tang long did not speak.

Some things, how can he not know, but these things, he does not know how to deal with, at this time, can only silence, choose silence.

Dongfang bing'er did not continue this topic.

Two people chat at will, Oriental bing'er in Tang Long's arms, feel very satisfied in the heart.

She is not demanding.

She only hopes that her man can be good to herself, which is enough. Tang Long obviously can fully meet her simple requirement.

Even now, Tang Long is really busy, really can't accompany her how long, she has been very satisfied.

Most importantly, if she wants to see Tang long, she will always be able to see it.

Looking up at Tang long, he gently asked, "where are you going next?"

"I'm going to Zhenwu." Tang Long said: "there is less than half a year to go to the blood pill feast. In this half year, I hope to be as strong as possible."

After a pause, he said, "Zhenwu is finished. I have to find something."

"Looking for what?"

"Dark yellow floating cloud grass, floating broken dream flowers, falling rain star fruit." Tang Long said: "these three things, although not a miracle drug to enhance strength, are very important to me."

Oriental bing'er got up from Tang Long's arms: "dragon, star fruit in rainy days, I know where there are."

"Oh In Tang Long's eyes, a sudden flash of surprise: "where?"

"Tianquan villa in Tiancheng Dongfang bing'er said: "there is a Yuwen spring in Tianquan villa. In this spring, there is a star tree in rainy days. It is said that this tree will bear fruit once every ten years, but only nine fruits are produced each time."

"Where is Wangtian city?" Tang Long asked.

Dongfang bing'er said: "in the lingxu continent of Jialan Kingdom, Wangtian city is a big city in lingxu continent, which should not be difficult to find."

"In that case, I'll let people see it first!" Tang Longlian was busy.

He hopes to find these three good things as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, she has already contacted Ling Qingyao with huixinmen and intends to ask Ling Qingyao to help her.

Ling Qingyao asked in Tang Long's heart, "dragon, where are you now?"

"I'm in BlackRock, where is ice." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "this period of time, are you busy?"

"I have nothing to do. I'm in Fengtian city these days. I'm with xian'er."

"That's just right!" Tang Long immediately said, "you and xian'er, can you help me to go to lingxu land? I need to get something to go to Tianquan villa."

"What do you want?" asked Ling Qingyao

"Xingguo in rainy days!" Tang Long's voice dropped, pause, continued: "in addition, there are two things, you can also help me pay attention to, that is, xuanhuang floating cloud grass, and floating broken dream flowers.""Well, I'll make a note. We'll start tomorrow."

Tang long thought about it and said, "you can tell Ziyi and queer that you can find the remaining two things in the auction house through the auction line."

"Good." Ling Qingyao answered.

Next, Tang Long is also in the heart, said with the North Palace fairy son.

When Ling Qingyao and Beigong Xianer go to look for Xingguo in rainy days, Tang long can feel at ease. After all, they have a connection with huixinmen. He can go there at any time if there is any situation.

Moreover, the supernatural beasts of Ling Qingyao and Beigong Xianer were promoted to the level of eight sacred beasts by Tang long.

Their strength, has also been very strong!

Before that, Tang Long gave them Hunyuan tianlingdan, and then he used the technique of ascending to heaven to enhance their strength. At this time, their strength also soared in terror!

The strength of Beigong Xianer has reached the triple realm of Shenwu!

And Ling Qingyao's strength is even stronger, has reached the level of the five levels of Shenwu.

Their strength at this time has been regarded as the absolute strong in the Jialan circle. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for them to meet their opponents.

Of course, if you meet the people of the blood temple, Ling Qingyao and her must be careful.

Tang Long arranged this matter in his heart, and immediately felt a lot relaxed. Next, as long as he solved the matter of tianhunzong, he could rest assured and wait for the blood god hall to attend the blood pill feast.

Of course, he did not forget that he should try to find out the whereabouts of Xuanji Hongmeng cave.

Holding Dongfang binger in her arms, Tang Long leaned to her ear and said, "binger, do we have to do a very important thing this evening?"

Dongfang bing'er asked curiously, "what are we going to do?"

At this time, Tang Long was no longer serious about what he had said before. He looked at Dongfang bing'er with a smile. In his smile, he was obviously greedy: "in fact, I have coveted my family's bing'er for a long time. You know, you are born with some beauty. In my heart, I can't resist it!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er suddenly felt that his whole body was on fire! , the fastest update of the webnovel!